My life as a Police officer.

A hypertext narrative by

Emile Tripp

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 748

Choice count: 16

Section count: 12

Image count: 12

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis

Education : 38 matches

(choice, coach, college, don, fail, first, learn, motivation, school, technology, test, training)

Police-Technology : 22 matches

(hostage, investigator, jail, pepper spray, physical test, police, police officer, right, robbery, sq)

Web development : 16 matches

(call, join, open, pass, path, position, select, test, type, write)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


My life as a Police officer.

New challenge after college.

I finish the Police Technology program at Ahuntsic College, and now I need to choose where I see myself in the future.Right now, I must make a choice.Should I join the military police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the SQ.

Choice 1 : Military police.

Choice 2 : SQ.

Choice 3 : Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Our graduation pictures.

Military police.

I choose to become a military police, but I heard that the test to enter are really hard so should I train or not.

Choice 1 : Do not train that much.

Choice 2 : Train every day.

MIlitary police.


I just finished my studies at Ahuntsic College.At the moment, there are 2 way that open to me, I can either be a patrolman or stay in school to be an investigator.

Choice 1 : Go as a patrolman.

Choice 2 : Investigator path.

2 path

Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

I decide to enter the Royal Canadian Mounted Police because one of my friend talks about this type of police, and I am really interested I want to go work out of the Quebec.I have 2 choice I can either go work in Alberta or Saskatchewan.

Choice 1 : Alberta

Choice 2 : Saskatchewan.


My fault.

I have a foot in the door to be select, but at the last challenge I fail because I wasn't strong enough to lift the pounds they want me to lift.I don't want to wait for an entire year to retry.Also, I lack of motivation so the Military police won't be for me.

Choice 1 : I give up on the Military police.

My fail attempt.

Train myself.

I train really hard with a coach I had back then I work hard every day until the physical test, and I pass now I am a soldier in the Military police.Should I keep training or already go work as an official member.

Choice 1 : Keep training.

Choice 2 : Go work as a real military.

During my test.

My hard work is rewarded.

I train myself with some sergeants of the military we go on-the-job-training to learn the ropes because what you have to do is always different, and they want you to be well-prepare.I end up to be the rookie of the year, and I am pretty sure this will be my life job even tho the wage is not that good.

Write a choice here.

My simulation.

My biggest mistake.

I end up being in a robbery with 4 thieves and 2 hostages.The criminals are ready to kill the hostage if we don't act perfectly.When we have and opportunity to end all of that I try to use my pepper spray, but I am so nervous that I can't open it.At least, my partner manages to handcuff the four suspects and send them to jail.I have a meeting with the boss, and he tells me that I am no longer a Military.

Choice 1 : New job.

The robbery.

New patrolman.

I am now a patrolman in the SQ and I finally found something for me.I made a girlfriend, and I have 2 dogs I am now a happy man, and I wish to have all of that for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : New challenge after college.

My happy place.

Investigator path.

At first, I didn't want to be one, but I hear about the premium wage and also there is a lot of vacant position.Sadly I think this type of job is not for me during the time I learn the ins-and-outs of the job I realise that more often than not I didn't even want to wake up and go to school.

Choice 1 : New patrolman.


My life in Alberta.

I really like to work in Alberta I can also hunt at my house.Today I have a call at a suspicious when I enter I smell weed, so I bring my k-9, and he starts to look the wall, so we open the wall, and we found 100 (kg) of weed that's a lot, but I decide to keep it for myself, and I sell it all to someone, but it is and undercover cop...I learn that I will be sent to jail!!!

Choice 1 : New challenge after college.



It's been now 15 years since I worked In Saskatchewan I am now a fully accomplish sergeants.I live alone in the wood but this is enough for me, I learn how to survive, and I love to surpass my limits.

Write a choice here.
