A new day for a new sonographer.

A hypertext narrative by

Traycy Nguyen

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3838

Choice count: 108

Section count: 51

Image count: 51

Error count: 41

Field Related Analysis

Education : 125 matches

(behavior, behaviour, choice, college, don, down, examination, field, first, gender, head, report, semester, sets, technology)

Dance : 121 matches

(action, back, behind, break, check, complete, count, face, follow, front, lock, mirror, number, out, position, quick, running, show, shows, smile, step, through, turn)

Paramedics : 109 matches

(abdomen, arm, card, care, cold, department, doctor, emergency, emergency room, heart, hospital, medical, nurse, pain, patient, patients, report, shift, sleep, supervisor, wound)

Target Structure: (19 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

hr (3 matches)

interns (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

pulled off (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

undermining (2 matches)

asset (1 match)

threat (1 match)

threats (1 match)


A new day for a new sonographer.

The end of a chapter. The beginning to another.

The day has finally come, I graduated from Ahuntsic College as a sonographer. The three years of studies in the Medical Ultrasound Technology were absolutely maddening, but I managed to get over the stress and pulled off straight A’s in many subjects. Three months ago, my colleagues and I were interns at a hospital. We all started with a foot in the door by assisting experienced professional sonographers. The experience wasn’t too overwhelming like a nurse job, but it wasn’t easy to announce bad news from scanning. Few weeks ago, I applied for a job at two hospitals. This afternoon, I was expecting to get a call from one of them as I was sipping tea. “Ring! Ring!”. My phone is ringing, who might it be?

Choice 1 : St-Justine's hospital is calling.

Choice 2 : St-Mary's hospital is calling.

Graduation hat

St-Justine's hospital is calling.

“St-Justine hospital calling, we are gladly informing you that you are hired in the ultrasound pregnancy department. You may start tomorrow at 7 in the morning. Welcome to our community. Thank you and have a great afternoon!” Said the HR. As I was going to announce the good news to my friends, I received a text message.

Choice 1 : My friends are deciding to invite themselves over.

Choice 2 : I receive a text message from an unknown number.

Choice 3 : Go back.

Red phone ringing

My friends are deciding to invite themselves over.

As I was going to announce that I was hired at a job, all of them agreed to meet at my place with alcohol and snacks. I thought it would be a bad idea, since I wanted to rest and sleep early to show a good impression on my first day on the job, but I told myself: “Why not?” So, I agreed to the little party at my apartment.

Choice 1 : Someone knocks at the door while my friends and I were having a good time.

Choice 2 : Everyone was drunk and ended up sleeping over.

Choice 3 : Go back.

phone vibrating

Someone knocks at the door while my friends and I were having a good time.

I opened the door and a police officer was standing in front of me. “It’s a weekday, and we received numerous complaints from your neighborhood about you for being too loud”, he said. Then, the officer asked everyone to leave. They all left, so I went to bed.

Choice 1 : My alarm sets off.

Choice 2 : The sound of birds chirping wakes me up.

Choice 3 : Go back.

police officers standing in front of a door

My alarm sets off.

I didn't recall yesterday for setting my alarm, but thoughtful me, I was going to be at work on time.

Choice 1 : At St-Justine's hospital, in the lobby.

Choice 2 : At St-Justine's hospital, in my office.

Choice 3 : Go back.

alarm snooze

At St-Justine's hospital, in the lobby.

As I was trying to find my registration ID card, I remembered that I left it on the counter.

Choice 1 : Inform the secretary that I will come in late and go back home.

Choice 2 : Ask the secretary if she could let me in only for today.

Choice 3 : Go back.

woman searching in her purse.

Inform the secretary that I will come in late and go back home.

As I put my registration ID card in my bag, I receive a call from the St-Justine's Hospital secretary telling me that I am a bad image for their hospital because I was behind schedule on the first day. After undermining my actions from today, she also added that the position will be given to someone else because of my uncommitted act. This is the first time I got fired at my first day at the work.

Choice 1 : The end.

Choice 2 : Go back.

someone being put out of a room.

Ask the secretary if she could let me in only for today.

“The registration ID card is a very important tool, you should be more careful next time”, she said. I thanked the secretary for her generosity as she let me in, and I began my journey as a sonographer.

Choice 1 : At St-Justine's Hospital, in my office.

woman pointing be careful.

At St-Justine's Hospital, in my office.

As I arrived at my office, I already had a patient. I politely greeted her and directed her to the examination bed. Beforehand, I prepare all the tools that I needed for this sonography on stand-by and apply a fair amount of couplant gel on the patient’s belly. She described the sensation of something very cold on her tummy. I took a linear probe and start scanning the foetus.

Choice 1 : By the end of the examination.

Choice 2 : A doctor came in.

Ultrasound technician scanning a patient's belly.

By the end of the examination.

The mother and the foetus were healthy. This semester was going well for her, and I was able to announce its gender. I wrapped everything up after I scanned the mother’s belly and gave her sonogram where it shows a baby girl. I had few more patients left later on. Afterwards, I will be able to call it a day. It wasn't too bad for the first day.

Choice 1 : Go back.

woman holding a sonogram.

A doctor came in.

He switched place with me. Suddenly, the doctor asked me to wait outside with the door closed. I find this request a bit bizarre, but I do as he wished. I was feeling a strange atmosphere as if someone was being in danger, so my first thought was to take my smartphone out and record if anything happens.

Choice 1 : Slightly open the door and take a quick look.

Choice 2 : Place an ear against the door and listen.

man taking phone out of his pocket.

Slightly open the door and take a quick look.

I slightly open the door, so I would not get caught peeking at this unusual request and saw the doctor having his hand covering its patient’s mouth and was unzipping his pants. As I was recording, I fully open the door and shout “How disgusting from you sir!” At the perverted man. When I saw fear through the patient’s eyes, it made my blood boiled. The perpetrator suddenly ran away as quickly as possible.

Choice 1 : Go after the doctor.

Choice 2 : Look after the patient.

Choice 3 : Go back.

someone peeking in through a door.

Go after the doctor.

I chased the doctor down the hall and was able to catch him when securities interrupted. This case was taken care by the human resources department. The patient was thankful for my action with tears dripping down her cheeks and I calmed her down by assuring her that this man will never be called a doctor ever again. After this horrifying scene, I went to the break room and sip a cup of coffee.

Choice 1 : Go back.

man in suit chasing another man in suit.

Look after the patient.

By the look on the woman’s face, she looks petrified. I asked her if he did anything to her, but no answer. She was still in shocked, so I asked for assistance through my walkie-talkie. Five minutes later, a nurse came in and took care of her. As I was searching for an identification proof of the man, his registration ID card was laying next to the door. I smirked and took this case to the human resources. This man will surely be fired and will never be able to return to this important facility.

Choice 1 : Go back.

ID card design.

Place an ear against the door and listen.

“ You will completely undress yourself, so I can fully examine you” is what I heard from the doctor. I found this step very unnecessary and absurd. This was a complete form of sexual harassment. All of a sudden, the department supervisor asked me the intentions behind my behavior. Immediately, I told her what I heard from this room and in a second she opened the door and the doctor was forcefully grabbing the patient’s shirt. His misconduct has brought all three of us, employees of the hospital, to the HR’s office. I reported everything; such as the video clip I recorded, and carry on my schedule.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to early this morning.

young man placing ear against a door.

The sound of birds chirping wakes me up.

Everybody is gone. I ate French Toast for breakfast and went to work.

Choice 1 : At the hospital changing room.

Choice 2 : In the bus.

Choice 3 : Go back to yesterday night.

french toast with berries and butter.

At the hospital changing room.

While I was putting my stuff away in the locker, I heard whispers. I got sucked up in the little group in the back gossips. They were talking about how weird the director of the department’s face is. Also, they were undermining and making fun of new workers. They saw me overhearing their conversation and left. I thought it was childish from them, so I ignored all of it and continue my journey.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to early this morning.

a woman whispering something to another woman's ear. The other woman has a shocking face.

In the bus.

I receive a call from my mother and didn’t want to miss my stop, so I answered and asked her to call me back in the evening. I will visit her later in the afternoon at her retirement home. I have arrived at work and everyone seemed so friendly. We were set by teams, and it changed every two weeks. As the day went by, I have nothing to complaint, I love this job.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to early this morning.

Nurses shaking a man's hand.

Everyone was drunk and ended up sleeping over.

It was the morning after that night. The clear sunny sky was bright, and I was waking up softly until I saw the time. “Oh, no!” I screamed. It was already 7 o’clock, I was late on my first day at work. My head was hurting and I was dizzy. I called in at work and asked if it were possible to reschedule my first day. After waiting on the line for fifteen minutes, they disclosed very unfortunate news to me. I was fired. What a bad heavy morning.

Choice 1 : Go back to earlier.

Woman on the bed looking at the ceiling with a pissed off face.

The text message you received was from an unknown number.

“Nobody wants you at the St-Justine hospital”, it says.

Choice 1 : You replied something.

Choice 2 : You ignored it.

Choice 3 : Go back.

app icon imessage with one in the badge.

I replied:

“Nobody wants you either”. Then, I went to bed.

Choice 1 : The mysterious unknown replied back.

Choice 2 : The sun was up.

fingers on phone screen.

The mysterious unknown replied back.

They replied that my most important asset will disappear if I don’t send them an amount of money. This threat was a joke to me. I went to bed and tried to catch a sleep, but the weirdo that kept texting me was disturbing it. I threaten the stranger back with a text message involving the St-Justine hospital’s human resources and set my phone on the “do not disturb” mode. The next morning, I woke up and went to work cautiously because of those text messages. My day went on normally. As I though, yesterday text messages was probably from a scammer.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to earlier.

Do not disturb on phone screen with a switch button set on.

The sun was up.

I went on my first day on the job journey by going to my locker. Someone left a note on my locker saying the same thing as the first text message from the unknown. I couldn’t bare office politics on my first day, so I went to the HR’s office and stated the evidence. As I went on my day, someone informed me about the person who was behind the threats' text messages. The culprit got caught and faced consequences.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to earlier.

note on locker

I ignored it.

I ignore the text message and went to bed early.

Choice 1 : In the morning.

man sleeping on one side.

In the morning.

I received an apology text message from the unknown. He also admitted that he was one of my co-workers and was glad that he could help me for my first day at the hospital. Julian, the name it is, apologize for his little brother’s behaviour and invited me for coffee before work. I accepted the apology and met him at this coffee shop near the hospital’s boulevard.

Choice 1 : Go back to yesterday night.

Choice 2 : Go back to the title.

Coffee on a woody table with a blury background.

St-Mary's hospital is calling.

St-Mary’s hospital called and informed me that I was hired at the ultrasound emergency department and could start tomorrow morning.

Choice 1 : Put an alarm and sleep early.

Choice 2 : Watch a new show on Netflix.

St-Mary's hospital front door.

Put an alarm and sleep early.

In the evening, I set an alarm for 5 a.m., so that I could have enough time to prepare and go to work. After that, I went to bed early.

Choice 1 : “Ting ! Ting ! Ting !”

Choice 2 : Go back.

Man happily sleeping on the side.

“Ting ! Ting ! Ting !”.

I woke up from my alarm ringing and directly after, I received a call from the hospital. There has been an emergency for a patient, and he needs a quick scan through the skin tissue. They wanted to know if I could be there as quickly as possible.

Choice 1 : I approved my support.

Choice 2 : I denied the request.

Alarm snooze at 5 A.M.

I approved my support.

I grabbed my things and went straight to work. I was already in my scrub and was ready to take care of the patient. In this case, the skin was damaged and was caused by a burn. I had to check the distance caused by the damage on the patient’s upper area of the arm. I applied a small amount of couplant gel around the wound and took the curvilinear probe. It shows a wild result on my transducer. I immediately file a report which was right away sent to the doctor.

Choice 1 : Take a break.

Choice 2 : Go home.

Choice 3 : Go back.

business man in a hurry.

Take a break.

After a few more assist by helping the emergency team, I took a break. After an hour, I was called to the supervisor of the department’s office. He made me choose my official schedule. Afterward, I was sent home to synchronize with my true schedule.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday night.

pause written on chalkboard with a cup of coffee underneath the word pause.

Go home.

After a few more patients, I was then advised that my shift was over, so I decided to go back home. Before I stepped my foot out of the door, I suddenly felt like something was missing in my briefcase… My identification card! So, I went back to the changing room. When I arrived there, I found my locker wide open.

Choice 1 : Look around.

Choice 2 : Look inside the locker.

Choice 3 : Go back.

Woman worried clipart.

Look around.

I looked around and I just remembered, I forgot to lock it after leaving. I also already found my identification card, it was in my pocket. I gladly made back home.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

Choice 3 : Go back to the title.

Woman in white coat holding a magnifying glass.

Look inside the locker.

There was a little note inside my locker. It was an apology to mistake my locker for theirs. I look inside my locker, luckily nothing went missing. I find this very strange and easy for thieves to steal, so I went to report this case to the security room, and went home.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

Choice 3 : Go back to the title.

Inside locker.

I denied the request.

I politely refused the request and insisted on someone else to take the duty. As the day goes by, I didn't receive many tasks. Next time, I think I should accept as a worker in the medical field.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

Choice 3 : Go back to the title.

person's hands in front.

Watch a new show on Netflix.

The day went by swiftly, it was already the evening. I was having a hard time sleeping, so I decided to go into the living room and turn on the television. There was this new show and as I watched it, I fell asleep on the couch.

Choice 1 : Open my eyes.

Choice 2 : Waking up by surprise.

Person with feet up open the television and setting it on Netflix.

Open my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was already 6:30 in the morning. I had 15 minutes to get to the hospital.

Choice 1 : Arrived 5 minutes late.

Choice 2 : Arrived 30 minutes late.

human eye

Arrived 5 minutes late.

I greeted the secretary who looked at me awfully, but she still had the intention to smile at me. On the way to my office, one of my co-workers advise me to take a look at myself in a mirror. I went to the washroom and looked in the mirror. I had terrible dark circles under my eyes. Patients must think that I am one ridiculous tired sonographer and on the first day on the job too. Before leaving the bathroom, I heard someone talking about how the St-Mary’s Hospital lack of worker. They added rumors has been circulating that one of the hospital workers has been repeatedly harassing females worker.

Choice 1 : Stay and listen to the conversation.

Choice 2 : Leave and get back to work.

Choice 3 : Go back.

Washroom sign.

Stay and listen to the conversation.

I was getting sucked up by the gossiping, so I stayed for a little while and listened carefully. It felt as if I was spying, but I was just curious. My phone suddenly rang. I ran away and went back to work.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

phone vibrating

Leave and get back to work.

I left and since I was near the stockade room, I grabbed some couplant gel on the way to refill my jars. As the day went by, I was getting used to the tasks I was receiving. I love this job because on how reliable some of my co-workers can be.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

Someone leaving

Arrived 30 minutes late.

As I open my eyes, I took a quick look around, and I was still home. I must have fallen asleep. When I arrived at St-Mary's Hospital, I apologized right away for being late on my first day. My supervisor asked: “Does this occur very often? Because it won’t be acceptable the next time, and you might face consequences.”.

Choice 1 : “Yes”, I said.

Choice 2 : I denied to her question.

Choice 3 : Go back.

Woman looking at her watch and express a surprised emotion.

“Yes”, I said.

The woman guided me directly to the human resources’ office, and I was immediately fired for being rude and uncommitted at work.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.


I denied to her question.

“No madam. I am responsible and this sorts of events won’t happen again in the future.” I told her. She responded, "good". I had a heavy schedule today, so I went right off to my office. Most of my patients were from the emergency room, but it is nothing too stressful. I follow the doctor’s requests and give the information needed and sonograms when necessary.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to yesterday.

Sad woman begging for forgiveness.

Waking up by surprise.

I rolled over and fell on the floor. I woke up with a terrible back pain. I took my morning coffee and left for work.

Choice 1 : Taking the bus to work.

Choice 2 : Taking the car to work.

man on the floor trying to stand up.

Taking the bus to work.

I was running out of fuel and checked the gas price. I find it way too expensive, so I decided to take the bus instead.

Choice 1 : Arrived at St-Mary's Hospital.

Choice 2 : Go back.

STM electric bus.

Arrived at St-Mary's Hospital.

On my way to the emergency room, a person with mobile disability needed help. The person that was sitting uncomfortably on their wheelchair needed assistance to go to the bathroom.

Choice 1 : Ask for a nurse through the talkie-walkie.

Choice 2 : Help the disabled man myself.

St-Mary's hospital front door.

Ask for a nurse through the talkie-walkie.

I asked for a nurse and she or he should arrive any time soon. I asked politely the disabled man to patiently wait. Someone finally came and took care of the disabled man. I was on my way to the emergency room. The doctor asked me to scan the intestine organ tissue of the patient. As I travel the probe around the abdomen, there weren’t any unusual signs. I finally filled up my report and hand it to the doctor. After that, I was on standby. The day ended nicely and I went home.

Choice 1 : Go back to earlier.

Choice 2 : Go back.

Two persons communicating through a talkie-walkie.

Help the disabled man myself.

I wheelchair pushed him to the washroom, unzip his pants and carried him to the toilet bowl. After he washed his hands, he thanked for my help and went on his day and me on mines. As I was working left to the right and right to the left, hours passed by very quickly, and it was already time to go home.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Choice 2 : Go back to earlier.

someone wheelchair pushing someone.

Taking the car to work.

The bus was delayed, so I decided to take my car to work instead. Sadly, I was running out of fuel, so I went to the nearest gas station and filled up the tank. As I was on my way to St-Mary’s Hospital, I was a bit stuck on the highway. There was a traffic, so I had to drive slower. Suddenly, the car behind mine honked at me.

Choice 1 : Look out through the window.

Choice 2 : Honk back and ignore them.

Hands on car wheel.

Look out through the window.

With a mean face, I threw my head out the window and seek to see who was the driver. As soon as I recognized them, my heart dropped; it was my supervisor. I hope they didn’t recognize me.

Choice 1 : The end.

Woman fear behind wheel.

Honk back and ignore them.

I honked back at them and played my music loud until I arrive at St-Mary’s hospital.

Choice 1 : The end.

Hands on wheel honking.

Arrived on time at work.

When I arrived at work, I greeted everyone. There was this really nice nurse that made me visit around, but I didn’t have the time to visit the whole place because of the tasks that I was given. Throughout the day, I scanned many people’s skin tissue. Some of them were in good conditions and some of them weren’t. If only I could count the amount of time I ran a probe on someone.

Choice 1 : Go back to the title.

Healthcare worker.