My story

A hypertext narrative by

Camille Paré

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 986

Choice count: 16

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 39 matches

(cegep, choice, evaluates, first, graduate, high school, school, semester, teacher, teaches, training, vacation)

Paramedics : 19 matches

(care, embolism, health, hospital, nurse, nursing, pulmonary, service)

Law : 18 matches

(beneficiary, close, driving, family, government, house, living, minutes, month, priority)

Target Structure: (6 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

internships (2 matches)

more often (1 match)

overtime (1 match)


My story

My studies.

I just finished high school, I live with my parents and my two little sisters, and I now have a boyfriend for 3 years. He works on the family dairy farm, and it is he who will take over the farm when his parents retire. I like working with him. But, I always thought that I was going to become a nurse like my parents.

Choice 1 : Quit school and help my boyfriend on the farm.

Choice 2 : Go to study nursing to become a nurse.

Secondary end

Nursing is great!

Your parents are happy that you have chosen this path, even if it means doing compulsory overtime and night work for the first years. The nearest school that teaches nursing is 40 minutes from your parents' house but only 15 minutes from your boyfriend's (he lives alone on one of his parents' plots).

Choice 1 : Go live with your boyfriend and be closer to school.

Choice 2 : Staying with your parents and driving 40 minutes to school each day.


Farmer's life.

Now that you have finished school and decided to help your boyfriend on the farm, you can now go live with him. Your parents are not very happy, but it will pass with time. Covid-19 appears, but a vaccine is now being created. You get vaccinated to protect yourself, and you loved ones, or you don't get vaccinated because you know you have a very closed network without seeing anyone from the outside except going to the grocery store.

Choice 1 : Get vaccinated.

Choice 2 : Don't get vaccinated.


Living with my boyfriend.

You moved with your boyfriend, and now you only have 15 minutes from school, you're happy because you'll see him more often, but you'll miss your family because between, works, school and studies, you won't have much time to go see them. You just finished your first semester, and you're exhausted, you didn't think cegep would look like this, but now you have a full month offed. With the end of the first nursing session, you can go to work as a beneficiary attendant and gain experience in the hospital where you will work as a nurse later. Or you can continue to work in the supermarket where you have already been working for two years.

Choice 1 : Work as a beneficiary attendant.

Choice 2 : Continue to work to the supermarket.


Living with your parents.

You live with your parents, and you go to school at the same time, you get up earlier than usual. You don't have time for free time anymore, and you don't see your boyfriend anymore. Times are tough, and you're wondering how to get through the end of the session. The best thing to do is to take some time for yourself. You decide to take a year off. And you'll never come back to the program, you'll rather help your boyfriend on the farm.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Get vaccinated.

You are now the only vaccinated in your boyfriend's family, they are afraid of the repercussions of the vaccine on the body. But, the government has decided to close certain non-priority places and visits to hospitals for non-vaccination. Two months after this decision, your grandfather has covid-19 when he was not vaccinated, and he had a pulmonary embolism since you are vaccinated, you can go take care of him while he is is at its worst. You made the right decision.

Choice 1 : Start over, you might get another interesting story.


Don't get vaccinated.

You have followed the decision of your in-laws, and you are now afraid to leave your home as the positive cases of covid-19 multiply. Two months after this decision, your grandfather has covid-19 while he was not vaccinated, and he had a pulmonary embolism. Since you haven't been vaccinated, you can't go see him at the hospital, and you're really sorry for not being able to take care of him while he's at his worst. You made the wrong decision.

Choice 1 : Try again.

No vaccine

Beneficiary attendant.

You are going to have a job interview which is done on zoom, you are stressed because it is the first time you have used this software. Fortunately everything is going well, and you are officially a beneficiary attendant and everything are going well, you have worked all Christmas vacation. You start school again, and it's the start of the internships in the 5th week of an internship. As an intern, you are followed by a teacher who evaluates you all day, and you find it stressful. But you have an enabler that helps you relax after training.

Choice 1 : Go buy an ice cream cone.

Choice 2 : Going to your in-laws to spend time with the calves and kittens.

Beneficiary attendant

Continue to work to the supermarket.

Are you really going to continue to work in this dead-end job when you could start to have seniority in your next job?

Choice 1 : Make another choice.


Go buy an ice cream cone.

As you relax eating your well-deserved ice cream after all the stress, you think about your life plans and when you're going to retire. You know that as a nurse you can retire after 25 years of service. But, are you going to love working for 25 years or are you going to envy your boyfriend who works outside and doesn't have a stable schedule?

Choice 1 : Did you make the right choices? Start again.

Ice cream cone

Going to your in-laws to spend time with the calves and kittens.

When you come home after taking care of your pets, you quickly start thinking about internships and the on-the-job training that comes after you graduate. Following this training, you officially become a nurse, and you quickly become left alone in the big world of health.

Choice 1 : Start over, you might get another interesting story.

Farm animals