My Carrer, my path!

A hypertext narrative by

Andréanne PB

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 950

Choice count: 37

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis

Education : 76 matches

(cegep, choice, classes, college, don, down, games, high school, learn, learning, primary school, school, students, teacher, university, vacation)

photography : 43 matches

(animation, art, arts, image, paintings, studio, visual, visual arts)

Film : 38 matches

(affect, animation, image, music, promotion, studio, video, visual)

Target Structure: (3 matches)

income (3 matches)

retirement (3 matches)

assets (1 match)


My Carrer, my path!

Picking my program at college.

I just got out of high school, and it is now time to decide in which college and what program I will study in.

Choice 1 : Go to Cegep Limoilou in 3D animation and image synthesis.

Choice 2 : Go to Cegep Beauce-Appalaches in Visual Arts.


Go to Cegep Limoilou in 3D animation and image synthesis.

The program is restricted to a certain number of people. To have a chance to be selected, I have to submit an original presentation.

Choice 1 : Put my time and effort into making a unique presentation.

Choice 2 : Go to Cegep Beauce-Appalaches in Visual Arts.

Cegep Limoilou

Go to Cegep Beauce-Appalaches in Visual Arts.

I get accepted, as expected. After learning various techniques during the 3 years of study, I have to decide what I will be doing.

Choice 1 : Work as a freelancer and make paintings for a living.

Choice 2 : Work as an Art teacher in a school.

Choice 3 : Go to university in 2D/3D animation.

Choice 4 : Get a small job in a restaurant because finding a better job is too hard.

Cegep Beauce-Appalaches

Put my time and effort into making a unique presentation.

I get accepted! After completing the 3 years of the program, I have to decide what I will be doing.

Choice 1 : Apply for an animation studio in Montreal specialized in animated films.

Choice 2 : Apply for a video game studio specialized in video games.

Choice 3 : Get a small job in a restaurant because finding a better job is too hard.


Apply for an animation studio in Montreal specialized in animated films.

I get hired and get to work on movies as an animator, concept art artist, and clean-up artist. After a few years, I get contacted by Disney. They offer me a job in one of their studios.

Choice 1 : Accept Disney's offer and quit the Montreal studio.

Choice 2 : Decline Disney's offer and stay at the Montreal studio.

Studio ON

Work as a freelancer and make paintings for a living.

I manage to create an independent small business and enjoy this freedom. But, after a while the inconsistent financial income starts to affect me.

Choice 1 : Get a job on the side to help make more money.

Choice 2 : Go to university in 2D/3D animation.


Work as an Art teacher in a primary school.

I learn things every day with my students and help them with developing their creativity. But after a while, I get bored, I need more.

Choice 1 : Become an Art teacher in high school.

Choice 2 : Become an Art teacher in college.

Choice 3 : Go to university in 2D/3D animation.

Art teacher primary school

Go to university in 2D/3D animation.

After specializing in 2D/3D animation, I have to decide what I will be doing.

Choice 1 : Apply for an animation studio in Montreal specialized in animated films.

Choice 2 : Apply for a video game studio specialized in video games.

Choice 3 : Get a small job in a restaurant because finding a better job is too hard.


Get a small job in a restaurant because finding a better job is too hard.

Really? All of this for nothing?

Choice 1 : Start again


Apply for a video game studio specialized in video games.

I get hired and get to make cinematic, models and assets for video games.

Choice 1 : Start again

video game studio

Accept Disney's offer and quit the Montreal studio.

After a couple months of working in this new studio, I still feel out of place, and I miss my previous team of co-workers.

Choice 1 : Start again


Decline Disney's offer and stay at the Montreal studio.

After staying loyal to the studio, my boss offers me an interesting promotion.

Choice 1 : Accept the promotion.

Choice 2 : Decline the promotion.


Accept the promotion.

With my new promotion, I now have a better salary and advantages. What should I do with the extra money that I received?

Choice 1 : Take a two-week vacation.

Choice 2 : Save it for my retirement.

thumbs up

Decline the promotion.

Why would you even do that?

Choice 1 : Start again


Become an Art teacher in high school.

I feel like most of my students don't care and only picked Art instead of Music classes to have it easy. I can't seem to spark their interest.

Choice 1 : Start again

art teacher high school

Become an Art teacher in college.

I can see the interest and the captivation in the eyes of my students. They ask a lot of questions and show interest in learning new things every day. I enjoy the atmosphere in the classroom with my students.

Choice 1 : Start again

College art teacher

Get a job on the side to help make more money.

I find a part-time job at Walmart's that helps me stabilize my financial income.

Choice 1 : Start again


Keep living with an inconsistent financial income, hoping it will get better with time.

It didn't get better. I had to shut down my small business. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Work as an Art teacher in a primary school.

Choice 2 : Go to university in 2D/3D animation.

Choice 3 : Get a small job in a restaurant because finding a better job is too hard.


Take a two-week vacation.

I decide to take a two-week vacation to Cuba to cool my brain down a little bit from work. A little break never hurt anybody after all.

Choice 1 : Start again


Save it for my retirement.

I decide to save up the money for my retirement, I will have time to have fun and relax.

Choice 1 : Start again

old man