A Day as a Confused Child.

A hypertext narrative by

Daina-Clarice Jakubauskas-Pinto

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 843

Choice count: 11

Section count: 9

Image count: 9

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis

Education : 30 matches

(choice, college, don, games, grades, high school, market, school)

Law : 27 matches

(answer, attorney, case, case law, child, client, commission, departure, evidence, fine, guilty, judges, law, law firm, lawyer, market, minimum wage, not guilty, offer, option)

Police-Technology : 12 matches

(evidence, fine, guilty, law, lawyer, right, trial)

Target Structure: (8 matches)

dead-end jobs (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

hr (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

more often (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


A Day as a Confused Child.

New Life.

You are 17 years old. It's a sunny day outside, and you are enjoying your last day of high school. New adventures are coming your way, and who knows where you'll be in a few years, but for right now you have to decide whether you want to keep studying or go out there in the world and find yourself a job. Keep in mind that you are confused, and you don't really know what you want to be in life nor what to do with it.

Choice 1 : Keep Studying.

Choice 2 : Get a Job.


Keep Studying.

What a great choice! You've decided that you want to keep studying... but where? There are tons of schools out-there, but you know that you what to work as a lawyer maybe or as a para-legal assistant, and you want to stay in or near Montreal. There are two schools that give the para-legal program in Montreal ; College Ahuntsic and College O'Sullivan of Montreal Inc.

Write a choice here.

a library

Get a Job.

So, I see that you don't want to keep studying, that is fine as long as you don't waste your time on dead-end jobs. Where do you want to work now? You have a few choices like becoming a cashier at a super market, becoming a salesman at a car concessionaire or try to become a professional video games player. What do you choose?

Choice 1 : Cashier at a Supermarket.

Choice 2 : Become a Salesman.

Choice 3 : Become a Professional Video Game Player.

handing cv

Cashier at a Supermarket.

A cashier ? I don't think you really heard me when I said don't do something meaningless. You are paid the minimum wage and they won't really respect how many hours you want to be doing per week. Sometimes they are going to give 40h, and sometimes they won't even give you 5 hours. Plus, if you want to retire one day, this job doesn't offer the best retirement plan for you. If you really want to do this job you have to know that you will be doing a lot of leg work. Please reconsider.

Choice 1 : Get a Job.

a depressed cashier

Become a Salesman.

Alright, this is an interesting choice. You won't be paid at the minimum wage, the bosses are going to be more respectful, and more often then not they will be giving you 35 hours per week. On the plus side you will have more money because you will have a commission salary, which is fantastic! *A few weeks later* Great news! You got the job, and in a few years you will meet the love of your life, and you will be able to retire at 65 years old. The human resources (HR) will throw a party to celebrate your departure. Good job!

Choice 1 : New Life.


Become a Professional Video Game Player.

Interesting choice, but I doubt you will make it here. You can't be doing just that of your life! Come on there is a better option than this. Maybe, you can play some times, but you need to find yourself a real job. One that actually pays your bills. Please reconsider.

Choice 1 : Get a Job.

video games

College Ahuntsic.

What a great choice! It's a formidable school, and people are really kind here. I have excellent news for you : You got accepted in the para-legal technique! Congratulations! It's great because this way you will already have a foot in the door, and you will be able to see if you really want to pursue your studies in law. *three years later* It's been three formidable years, your grades are great, and you are now working as a para-legal assistant at the ABCD's law firm. The firm gave you this big case in which you need to find a lot of case law for. It's a hard case because there is a lot of evidence against your client, and the attorney is counting on you to do reliable work.

Choice 1 : The Trial.

College Ahuntsic

College O'Sullivan of Montreal Inc.

Nice! This is a great college. You are really nervous because you don't know if you get accepted. A few weeks have passed since you've applied to the school, and you've got your answer. Oh! No! You didn't get in. You have to think quickly because you have only a few days left before the SRAM closes for the year, and you won't be able to apply until next year. Do you want to try at Ahuntsic College or find yourself a job?

Choice 1 : New Life.


The Trial.

The day of the trial has come. The attorney with whom you work seems happy about your work (especially since he saw you doing some overtime over the past few weeks just to pull this off). It's now time to know the final verdict from the judges ; not guilty. Fantastic! This is great news for you and for the ABCD's law firm. Congratulations!

Choice 1 : New Life.