World is full of opportunities.

A hypertext narrative by

Ophelie Chamberland

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2317

Choice count: 37

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis

Education : 100 matches

(adult, cegep, choice, class, college, enterprise, first, grade, grades, graduation, knowledge, learn, learned, management, options, project, school, social, specific, student, taught, training, university, vision)

Law : 56 matches

(action, admission, adoption, answer, child, children, client, clients, close, community, corruption, deputy, development, family, harassment, house, immigration, justice, living, master, month, occupation, offer, office, power, pregnancy, procedure, process)

Dance : 47 matches

(action, back, break, close, draw, follow, grand, hesitation, hold, social, technique, together, traveling, turn)

Target Structure: (11 matches)

hindered (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

internship (3 matches)

office politics (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

corruption (1 match)

volunteer (2 matches)

volunteering (2 matches)

abroad (2 matches)


World is full of opportunities.

My first determinant choice.

Hi! My name is Ophélie, I am 16 years old, and this year I will finish my secondary. I need to make a very important choice. Today I receive two letters, I am accepted in Social Science in my city's cegep, Thetford Mines, and in the Architectural Technique of Levis’s cegep. With the two choices I can become an architect but, in the Technique, I will be far to my family and friends, and if I don’t want to become an architect finally, I will have to quit all of my class. In Social Science, if I want to change of plan, I can do it and keep my program because it opens many doors, but I will not necessarily study in something I like, and after these two years, I can’t have a job. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go to the Architectural Technique in Levis.

Choice 2 : Go to Social Science in Thetford Mines.


We can’t prepare everything.

Two months later I decide to go in the Architectural Technique, the Covid appear. Now, I have completed one session online, my grades are not very strong, I am tired, I can't see my friends, and make new. I know the Covid have not finished yet, but I think it can be better if I am in online class with my friends in Thetford’s cegep. I can also wait for the Covid to pass and go back to the Technique after.

Choice 1 : Go to Social Science in Thetford Mines.

Choice 2 : Take a break, and go back to the Technique after.

Online classe

Online class are not that hard.

I finished my secondary in a pandemic! Who can believe that? The online class, in the first year, was not that hard for me because I had my friends. When the Covid lost in power, I had finally experimented the college life. That was fun! Now, I am in my last year in Social Science, it’s time for university admission. But after two years of confinement, I want to see the world. Did I go now at the university, or I take one year to travel?

Choice 1 : Go to the university.

Choice 2 : Take one year to travel.

Online classe

Go back to the source.

That was the right choice! The online class was so much easier, and work with my friends was wonderful, but I change my mind. When I was in the Architectural Technique, I realized that was not for me. I want to resume the restaurant of my mother! I have two options; I can do a Technique in restaurant management in Limoilou or stay in Thetford and make a Technique in business management. Limoilou is more specific for the catering, but did I want to go far from my family again?

Choice 1 : Go to the Technique in business management in Thetford.

Choice 2 : Go to the Technique in restaurant management in Limoilou.

Online classe

Go back to my dream.

Covid finally lost in power! I have lost least than one year of doing nothing, and now I can go back to my plan. Doing my class in presence was so fun. I make a lot of new friends, and the internship really confirm my choice. On my last internship, I went from intern to employee, and work on something I like. But is this enough? I am not an architect yet, I am a technologist, and I can’t work on every project because I miss some knowledge. Should I go in university?

Choice 1 : Stay a technologist.

Choice 2 : Go to the university.

Architectural Technique

Cry of Joy.

I cry of joy when I received my answer from the university. I have been accepted in Architecture in the Laval University. Do you remember my dream to see the world? I can do it with the university! They propose student exchanges! I can go to Spain or in France. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go to Spain.

Choice 2 : Go to France.

Cry of joy

There is nothing better than giving.

Just before the Covid, when I was in grade eleven, I volunteer abroad. That was one of my biggest experiences ever, and I always wanted to go back in Guatemala. In my year of traveling, I was able to achieve that dream, and I saw many other countries. That confirmed my choice of become an architect, because I would be able to help this community with my knowledge and make big project. My baccalaureate and my master passed so quickly because I had fun. I am now an architect! I received two jobs offer. One where I can work virtually and go back to my travel, and one I need to stay in Quebec.

Choice 1 : Work virtually.

Choice 2 : Work in Quebec.


It’s normal to make a mistake.

I have the feeling to turn around again, and again. The Technique in business management was not what I needed. I don’t know what to do. I regret leaving the Architectural Technique, but the restaurant is always in my mind. Please help me! Should I go to Limoilou in restaurant management, or go back to Levis in architecture?

Choice 1 : Go to the Technique in restaurant management in Limoilou.

Choice 2 : Go to the Architectural Technique in Levis.


Why everything can’t always be perfect?

I loved this Technique so much, and what can I say about the student life in Limoilou? My dream will come true in few years. The restaurant world was magic in my internship, but after my graduation, I start working in a restaurant in Quebec, and trouble beginning. My boss is a perpetrator. My other feminine colleagues and I are victims of sexual harassment. The salary is good, if I still hold on to a few more years, I will have my own restaurant, but I really want to denounce my harasser.

Choice 1 : Denounce my harasser.

Choice 2 : Keep the silence.

Technique in restaurant management.

Live an adult life.

I am good in what I am doing. The clients love my work, and my family are proud of me. I left my last job, my coworker makes so much office politics, and that was my first week in a new firm in Quebec. The on-the job-training don’t help to confirm my choice. This new job looks like my old one, and I miss my hometown. Maybe it’s time to place myself and start to think about a family! I am not sure I can find an employer nearer of Thetford Mines, but did I take the chance?

Choice 1 : Go back to Thetford Mines.

Choice 2 : Keep my job.

Office politics

It was time.

The university was so long, but I like it, that was more artistic than the Technique. It’s confirmed, I have been an architect for two years! I have a little family, and I have a project. I start to draw my dream house. She is near of a lake. I will have to say to my employer that a quit for another job where I will work from home. That will be perfect with the family, and I will have a big window in my office with view on the lake.

Choice 1 : End

House near of a lake

Trip to Spain.

Barcelona was beautiful, I wish I could design all her building. This trip changes my life, and my perception of the architecture. I learned Spanish and met someone. I graduated of my master two months ago and returned to Barcelona joined my boyfriend. We decide to stay in Barcelona, the life is so good. We want a family, and we agree that every summer, we will go see my family in Quebec.

Choice 1 : End


Trip to France.

I had so much fun at Paris, and the architecture school in Versailles taught me a lot. I made friends, and met someone, but we broke up when I came back in Quebec. The long-distance relationship was not for us, but it’s OK because I met someone more perfect for me. I graduated of my master last year, and I work for a firm who makes tiny house. I love it! We want a child, and we hesitate between adoption or pregnancy.

Choice 1 : Adoption

Choice 2 : Pregnancy


Fight for the best.

After two years of virtual work, I quit for my own enterprise. I design school, hospital, and house for country in development with the help of volunteer. I help many people, but the fight is not over, because the corruption persists and want to stop me. I am a little tired, I work hard, but the joy that brings me have more value. I have a family, and my dream for my future is to see my children resume my enterprise when I am be retired.

Choice 1 : End

Volunteer abroad

A perfect mix.

I choose the stability. I always do travels and volunteering, but after, I can go back to my home, and have some rest. To see other reality, change my mind and my vision of the world, I want to make more than just building. I think about politics my only reason of hesitation is this is another big project. Should I present myself for a political party?

Choice 1 : Present myself for a political party.

Choice 2 : Stay with what I have.

Peaceful room

The pleasure of feeding the people.

Build a menu is an art, but when you make it with love, the talent is easier to find. I achieve my dream; I resume my mom's restaurant. I have a family and my children can now live the same happiness as me when I was in my mom's restaurant. The Technique in Limoilou was what I needed. I learn so much, and yes everybody can open a restaurant, but the catering environment is tough, and Limoilou prepared me to that.

Choice 1 : End


Build house for building a career.

That was a long process, but I am now an architect. When I had finished my technique, I felt the need to go to the university. A friend of mine convinced me that it was my place, because at the beginning I choose architecture for the art. I wanted to create something beautiful, and this is what I am doing now. I specialized in the environmentally friendly building. I change the world in my way.

Choice 1 : End

Environmentally friendly building

Justice will win.

I will never regret this decision! At the moment that was hard, but it was worth it. I found a new job easily. The catering environments missed so many employees. It took me more time to achieve my dream, but I did. My restaurant is open for four years. I am in a relationship, and my mother likes to help me with the restaurant. This is her favorite occupation since her retirement.

Choice 1 : End


Follow your instincts.

I resigned myself to not denounce my harasser, only one month. I had enough, and my colleagues too. We denounced him, and we will feel better now. I found another job quickly, but my dream was postponed. I don’t regret it. My restaurant is now open, and my harasser's restaurant is close. Nobody wanted to work for him, after the denunciations.

Choice 1 : End


Learn how to turn around.

My apprehensions were justified, I didn’t find an employer near of Thetford. But that’s OK, I became my own employer. I can choose all of my project and be nearer of my client. I met someone and we thought about a house. My family really misses me. I love to make more things with my sisters. I fell that the future will be good!

Choice 1 : End



I was right, that was the same than my old job, and even worst. After one year of patient, one of my friends open my eyes. That was a dead-end-job! Every time, I wanted to prove to my boss my value, someone hindered me. After one year, I always feel like an intern. One of my colleagues feel the same as me, we decide to start our company. We work together, but in different cities. I came back to Thetford Mines, and I am very happy. I met some old friends, and I spent more times with my sisters.

Choice 1 : End


Why not?

I did it! I became a deputy, and I had a long career. I had work for the ministry of the environment and the immigration. I have grand-children and I am now in retirement. I live in a house near of a lake, and every morning I drink a coffee and listen to the bird singing.

Choice 1 : End


Every action has his importance.

The politics was too big, I decided to change the world in my way. I started my own firm, I built only environmentally friendly buildings. Volunteering abroad was one of my priorities, but now I am too old. One of my children became an architect and resumed my enterprise. I am retired, and I have the feeling that I succeed my life.

Choice 1 : End

Environmentally friendly building

Love is the most important.

We adopted two children in five years. The procedure was long, but that was one of our best decisions. Sometimes people ask us why, we stay polite, but we always want to answer that their question is stupid because love is more important than everything.

Choice 1 : End


Can I have both?

I got pregnant. We have a daughter, and we are on a list for an adoption. My job is perfect, and we are now living in a tiny house that I design myself. I am impatient, I can’t wait to see our child, and giving him the best life possible.

Choice 1 : End
