My Career as an Accountant.

A hypertext narrative by

Ailo Roche

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3026

Choice count: 53

Section count: 38

Image count: 37

Error count: 22

Field Related Analysis

Education : 142 matches

(behavior, choice, class, classes, college, compensation, courses, don, down, exam, field, field of study, first, grades, high school, kindergarten, knowledge, learn, learned, learning, management, professionalism, reader, school, senior, skills, teach, test, trainee, training, university)

Business : 44 matches

(abilities, administration, balance, bankrupt, business, company, consultant, customer, customers, economy, efficient, employee, factory, financial, firm, gain, investment, liabilities, management, manager, money, offer, office, products, senior, service, store, trainee)

Archaeology : 43 matches

(bit, citizen, class, dating, economy, her, here, keep, mba, re, section, study, tell, thing, till)

Target Structure: (37 matches)

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

compensation (1 match)

dead-end job (3 matches)

deter (1 match)

deterred (1 match)

dreaded (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

hindered (1 match)

hr (4 matches)

if I were you (2 matches)

intern (4 matches)

internship (2 matches)

interns (2 matches)

internships (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (2 matches)

maddening (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

compensation packages (1 match)

pensions (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

recipients (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

wage (1 match)

withheld (1 match)

assets (1 match)

volunteer (1 match)

volunteering (4 matches)

abroad (3 matches)


My Career as an Accountant.

A new begging after high school.

I am almost at the end of my senior year of high school, and I don't know what to do after graduating. Since I really like finance, I am thinking about going to an administration program. However, my fifth year in high school is a nightmare and a maddening adventure that makes me feel uncertain if I really like school or if I even want to continue school. That is why I am thinking about taking a year off before college and if I ever want to sign up for college.

Choice 1 : Taking a year off after highschool.

Choice 2 : Sign up for college.

High school

Taking a year off after highschool.

It has now been two months after the summer vacancy that I'm off school. I spend most of my days binge-watching TV shows and movies locked up in my room. There are not many things to do when most of your friends are at school. My parents don't like that. If I'm not going to school, they at least want me to get a job and put aside my laziness.

Choice 1 : Get a job.

Choice 2 : Stay lazy.

messy bedroom

Sign up for college.

Considering I don't want to spend too much time at school, I am thinking about going to management and accounting techniques in my dream college, Lasalle. However, one of my childhood friends is going to Montmorency College. I don't know if I should go to my dream job or have fun with my friend in Montmorency.

Choice 1 : Your dream college.

Choice 2 : Have fun with my friend.


Get a job.

I postulated for multiple jobs and only one called me back, so I am now a cashier in an IGA. It's okay, I make minimum wage, and I work 30 hours a week. At first, it was cool learning new skills and adapting yourself but now that I have been here for one year I kind of feel alienated. Scanning multiple products for hours can get a little boring. Because of that, I thought it was now time for me to go back to school. Unexpectedly, one day after work, the manager and the boss asked me if I wanted to take a formation to be a supervisor because they thought I had good potential.

Choice 1 : Accept the formation to be a supervisor.

Choice 2 : Let's just stay a cashier.


Stay lazy.

I decided to not get. For the past couple months i have been doing the same thing: eat, sleep and binge watching tv shows. My parents don't like that, they hate seeing me like that, and they keep complaining. I have had enough of them talking bad about me. That is it, I'm going to run away. where should I go?

Choice 1 : Start a new life in a new city.

Choice 2 : Go to m friend's house.

Parents arguing with daughter

Your dream college.

I'm in love with this place. People here have a great sense of fashion! I was able to pull off straight As in most of my courses. I love Accounting classes and learning how to do balance sheets, assets, and liabilities. Three years later, I'm almost done with college, I just have one session left to do. I have to think about the internship that I want to go to. This college made me love fashion so much That I want to go in an internship involved with fashion if possible.

Choice 1 : Financial Planning & Analysis intern job for Air Miles in Ontario.

Choice 2 : Investment consultant (fashion) for first citizen bank in Charlotte, NC, U.S.

College LaSalle

Have fun with my friend.

I maybe should have not gone to Montmorency College just to be with my friend. She is so annoying and so not serious with the school. All she thinks about is partying and going out, but I absolutely cannot do everything she wants. In order to have good grades, I need thorough studies, and I already do not have good grades. My time management is so hard that I don't sleep much to insure my excellency in my technique. She is in my management class, and I can't stand her when she talks about her crazy adventures at parties. There she is asking me to go out again this weekend. Already that I have a stressful exam next week, I do not have time for her to hang out.

Choice 1 : Accept the invitation.

Choice 2 : Refuse the invitation.


Accept the formation to be a supervisor.

Although I accepted to be a supervisor, I still went back to school, and it's hard. However, I do like to be occupied. I am in my month trainee of being a supervisor, and I love it. I love the dive of work, especially when the supermarket is in a rush. The formation is opening my eyes to how a business like this field of work is. My college technique is about accounting and managing business and being a supervisor touches on some of the economic parts of my field of study. What I learned in school even helps me to be more efficient in my work like customer service. Maybe, I should stop school and be more focused to become a supervisor.

Choice 1 : Continue School while working.

Choice 2 : Stop school to become full time supervisor.

Supervisor icon

Let's just stay a cashier.

I regretted my decision of declining the offer of being a supervisor. Despite that, I stayed and I worked hard to save up money. I don't want to college anymore. Instead, I want to travel and do something fun for once.

Choice 1 : Volunteering abroad.

Choice 2 : Do a road trip in U.S.A.


Start a new life in a new city.

I took the subway to move to Montreal. I had nowhere to stay until I met new friends in a bar. Since then, we became buddies, but they were very bad influences. They introduced me to stealing and drugs. This leaves me now to be a homeless person. (you stayed a homeless person begging for money in the metro till the day you died).

Choice 1 : Start again

Homeless person

Go to m friend's house.

I went to see my friend, and he did not approve my decision. He said, " You're being childish". Anyway, I don't even need him!

Choice 1 : Find somewhere else to stay.

Choice 2 : Go back to your parent's house.


Financial Planning & Analysis intern job for Air Miles in Ontario.

Since this company is known to take a lot of interns, it was really easy to get in. They accepted me right away! As I went on my first day as an intern, I got to meet my new coworkers who also some of them happened to be freshly new interns like me. Also, I got to learn the ropes of the jobs. It has been two weeks, and I met this really cute guy, he has been working there for pretty much 3 years. He asked me on a date. Should I keep it professional or risk it?

Choice 1 : Risk it all!

Choice 2 : Do not risk it all!

Air Miles

Investment consultant (fashion) for first citizen bank in Charlotte, NC, U.S.

At first, I was scared it would be too overwhelming with my studies, but I knew it was a good way to get a foot in the door. I was hoping that it would come in handy for me in the future. Being an intern as an accountant helped me to test drive my interests and my abilities. Unfortunately, my colleagues are mean, and I am in office politics where they would undermine my hard work to get to my position. Strangely, one day one of my mean coworkers friendly asked me during break time, what should she wear for a party. I responded if I were you...

Choice 1 : I wouldn't wear anything, nothing would look good.

Choice 2 : A long dress would suit your body.

First citizen bank

Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Accept the invitation.

I think it was the best decision ever! Going out helped me to relax and give some breaks to my brain. I also happened to do so well in my exam. I have learned that taking some time for yourself is important for great success. When I implanted that in my study plans, I have gotten better grades. I managed to get scholarships for university, and now I'm a chief accountant.

Choice 1 : Start again

Chief accountant

Refuse the invitation.

I just woke up, and I feel like I have slept too much. I must have slept while I was studying. My body must have been too tired to stay awake. I have my exam at 9 a.m., I hope I didn't wake up late, I studied so hard this weekend for this exam. (As you look through your phone, you see that you have missed your exam. You get discouraged, get bad grades, drop out of college and end up working on a dead-end job for the rest of your life.).

Choice 1 : Start again

Waking up late cartoon

Continue School while working.

I graduated from Montmorency College with management accounting techniques while still being a supervisor at IGA. My boss was actually looking for a new accountant since the one they have is going to retire soon.

Choice 1 : Become the account of the IGA.

Choice 2 : Do not become accountant of your IGA.


Stop school to become full time supervisor.

(Everything was going well for a couple of months until IGA went bankrupt. The grocery store closed down, and you lost your job. Fortunately, you found a new job in super C and became a manager because of your expertise.).

Choice 1 : Start again

Super C

Volunteering abroad.

I volunteered in Les Cayes, a small city situated in the south of Haiti, and I helped to teach kindergarten kids. At first, I was skeptical about volunteering because I was thinking about all the disadvantages like the expensive tickets, the challenging work, the cultural differences, and many other things I was worrying about. However, I was tired of that dead-end job doing the same things over. I love this place I want to stay in here.

Choice 1 : Stay in Les Cayes.

Choice 2 : Do not stay in Les Cayes.

School in haiti

Do a road trip in U.S.A.

Two years later, I was finally able to do a road trip with my friends. I was supposed to do 5 months, but I stayed because I found the love of my life. I am now married with 2 kids in California. Life is good.

Choice 1 : Start again

Road trip

Find somewhere else to stay.

(As you were walking in the street to find another place to stay, you crossed the road without carefully looking. Suddenly, you got hit by a car. You die.).

Choice 1 : Start again

Car going fast

Go back to your parent's house.

My parents were so angry at me for doing a stupid move like that. They really want me to do something in my life.

Write a choice here.

Parent argumenting with daughter

Risk it all!

The date went really well, we laughed a lot, and I've got to learn a lot about him! As the time passed by we got to know each even more, and got attached a lot. One day, he asked me to be his boyfriend in my office. He was not careful, someone could have heard him. I told him to give me some time to think about it. Then, I asked one of my good coworkers for some advice. I asked her "If you were me what would you do" She simply responded to me...

Choice 1 :

Choice 2 :

Romantic diner

Do not risk it all!

I said, "No I don't think I'd feel comfortable dating my coworker. We should keep it professional and simply not date." However, he would continue to flirt with me, and he flirted a lot even too much I would add. After a while, it became way more serious than a flirting game: he was acting as if we were together. Not only his behavior would deter me from going to work but my anxiety was deterred when he would touch me in places that I had never given him consent. I do not want to have too much attention, so I don't know if I should tell my boss or keep it for myself.

Choice 1 : Keep it for yourself.

Choice 2 : Tell it to the boss.

Sexual harassment

I wouldn't wear anything, nothing would look good.

She got really mad, but I didn't care, because she made my work a living hell. (You have been fired by the boss. Your mean coworker managed to convince the boss to fire you out of revenge.).

Choice 1 : Start again


A long dress would suit your body.

She eventually agreed. Then, we became friends, and I thought she had changed until I saw how she was treating her other coworkers. I had to do something, so I told the boss. He agreed she could be a little bit meanly, and because of her many people would ask some for a leave of absence. He explained to me that she was the best employee. Then, he proceeded to ask me "what should I do." So, I to tell him " If I were you, I would...

Choice 1 : fire her

Choice 2 : Come up with a HR department


Become the account of the IGA.

I accepted to be the accountant of IGA. A couple of weeks later, they gave me training, then there I was the accountant of the IGA I used to be a cashier. Even though I was, and I had a post I wanted to gain more knowledge, so I went to university to do an MBA, then I managed to be a Chief accountant. I am really happy with my decision and how far I have come.

Choice 1 : Start again


Do not become accountant of your IGA.

You stay the supervisor of your IGA. You keep a good relationship with your, loyal customers and your coworkers. You still think about what could have happened if you ever accepted to be an accountant at the IGA.

Choice 1 : Start again


Stay in Les Cayes.

You become wise and you are at your happiest. Volunteering changed you forever. You are forever thankful for the knowledge that makes you the person that you are now.

Choice 1 : Start again

volunteering abroad

Do not stay in Les Cayes.

You go back to Canada you gained a lot of knowledge and that actually highlighted you for internships and even on OJT. Eventually, I went on with my life, and go work at an accounting firm. Once every 2 years, I liked to volunteer abroad somewhere different each time. That kept me humble, I did that until I retire at 68 years old.

Choice 1 : Start again

Happy person

Go to school.

Thanks to my studies I was able to get out of my parent's house. At forty years old, I was able to buy a new company of shoe factory. Because of my expertise, the factory's economy got better.

Choice 1 : Start again

Shoe factory

Don't do anything.

(You got a dead-end job that got you alienated, and you still live in your parent's basement at 38.).

Choice 1 : Start again

Parent's basement

fire her"

He did not approve, the mean coworker continued to be mean, and I stopped being friends with her. Now I will not be hindered, withheld nor will I let myself get sucked up in any drama.

Choice 1 : Start again

inhale emoji

Come up with a HR department"

My boss listened to me and hired an HR department. They first talked to the mean coworker, so she could leave this nasty attitude of her, and it worked. They took charge of the hires which was so beneficial. Before hiring someone new, the HR would do a background check just to make they were really made for the job. They would also take charge of the compensation packages, vacations, pensions, and employee package. HR was and is a big benefit for the company. For instance, whenever there was a leave of absence there were enough employees to replace them. For this great idea, the boss made me the manager of the company.

Choice 1 : Start again


"I would be grateful someone liked me for once."

When she said that, I could see her true colors. She was so jealous, that I couldn't keep being friends with her. I didn't date to keep professionalism. In the end, she dated him. I hate her!

Choice 1 : Start again

couple at work

"Just date him if you really like him."

That's what I did. I accepted to be his girlfriend. We got married, got kids, and all that by keeping professionalism. I am so happy with my decision.

Choice 1 : Start again


Keep it for yourself.

This tiredness that would weigh on my back of feeling dreaded made me quit my job with that heavy secret in me. To this day, the idea of not having exposed him to my work dissuades me from getting another job, because I’m scared the same things will happen. However, the way my story ended doesn’t have and should not be the way every sexual assault story should end. Recipients of sexual assault should not even experience it. Bosses should establish more systems so like that workplaces should be free of perpetrators.

Choice 1 : Start again

someone crying

Tell it to the boss.

Once I told everything, I felt so much better. He got fired, and I could finally go to work without stress. I am thankful for my friends that supported me and for my bravery to be able to exposing the one who hurt me.

Choice 1 : Start again

feel free