Nursing Program.

A hypertext narrative by

Bianca Fortin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1678

Choice count: 66

Section count: 43

Image count: 43

Error count: 15

Field Related Analysis

Education : 93 matches

(choice, college, courses, degree, don, evaluated, first, grade, head, high school, internal, learn, level, management, options, p, school, skills, trainee, training)

Paramedics : 82 matches

(911, bleeding, calls, depression, doctor, emergency, emergency room, haemorrhage, hospital, level, medication, medicine, nurse, nursing, pain, patient, patients, pediatric, personnel, profession, shift, skills, sleep, surgery, trainee, vital signs)

Food and catering : 47 matches

(eat, express, night, options, plate, prepared, scene)

Target Structure: (9 matches)

alienation (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

cursory (1 match)

if I were you (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)


Nursing Program.

Start at the beginning.

It was the end of high school. I wasn't sure what to do next.

Choice 1 : Apply to Montmorency College and study Nursing.

Choice 2 : Apply to Terrebonne College and study Psychology Science.

Montmorency College

What should I do?

I decided to go to Montmorency. I didn't get straight A's. In some of my courses, I did cursory job. But because of my time management skills, I was able to pull off a passing grade in all of my courses. After 3 years, I graduated from Nursing Program. Now, I can apply for a job that will lead me to a career as a nurse. However, two choices were available to me.

Choice 1 : Apply to work as an emergency nurse at the Laval hospital.

Choice 2 : Apply to the Montreal hospital and become a pediatric nurse.


Scene 1.

As a nurse, I work in the emergency room. It has always been my dream to work for Cité de la santé in Laval. I am now officially a trainee, and I am doing my on-the-job training so that I can learn ropes.My first shift as a nurse, I'm assigned to either an intracranial haemorrhage or a patient with abdominal peritonitis.

Choice 1 : Internal bleeding.

Choice 2 : Abdominal peritonitis

Medical complications.

Scene 2.

The patient is in a state of hypovolemia. At the level of the brain, the consequences are severe.

Choice 1 : Inform the doctor.

Choice 2 : Give mannitol, a medication used to minimise brain swelling.


Scene 3.

By the time the doctor calls, the patient has died.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 4.

You go to the pharmacy to get the medication. You offer it to him in the form of a mini-infuser. You have to wait 20 minutes. Your patient is feeling a lot better, and his vital signs are holding steady.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 5.

Today I collaborate with a nurse. The patient is pale, has 10/10 stomach pain, and a 39.5-degree temperature, but I don't get along with her very well. The communication is poor, and we disagree on how to handle our patient.

Choice 1 : Continue to argue.

Choice 2 : Give him antibiotics via IV as directed by the doctor.

Choice 3 : Give him tylenol to lower his temperature.


Scene 6.

Because you did not assist him, your patient is having a seizure. The drive of the work is not too challenging for you. Your errors are corrected by the head nurse.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 7.

Your patient's fever is reducing, and he isn't as pale as before. It was the best decision I could have made. So you resolve to address his second most pressing issue: his pain. You give him 2 mg of Hydromorphone.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 8.

The patient is improving, although he stays extremely unstable. You should have chosen a different decision.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 9.

Working in the emergency room was not for me.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 10.

I went with the second of the two possibilities. I am now a pediatric nurse. This profession necessitates long hours and a strong sense of patience. Fortunately, everything I learnt from living in a house with four sisters will come in handy.After a rough first day at work marked by alienation, my manager approached me for advice, knowing that I had previously worked in the emergency room. I said, "If I were you, I would..."

Choice 1 : I'll experiment with different departments to see what I like.

Choice 2 : I will stay, because I have been working there for a long time.


Scene 11.

She left, and they asked you to be the boss.

Choice 1 : I say yes.

Choice 2 : I say no.


Scene 12.

I don't feel well. I've got a lot on my plate. I no longer sleep or eat because of the stress of my job.

Choice 1 : I stay.

Choice 2 : I leave.


Scene 13.

You've been sick because you've been so tired at work.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 14.

You have decided to change programs and go back to school. Nursing wasn't for you.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 15.

Your boss has decided to stay. You've become one of his close associates. You work well together and make an excellent team. You're at work today; she assigned you five patients and one you must prepare for surgery.

Choice 1 : You concentrate on him and the preparations you need to make before his operation at 3:30 p.m.

Choice 2 : You concentrate on the other five patients.


Scene 16.

I've prepared everything for my patient to enter the surgery room. I gave him a veined access, a solution bag, and his medications. He's ready to go. It is now 3:30 p.m.

Choice 1 : I released him.

Choice 2 : Before he goes, I double-check everything.


Scene 18.

Because you put the other patients before him, you gave the wrong bag of fluid, he died. Your boss fires you.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 19.

You realized the IV bag was the wrong one. You don't want to work with children anymore. It causes you too much stress.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 20.

I finally went to Terrebonne College and study Psychology Science.

Choice 1 : I get hired in Montreal.

Choice 2 : On the street, I come across a person who has biopolar disorder.


Scene 21.

I love my job! It is really made for me. I like to help people and to have a good satisfaction at the end of the day.

Choice 1 : On my way for my third day of work.

Choice 2 : I take a day off.


Scene 22.

While you were going around to the patients and giving them medicine. One of your patients punches you in the face.

Choice 1 : I file legal action against the hospital.

Choice 2 : I quit my job and return to school.


Scene 23.

Unfortunately, you were defeated by the hospital.

Choice 1 : I decide to express my apologies to the hospital.

Choice 2 : I take my own life.


Scene 24.

You apologized, but they don't want you anymore.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 25.

You committed suicide using a rope in your backyard. In any case, you didn't have anyone in your life. You had nothing set aside for the future.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 26.

My boss didn't appreciate my phone called to say I was ''sick'', but it's now too late. Let's enjoy the day!

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 27.

He was shouting that he had ants all over his body, despite the fact that he didn't.

Choice 1 : Call 911.

Choice 2 : Continue the conversation.


Scene 28.

The cops showed up. He places the patient in handcuffs and transports him to the hospital.

Choice 1 : Inquire if you are allowed to accompany them.

Choice 2 : Keep a close eye on the cops.


Scene 29.

The cops do not want you to come.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 30.

The cops found out that I followed them to the hospital. The cops present me with two options. I either stop following them or they take me to the hospital to see a therapist.

Choice 1 : I'm still following cops.

Choice 2 : I went back home.


Scene 31.

You are arrested and taken to the hospital by the police. The psychiatrist realizes you've been diagnosed with manic depression.

Choice 1 : I'll be in the hospital for three months.

Choice 2 : Because I have the legal right to be evaluated by two psychiatrists, I choose to be diagnosed by another psychiatrist.


Scene 32.

You stayed in the hospital, but your situation isn't improving. You've developed a slew of mental issues.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 33.

The other psychiatrist thinks you should be discharged from the hospital but begin taking antidepressant medication.

Choice 1 : I take the meds as prescribed.

Choice 2 : I'm staying in the hospital because I refuse to take any meds.


Scene 34.

You are admitted to the hospital, but a patient enters your room during the night and begins stabbing you.

Choice 1 : I yell and defend myself in order for security to come and save me.

Choice 2 : I remain motionless and allow myself to be stabbed.


Scene 35.

You passed away in a hospital bed.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 36.

The security personnel didn't show up on time. You passed away in a hospital bed.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 37.

The medication works well! I feel better, but I always want to sleep and am no longer able to operate normally.

Choice 1 : I'm going to put my academics on hold and embark on a solo journey.

Choice 2 : Request a different type of medication.


Scene 38.

Medication is still ineffective. I cut myself off from my friends and family.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 39.

I travelled to Cuba and met a man at a hotel.

Choice 1 : I accompany him to his room.

Choice 2 : I stay at the hotel.


Scene 40.

He kidnapped me when I went with him.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 41.

After three months in Cuba, I was exhausted. I'd like to return to school.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Scene 43.

By asking him questions, I noticed that he was strange, and he asked me to follow him. I've decided that this is not a good idea.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
