My future careers in the field of travel.

A hypertext narrative by

Janie Sanscartier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 825

Choice count: 13

Section count: 9

Image count: 9

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 62 matches

(choice, classes, college, field, first, graduate, knowledge, learn, learning, management, pilot, register, school, student, university)

Tourism : 21 matches

(agency, air, airline, destination, destination representative, field, hotel)

Law : 13 matches

(agency, house, information, living, minutes, offer, profession, register)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

came in handy (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

intern (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

learning the ropes (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

volunteer (1 match)

volunteering (1 match)


My future careers in the field of travel.

It starts like this.

I am a student currently studying in the Tourism program at Montmorency College and I still have four semesters to do before I finish the technique. For some time, I have been wondering if I should finish my studies in this field or travel and learn from the experiences I will have?

Choice 1 : Continue school and finish the technique.

Choice 2 : Stop school and travel.

Montmorency College

Continue school and finish the technique.

I finally chose to continue my studies, and now I have finished them. I am finally ready to put a foot in the door in the field of tourism. Despite everything, I am still hesitant about my future. Should I put aside my desire to pursue my graduate studies at university or should I apply to Air Canada where I could do the job of my dreams, which is to become an airline pilot?

Choice 1 : Go to university in a Tourism program.

Choice 2 : Apply at Air Canada.


Stop school and travel.

I decided to travel and live a lot of new experiences that would not happen to me if I stayed at school. During my travels, I decided to stay in the Dominican Republic and volunteer to help people in need. This job didn't offer a wage, but I didn't mind, as it was an invaluable experience for me. After a few months of volunteering, I thought it would be good to go home and continue my studies.

Choice 1 : Continue school and finish the technique.


Go to university in a Tourism program.

I chose to go to university, and I am happy with my choice. I have always loved going to school, to learn and to meet new people. I must then decide in which university I will enroll. Should I register at the University of Quebec which is located a few minutes from my home or register at the University of Angers which is located in France? This choice would imply that I move to my aunt's house in France.

Choice 1 : Register at the University of Angers.

Choice 2 : Register at the University of Quebec.

University of Angers

Apply at Air Canada.

I'm so happy with my choice. I was first hired as an intern. I started learning the ropes, I was overwhelmed with all the new information I was learning every day. Over time, all this new knowledge came in handy. After 6 months working for Air Canada, I became an airline pilot, but at that time another job opportunity presented itself to me. I now had the choice of pursuing my career as an airline pilot or becoming a destination travel representative. This job consists of living in another country and representing the company, informing tourists about the different possible activities there. This implies that I have to move.

Choice 1 : Continue as an airline pilot.

Choice 2 : Become a Destination Travel Representative.

Air Canada

Register at the University of Angers.

I finally chose the University of Angers, after thoughtful thinking, and was admitted. It's been three years now, I finally graduated from college. I decided to stay in France and make a career there. I am now a receptionist in a very prestigious hotel. I am proud of the choices that I have made during my life, otherwise without that, I would not have gone there.

Choice 1 : It starts like this.

University of Angers

Register at the University of Quebec.

I finally chose to go to the University of Quebec, and I was admitted there. I started classes two months ago, and I'm very proud of myself, because despite the difficulties, I'm getting there, thanks to my good time management. It has now been three years later, I have completed and graduated from college. I started a job in a travel agency, and I have a good salary which offers a premium wage. Since my beginnings, I have been able to know the ins and outs of the profession. I'm happy with the choices I made, and I'm sure the future will bring me great opportunities.

Choice 1 : It starts like this.

University of Québec

Continue as an airline pilot.

I finally decided to follow my heart and pursue my initial choice to become an airline pilot. So, I will travel around the world and finish my career at Air Canada. I've made some very good decisions over the past few years because they led me to this amazing job.

Choice 1 : It starts like this.

Airline pilot

Become a Destination Travel Representative.

I decided to pursue a career as a destination representative, and I am happy with my choice. This job will allow me to discover and live in a country that I might not have been to if I had not had this job offer. I'm proud of the choices I made because they got me this far.

Choice 1 : It starts like this.

Destination Travel Representative