
A hypertext narrative by

Marie-Pier Carrier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1398

Choice count: 31

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis

Education : 81 matches

(choice, class, college, deliver, don, education, exam, first, grade, grades, homework, school, social, teacher, test, university)

Archaeology : 27 matches

(class, close, control, dating, forest, her, here, hide, plan, study, thing)

Food and catering : 24 matches

(bar, boxes, cafe, cats, deliver, delivery, fast, happy, party, prepared, restaurant, tonight)

Target Structure: (0 matches)



The beginning.

I am studying at Thetford College in Social Science in the psychology profile. University is arriving faster than I imagined. Indeed, next year, I will have to choose where I want to go, and I am still confused. I hesitate between the University of Sherbrooke and Laval University, in psycho education.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : Go to Laval University.

Thetford College

Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

I am very happy I have enrolled at the University of Sherbrooke.It's not a huge university, so it's a lot easier to make new friends. I live in an apartment with two people: Mya and Oliver. They became two of my best friends very quickly. Oliver invited me to a party so that I can meet more people. The thing is I have a lot of homework to do. A choice is facing me. Go to that party and make some new friends or do my homework and have the best grade possible.

Choice 1 : Go to the party.

Choice 2 : Stay at home to study.

Sherbrooke University

Go to the party.

Going to the party was really fun! I met a lot of people, and I ended up kissing Oliver. I don't know if it is awkward now. I have a test today, and I am not ready at all. It's my first test, and I want to make a good impression to the teacher. Should I cheat during the test or bear the responsibility for my bad grade?

Choice 1 : Cheat during my test

Choice 2 : Bear the responsability for my bad grade

The Party

Stay at home to study.

When I told Oliver, he was mad at me. It seemed to be important for him, but I am not here to party. He told me I was boring, and left. I am really upset. Should I stay friend with him or not?

Choice 1 : To stay friends with Oliver.

Choice 2 : Don't stay friend with Oliver


Cheat during my test.

I cheated and my teacher caught me! He suspended me, and I am now obligated to go to another university.

Choice 1 : Choose another university


Bear the responsibility for my bad grade.

I passed my exam! How is that even possible? After the class, the teacher went to my desk and told me he changed my grad to have me pass. I was confused. He also said that I should go to his place to thank him. This is weird and not normal... right? What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go see the director.

Choice 2 : Go to my teacher's place.

good grade

To stay friends with Oliver.

I really don't want to lose him for a little fight. I think I have a crush on him. I agree that I should have more fun and not always studying. Does he still want me to hang out with him? What should I do?

Choice 1 : Invite him on a date.

Choice 2 : Do nothing and wait for him to talk to me.


Don't stay friends with Oliver.

He was interesting, but if he couldn't understand my choice, I'll find someone else who can. However, I will follow his advice and go out more. Should I install a dating application or go to the bar tonight?

Choice 1 : Install a dating application.

Choice 2 : Go to the bar.

not friends anymore

To go see the director.

I explained everything to the director, and he fired the teacher. After that event, I studied hard on every test. Oliver and I started dating and after we both got our master, we got married and lived happily.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Invite him on a date.

I explained to him why it was important for me to have good grades, and I told him my feelings for him. He said that he was feeling the same for me. That was one of the happiest days of my life. We finished our master, and then we got married and lived happily.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Do nothing and wait for him to talk to me.

He never talked to me again and my mental health was not good because I didn't have enough social interactions. I dropped out of school to take care of myself.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Bad mental health

Go to my teacher's place.

I was curious so I accepted the invitation. He was acting very weird with me. Some minutes later, he tried to kiss me, and he started to cuddle me. I freaked out and ran out. I was traumatized, and I didn't want to see him again, so I dropped out of school.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Install a dating application.

I started talking to a handsome boy, and he invited me to a restaurant. When I arrived, it was not the same person at all! He was like 40 years old. At this moment I told myself that I would stay single my whole life and focus on school. I finished my master, became a psycho educator and lived happily with my four cats.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Go to the bar.

When I entered the bar, I immediately spotted Oliver and his friends. We talked a lot and danced together. We realized that we were meant for each other. We finished university and both became psycho educators. We decided to get married and have kids. He is the love of my life!

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Go to Laval University.

I am very happy I have enrolled at the Laval University in psycho education. It's a big university, so it's a harder to make new friends. I live in very small and costly apartment with a roommate. Her name is Lea. I am trying to be her friend, but she is not a social person. Also, I hate the traffic here, so I am always taking the bus. The university prepared an event for the beginning of school. Should I go even if I have no friends, or should I go at a cafe alone?

Choice 1 : Go to the event even if I have no friends.

Choice 2 : Go in a cafe alone.

Laval University

Go to the event even if I have no friends.

Once I arrived, I didn't really know where to go. A girl, Aly, started talking to me, and she presented me all of her friends. They seemed nice! I enjoy the afternoon with them. Aly invited me to come to her apartment for a sleepover. Should I accept or go home because I am tired?

Choice 1 : Go to her place.

Choice 2 : Go home.

The event

Go in a cafe alone.

It became the place I was studying every day. I didn't make any friends, but I graduated after five years, and I did my dream job where I met some incredible co-workers!

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Go to her place.

She told me she needed help with something at her friend's apartment. When we arrived, she explained to me that in those boxes, there were drugs and if we don't deliver it tonight, we are both dead. I started freaking out. Should I try to run away or help her?

Choice 1 : Run away.

Choice 2 : Help her.


Go home.

I went home and live my normal life. I even became best friends with my roommate, and we graduated together five years later. Funny how people who are the complete opposite can become that close!

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Run away.

I started running as fast I could. I hide in a forest, and I called the police to explain to them the situation. The police took the control and thanked me. I didn't want to see her or her friends ever again, so I decided to change university.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Running away

Help her.

I decided to stay to help her so we could leave as soon as possible. When we arrived at the delivery place, police officers were waiting for us. The plan didn't go as it was supposed to be. At this moment, I realized my career and a part of my life was over. We both ended up in jail for 10 years! That was the worst mistake of my life.

Choice 1 : The beginning.
