My Career as a Nurse.

A hypertext narrative by

Marianne Ferland

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1713

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 9

Field Related Analysis

Education : 101 matches

(assignment, choice, class, classes, college, don, exam, fail, failed, field, field of study, first, general, guidance, guidance counselor, homework, learn, management, school, score, semester, student, students, teacher, teachers, test, trainee, unit, university, work experience)

Paramedics : 87 matches

(911, adrenaline, allergy, anaphylactic shock, angina, bandage, blood pressure, breathing, chest, chest pain, cold, depression, drug, ecg, emergency, epinephrine, ethics, health, heart, hospital, injection, medication, medicine, nitroglycerin, nurse, nursing, pain, paramedic, patient, pediatric, pressure, pulse, respiratory, shock, tachycardia, trainee, treatment, unit, vital signs, wound, paramedics)

Nursing : 44 matches

(adrenaline, allergy, angina, b.d., bandage, blood pressure, blood test, breathing, burn, chemistry, chest, clinic, cold, compress, consent, cream, depression, drug, electrocardiogram, epinephrine, ethics, health, heart, hospital, injection, lingual)

Target Structure: (18 matches)

drawback (1 match)

if I were you (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (7 matches)

interns (2 matches)

internships (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (3 matches)


My Career as a Nurse.

In the beginning of college.

I am in the Applied and Pure Sciences program at Montmorency College in Laval. It's my eighth week of class but the program seems too difficult and general to me. I feel demotivated by a lack of interest in my classes, so I decide to go see the Application Programming Interface (API). A guidance counselor suggests I apply in a technique to have OJT and work experience. Among these, the Nursing technique attracts my attention and seems like a good idea. Though, just before leaving, the counselor says : "If I were you, I would stay in your program because it will give you more career choices for university." I have an important decision to make.

Choice 1 : Stay in the Applied and Pure Sciences program and see what happens.

Choice 2 : Change for the Nursing program.

guidance counselor with student

Stay in the Applied and Pure Sciences program.

More often than not, especially in Chemistry and Physics classes, I don't listen to my teachers and put aside my homework. In fact, it seems unnecessary to do it because I don't see the purpose of all these years of study. This morning I have an important Chemistry lab that is worth 30% of my session. The teacher had asked us to do a lab health and safety assignment, but I didn't do it. I don't know if I go to my exam.

Choice 1 : Go to my chemical laboratory.

Choice 2 : Don't go to my exam.


Ask if the parent has an Epipen auto-injector.

Luckily, the child always brings his Epipen with him because he has an important peanut allergy. His father administrates the adrenaline, and at the same time, the teacher arrives in the room. The allergic reaction gradually decreases and the paramedics arrive at the clinic. The situation is in control and the teacher is very proud of us. THE END.

Choice 1 : Try again


An internship in cardiology.

On my first day as an intern, my teacher gives me a patient with a history of chest pain waiting for an electrocardiogram (ECG). I take a blood test for analytic and help him for a walk in the corridor. He suddenly stops and brings his hand to his heart. He has difficulty breathing and his face is tense. I immediately think to an angina pectoris. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Give him Morphine to relieve his pain.

Choice 2 : Sit the patient on a chair and take his vital signs first.

Choice 3 : Give him Nitroglycerin in spray next to his bed.

angina pectoris

Change for the Nursing program.

I have too much work to do with school and my job. I don't want to put aside my job and the time with my friends because they help me to change my mind out of my homework. Maybe that reduce my schedule by extending my technique is a good idea to let me more time free. From another point of view, I always passed my semester in the past without paying attention to my time management. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Reduce my session schedule by extending one more year.

Choice 2 : Continue in this way and hope that everything will be fine.

overload of work

Reduce my session schedule by extending one more year.

The first year in Nursing goes well. I learn the ropes of the nursing career to prepare me for the next internships at the hospital. For my third semester, the program offers me to do an internship in cardiology, medicine or pediatric unit.

Choice 1 : An internship in cardiology.

Choice 2 : An internship in vaccination

nurse student

Continue in this way and hope that everything will be fine.

I feel exhausted by the workload. I don't have enough time to see my friends, which is very demotivating in a difficult program as Nursing. I need to change my plans.

Choice 1 : Reduce my session schedule by extending one more year.

Choice 2 : Leave school for a minimum wage job.


Go to my chemical laboratory.

I go to my chemical laboratory because I want to have a good R-score for university. Only after two minutes, I realize that I don't understand. I look around me and try to replicate what other students are doing. Unsure what to do, I mix two products next to me in an Erlenmeyer flask and the mixture ignites. Looking at my right hand, I see that it is burned. I immediately go to the hospital to get treatment.

Choice 1 : Go to the hospital.

chemistry accident

Don't go to my exam.

I lost 30% of my session. It's the beginning of a series of other failed or incomplete tests. After the semester, I leave to work in a McDonalds where the work conditions are bad. I spend the rest of my life as a cashier. GAME OVER.

Choice 1 : Try again


Go to the hospital.

At the emergency, a nurse cleans my wound many times and applies cream to relieve the pain of the burn. Then, he took a bandage and wrapped it around my hand. At the same time, I am looking at his technique and starting to speak with him of the Nursing career. He tells me he is a trainee himself, and he loves this field of study. The Nursing program is an enriching and rewarding vocation. However, he tells me that the most important drawback to keep in mind is the mandatory overtime.

Choice 1 : I'm not sure of work conditions, and I don't want to engage me in a new field of study.

Choice 2 : The Nursing career seems for me


I'm not sure of work conditions, and I don't want to engage me in a new field of study.

After the incident, I like sciences less and less. I begin to take an interest in hairdressing which has always been a passion. It seems easy to study in a one-year DEP. I spend the rest of my life in this minimum wage job.

Choice 1 : Try again

Hair salon

An internship in vaccination.

The internship is at the clinic school. I am vaccinating a child and my teacher says that she leaves for a few minutes. During the fifteen minutes of waiting, the child has difficulty breathing, red patches on his face and tachycardia. He looks sleepy, and his father makes me notice it. I immediately think to an anaphylactic shock. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Hope that the reaction will stop by itself.

Choice 2 : Call other interns to help me.

anaphylactic shock

Hope that the reaction will stop by itself.

The patient's health condition goes from bad to worse. His eyes start to swell. I decide to put a cold water compress on his forehead, but nothing changes. After five minutes, the child dies in front of me and no paramedic could help him. GAME OVER.

Choice 1 : Try again

anaphylactic shock

Give him Morphine to relieve his pain.

I prepare the morphine in 2 minutes, and I immediately administrate it to my patient because I judge that it was an emergency situation. After my injection, my teacher comes to see what's going on, and she realizes that I made a big error. She tells me that I have violated the ethics and safety of my patient by administering a drug without consent. Also, she tells me that an opioid can induce a respiratory depression to my patient, and it doesn't have a positive effect on the angina. I am kick out of my program. GAME OVER.

Choice 1 : Try again


Sit the patient on a chair and take his vital signs first.

The pulse rate is at 81 beats per minute, and his blood pressure is at 125/83. The vital signs seem in the normal values. I check with my teacher if I can administrate the nitroglycerin, and I get her confirmation. She tells me that I have a good nursing judgment and that I need to pursuit in this way. I am proud of myself. THE END.

Choice 1 : Try again

Vital signs

Give him Nitroglycerin in spray next to his bed.

I give him the nitroglycerin lingual in spray immediately because I judge that it is an emergency situation. My teacher comes to see what going on, and tells me that I can't administrate drugs alone because it can be dangerous for the health of my patient. The nitroglycerin is the good medication with an angina, but it is very important to check his vital signs, especially his blood pressure. I fail my internship and I have to do it all over again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Nitroglycerin lingual spray

Leave school for a minimum wage job.

I find a job as a waitress at Scores restaurant. When my parents heard the news, they were really disappointed. I realized that this career choice does'nt allow me more time for myself and my future family. I made a bad life choice. GAME OVER.

Choice 1 : Try again

exhausted waitress

Call other interns to help me.

Everybody seems to be confused. I send a student to look for the teacher, and to call 911. A person suggests that I ask if the parent has an Epipen auto-injector with him. An other suggests that we don't try anything without the teacher. It is an emergency situation, and I also think that the child could have serious complications if the epinephrine is not given right now. I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : Ask if the parent has an Epipen auto-injector.

Choice 2 : Don't try anything without the teacher.

Choice 3 : Administrate the adrenaline.


Administrate the adrenaline.

The teacher arrives a few minutes later. She is surprised that I took the risk of administering the medication. Nevertheless, she is proud of me because I didn't make any mistakes in the dosage, and the child feels better. THE END.

Choice 1 : Try again

adrenaline injection

Don't try anything without the teacher.

The patient's health condition goes from bad to worse. His eyes start to swell. I decide to put a cold water compress on his forehead, but nothing changes. After five minutes, the child dies in front of me. GAME OVER.

Choice 1 : Try again

anaphylactic shock