My plan as a teacher

A hypertext narrative by

Loryann Lapointe

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2030

Choice count: 32

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 43

Field Related Analysis

Education : 91 matches

(choice, college, degree, don, down, education, first, head, high school, learned, options, school, social, students, teacher, teachers, threshold, trainee, university, vacation, vision)

Dance : 34 matches

(back, behind, center, close, couple, cross, cut, ending, face, lead, leap, natural, out, running, show, shows, social, stretched)

Law : 30 matches

(alienation, bias, cause, child, children, close, death, divorce, family, half a year, house, independent, living, mortgage, noise, occupation, offer, opinion, option, partnership)

Target Structure: (14 matches)

alienation (1 match)

bias (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

drawbacks (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

set aside (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

trainee (2 matches)

wage (1 match)

volunteer (4 matches)

volunteering (5 matches)

abroad (6 matches)


My plan as a teacher

After college.

DRINGGGGGGGGG! I just graduated from college, and I finished my degree in Social sciences! It is sunny outside, the air smell fresh, and we are all ready to close this wonderful chapter that was college. This summer will be awesome, I want to do so many things! But first, I need to decide what am I going to do for the next year, and have three choices available for me.

Choice 1 : Take a year off.

Choice 2 : UNIVERSITY.

Choice 3 : Choosing love.


Take a year off.

Even if I have all summer long to be on vacation, I have the opportunity to take a year off. However, it wouldn't be to relax during a whole year, I would like either to volunteer abroad or to be on a reality TV show.

Choice 1 : Volunteering abroad

Choice 2 : Reality show.

gap year directions

Volunteering abroad.

My choice is to volunteer abroad, I'm working for a company, and they offer me two options. I can either go in Ukraine to help the refugees, it would be a partnership with the Canadian Red Cross or I can go in South Africa, where I would focus on the kids.

Choice 1 : Ukraine

Choice 2 : In South Africa.

volunteering sign

If I go in Ukraine.

If I am located in Ukraine, I am working for the Canadian Red Cross, an organization where people volunteer, and also collect donations. I brought clothes, toys, and basis supplements for the refugees. I have been here for a week, and it is too hard for me, I feel alienated, I need to leave. I took a ticket for my second destination, South Africa.

Choice 1 : Volunteering abroad.

flag of Ukraine

In South Africa.

I am now volunteering in South Africa, my purpose is to give to the unprivileged children the right to one of the biggest privileges, education. Here, I am building a school, doing activities, and teaching to them, I do whatever it takes to put a little bit of hope. It may look like a dead-end job, but I'm truly accomplished of what I have done so far.

Choice 1 : Take a year off.

flag of South Africa

Reality show.

My experience as a volunteer in South Africa was really rewarding. For the reason that my lead year is not finish yet, I decide to take part in a TV reality show, but first thing first, I need to choose between "Too Hot to Handle", or "Occupation Double". Ah, never mind I'll give my candidacy to both of them, let's see what happen...

Choice 1 : Too Hot to Handle.

Choice 2 : Occupation Double.

Some of the popular reality shows

Too Hot to Handle.

I choose "Too Hot to Handle", because I want to met the love of my life! I am so desperate, not a lot of guys like me because I'm too introvert, it is time to get out of my comfort zone. I can't wait to be on the beach with those hot American guys...

Choice 1 : Reality show.

 Too Hot to Handle

Occupation Double.

Unfortunately, it did not work for me at Too Hot to Handle because one of the participant was sexually harassing two other girls, and me. However, my second option phoned me this morning, and as a Canadian, it will be a pleasure to participate to Occupation Double! It is such a nice option for me, because this show is in my native language, and I will be familiar with the environment. I feel really grateful for this, and I can't wait to be surrounded by those young, and truly natural people.

Choice 1 : What I choose for my leap year.

Sign of Occupation double


I am sitting on the couch, I can hear the second hand as loud as if it is in my head. Tik Tak, Tik Tak. The struggle is real, I can feel the little droplet of stress sweat running down my forehead. This morning, I receive letters from the universities I send my candidacy too, and I am about to open them with my family. Tik Tak, Tik Tak...

Choice 1 : Bishop's university.

Choice 2 : University of Sherbrooke.

A university

Bishop's university.

I am accepted at Bishop's university!!! I shed tears of joy! This university has all the advantages I was looking for. It is not too far from my home, people are welcoming, I would be able to increase my English, and it is a safe place. I can't wait to be there already! Bishop's is located in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and this university is like living in a classic American movie. My biggest stress is to be a victim of alienation. When I was in high school, I was not the "party animal' type of person because I was focused on my studies, and my "friends" made me feel bad about it all the time... Going into this new adventure, in a new environment, is kind of stressful, but I'm pretty sure that I will be able to overcome this challenge.

Choice 1 : UNIVERSITY.

Bishop's university

University of Sherbrooke.

Like my mom before me, I am at Sherbrooke University. It's my first day, I am so cheerful, I heard so many good comments about this place. A lot of teachers that surrounded me had talk about it. As a new students, I am nervous about how things will go, hopefully I have some friends that are already there. It feel so weird to say that I am finally at university, time pass by so fast... I feel nostalgic about my years in high school, and college.

Choice 1 : University choice.

Logo of the university of Sherbrooke

What I choose for my leap year.

My adventure at Occupation Double was not really long, I was kicked out after the first week, and honestly thank god! I realized that TV shows were not for me, the world of social media, and all that kind of stuff are not made for me either. Furthermore, I would have made a fool of myself if I had continu my adventure at Occupation Double. Even if I had the chance to go help the refugees in Ukraine, it would have been too tough for my mental health if I had stretched out my journey. Nevertheless, volunteering abroad in South Africa, made me feel like I am doing something good, and I feel accomplish about it.

Choice 1 : After college.

road sign for leap year

University choice.

Unfortunately, I am not going to Bishop's University. As weird as it can seems, the letter had some mistakes in it, and my candidacy was not retain. It's the same feeling as if the guy who work at McDonald's forget to put the slice of cheese in your cheeseburger. It feels as if the world had just collapse... On the second hand, the university of Sherbrooke had retain my application. What an happy ending after all.

Choice 1 : Three years later.

Sherbrooke university

Choosing love.

A fell really hard one time, really hard in love. With my teacher, Lukas. And this fall was successful, because we're freshly married from last year. I can not imagine what my life would be without him in it. We know each other so well, we are a couple, but also best friends. Even if we have a big age gap, we do not care about the opinion of others.

Choice 1 : Plan B(aby).

Choice 2 : Bruno's death.

wonderful wedding

Plan B(aby).

I am the worst wife in the world! I had an adventure with my colleague, Steve. It happen just on time! Or maybe two, or three, ok I confess, we were kind of in a relationship, but that is not the worst... Because I just learned that I was pregnant! My husband is way too old to produce any offspring, he will suspect something for sure! I cannot tell Steve, cause he already have two children with is wife! I'm so disappointed in me, I don't know what to do with this kid... I don't think I'm ready to deal with such a situation...

Choice 1 : Aby.

Choice 2 : The choice.

having an affair

Three years later.

It's my first day as a trainee, I'm so excite! After three wonderful years of studying at Sherbrooke University, I'm finally done. I need to admit that I had bias for PBL (Polyvalente de Black Lake), the High school I used to go. Even if my wage as a trainee is not very high, I am so grateful to be here, because my other options were full of drawbacks...

Choice 1 : Teacher's life.


Teacher's life.

I am now a full time part teacher, and I'm still at PBL. The countdown until my retirement has started, I'm an old teacher now. The effects of the drive of work begin to be felt. However, I made a really good decision a few years ago. I had set aside some money to pay my mortgage, and all the other payments. I also have some extra money to leave a peaceful retirement.

Choice 1 : After college.



Five months after I found out I was pregnant, I invented a story so I could leave to give birth, and Bruno would not found out. It's been half a year since I've been here, at our house in Santorini, Greece. I am ready to come back home, and I already now what I will tell to Bruno : While I was coming back home after a long day on the yacht, a small wicker basket had been placed on the threshold of the door. In it, there was the cute little face, I had the feeling that this child needed me. Surprisingly, it worked out! Bruno believed me, and I cut ties with Steve for quite a while. I am now leaving a peaceful life, with my rich husband, and my little girl, Aby.

Choice 1 : Plan B(aby).

villa in Santorini

The choice.

I should have see this coming right from the start, but I am so stubborn... Bruno found out that I was having an affair with Steve, and he ask me to choose between the baby or him, otherwise, he will demand the divorce! I am so shocked... I can't believe he's asking me to choose. After a lot of sleepless nights, I finally made a decision. I choose my husband, the love of my life... I might regret this later, but for now, the only thing I need to worry about is to make my husband happy...

Choice 1 : Choosing love.

The lost.

The tears are blurring my vision, the nurse is trying to talk to me, but all I can hear is an echoing and distant noise. She leads me to this room where my husband rests. I can't believe it. It happened so fast... He died of a heart attack. The paramedics couldn't do anything when they arrived it was already too late. Bruno will never come back.

Choice 1 : Bruno's death.

girl crying

Bruno's death.

The hospital just called me, something is wrong with my husband. I'm on my way to the health center. I hope it is not what I think...

Choice 1 : The lost.

Choice 2 : Victory.



"Thank you Dr." I said with my crying widow's voice. Bruno is dead, he had a heart attack this morning, and he died right on the moment. I'm acting like a poor wife who just lost her husband, but behind this mask, I'm kinda of happy that he left. I will inhert of all is fortune, all of his properties, etc. I'll be rich, and independent! This man had enough abuse of me, karma took care of it very well, or maybe he had a stroke of mine...

Choice 1 : My real choice.

My real choice.

Finally, I kept my baby, and we went to Santorini. When I gave birth, my baby and I stayed over there for a moment, and when we came back Steve took Aby while I settle my things with Bruno. However, Bruno suddenly died of a heart attack, which ensured that I was able to have my daughter back, as well as all of Bruno's fortune. Steve Evan came to join us, and now we are a beautiful family.

Choice 1 : After college.

happy family