Pre-Hospital Emergency Care

A hypertext narrative by

Amelie Lauzon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1024

Choice count: 33

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 24

Field Related Analysis

Paramedics : 140 matches

(accident, airway, ambulance, anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis, breathlessness, cannula, care, cpr, drug, emergency, hospital, mask, nurses, oxygen, oxygen mask, paramedic, partner, patient, patients, pulse, pulse oximeter, resuscitation, shock, syringe, transport, unconscious, ventilate)

Medical Records : 58 matches

(drug, hospital, patient)

Radiation Oncology : 55 matches

(mask, patient, patients)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

comes in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

deter (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

wage (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


Pre-Hospital Emergency Care

On duty.

I've managed to pull off straight A's in my technique. I've now been working as a paramedic for a year. It's 7 in the morning, and we receive a call for an anaphylactic shock as we are waiting at our waiting post. You are the leader of the scene while your partner comes in handy.

Choice 1 : When you arrive at the scene, you notice that your airway patients are blocked. You clear his airway of what suffocates your patient.

Choice 2 : When you arrive at the scene, you notice that your airway patients are blocked. You decide to do nothing about it and let your patient suffocates.

Ambulance on duty.

When you arrive at the scene, you notice that your airway patients are blocked. You clear his airway of what suffocates your patient.

You manage to clear his airway but the patient needs oxygen. You need to act fast.

Choice 1 : You give your patient a nasal cannula at one liter per minute to help him breathe.

Choice 2 : You give your patient an oxygen mask to help him breathe.

Airway being cleared.

When you arrive at the scene, you notice that your airway patients are blocked. You decide to do nothing about it and let your patient suffocates.

The patient is struggling to breathe and is dying of his anaphylaxis and his breathlessness. Your patient really needs your help.

Choice 1 : You do CPR to help save your patient's life.

Choice 2 : You decide to do nothing to help your patient.

Blocked airway.

You give your patient an oxygen mask to help him breathe.

The oxygen mask helped increase the pulse oximeter of your patient.

Choice 1 : You give your patient the right drug intramuscular.

Choice 2 : You prick yourself with the syringe instead.

Oxygen mask.

You give your patient a nasal cannula at one liter per minute to help him breathe.

The pulse oximeter of your patient continues to slowly decrease. Your patient becomes unconscious.

Choice 1 : You decide to ventilate your patient.

Choice 2 : You decide to continue the transport without doing anything to increase the pulse oximeter of your patient.

Nasal cannula.

You do CPR to help save your patient's life.

You managed to revive your patient with sequels. Not the best scenario but nice.

Choice 1 : On duty.


You decide to do nothing to help your patient.

Your patient is dead and has no chance of resuscitation. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.

Patient's dead.

You decide to continue the transport without doing anything to increase the pulse oximeter of your patient.

Your patient is dead and has no chance of resuscitation. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.

Patient's dead.

You decide to ventilate your patient.

You arrive at the hospital and the nurses are taking care of your patient. Not the best scenario but nice.

Choice 1 : On duty.

Patient's being take care of at the hospital.

The oxygen mask increases the pulse oximeter of your patient.

You need to give your patient a drug. The condition of your patient is not enough improving.

Choice 1 : You give your patient the right drug intramuscular.

Choice 2 : You prick yourself with the syringe instead.

Pulse oximeter.

You give your patient the right drug intramuscular.

You did what you had to do to help your patient. You almost are at the hospital.

Choice 1 : You got into an accident while arriving to the hospital because of your partner. You think that your partner lacks of experience in driving.

Choice 2 : You make it to the hospital in time. Your patient is alive.

Patient receives a drug intramuscular.

You prick yourself with the syringe instead.

You start to feel dizzy.

Choice 1 : Your partner didn't pay attention to the situation.

Choice 2 : Your partner stops driving because you are now unconscious. You need help.


You got into an accident while arriving to the hospital because of your partner. You think that your partner lacks of experience in driving.

Everyone in the ambulance died in the accident. No one survived. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.

Accident while driving the ambulance.

You make it to the hospital in time. Your patient is alive.

You are about to leave the ambulance and your patient asks for your number. You think he is attractive. You are not sure if you accept it.

Choice 1 : You decide to take the number of your patient.

Choice 2 : You decide to stay professional. You refuse his number politely.

Ambulance at the hospital.

Your partner stops driving because you are now unconscious. You need help.

Your partner needs to make a choice between you and the patient to save. Your partner can only save one.

Choice 1 : Your partner decides to save the patient.

Choice 2 : Your partner decides to save you.


Your partner didn't pay attention to the situation.

You and the patient are dead in the back of the ambulance. Your partner did not notice. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.

You and your patient dead in the ambulance.

Your partner decides to save you.

Your patient is dead. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.

The patient.

Your partner decides to save the patient.

You are dead. Try again.

Choice 1 : On duty.


You decide to take the number of your patient.

Your partner sees the situation and thinks this is inappropriate. You try to deter the situation, but it is not working. Your partner gets you fired.

Choice 1 : Your relationship with your patient did not work.

Choice 2 : You are dating your patient and are now in love.


You are dating your patient and are now in love.

You have a happy life. You got fired but you are in love. It is worthwhile for you.

Choice 1 : On duty.


You decide to stay professional. You refuse his number politely.

Your partner would have snitched you for misconduct. You keep your job and your wage because you decided to not put aside your professionalism. Nice.

Choice 1 : On duty.

No cellphone number given.

Your relationship with your patient did not work.

You are single without a job. This is a dead-end job. You need a new one. Too bad. You'll learn the ropes on how to be a professional.

Choice 1 : On duty.
