Psychology Field.

A hypertext narrative by

annabelle pelletier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1484

Choice count: 48

Section count: 31

Image count: 31

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Education : 121 matches

(choice, classes, college, compensation, courses, degree, doctorate, don, field, first, motivation, private, sabbatical, school, semester, social, students, teachers, university)

Law : 32 matches

(children, compensation, debt, electricity, family, house, master, offer, private, private company)

Tourism : 31 matches

(basic, compensation, customer, customer service, dep, field, master)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

compensation (4 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

hr (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

ojt (3 matches)

compensation package (4 matches)

pension (2 matches)

premium wage (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


Psychology Field.

Start at the beginning.

I am now in my last semester at the Ahuntsic College. I have to choose at what University I would like to continue my studies in the psychology Field.

Choice 1 : I went to the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : go to the University of Quebec in Montreal

Ahuntsic College

Go to the University of Montreal.

I am now in my first semester, my classes are really interesting, but I am not feeling at my place. The students and even the teachers are a little snob and this is definitely not who I am.

Choice 1 : I will continue my studies at the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : I am dropping out of school.

University of Montreal

I went to the University of Quebec in Montreal.

I am now in my first semester, my classes are really interesting, the teachers are passionate about their subject and I even made some friends!

Choice 1 : I will do a Ph. D.

Choice 2 : I will finish my master degree and do an OJT in a private company.

University of Quebec in Montreal

I will continue my studies at the University of Montreal.

After years of hard labor, I finally obtained my doctorate, the feeling is a big fulfillment.

Choice 1 : I become a psychologist, and I couldn't be happier.


I am dropping out of school.

I was not at my place at the University of Montreal, so I decided to drop out.

Choice 1 : I become a stay-at-home mom.

Choice 2 : I decide to do a DEP in electricity.

school drop out

I will do a Ph. D.

I decided to do a Ph. D., but my family isn't able to help me financially, and I don't have any money set aside left...

Choice 1 : I will take a sabbatical year, to make the most money I can.

Choice 2 : I will take a loan and continue my studies.

no money left

I will finish my master degree and do an OJT in a private company.

After my master degree I decided that I did enough studies, so I sent my resume in a private company, and I will work in the HR.

Choice 1 : I stay in this company, until I have my pension.

Choice 2 : My compensation package is not good, so I quit.


I become a stay-at-home mom.

After the experience I had at a University, I lost the motivation to become a psychologist.

Choice 1 : When my children are old enough, I find myself a basic job to keep me busy during the day.

Choice 2 : I will be a stay-at-home mom for the rest of my life.

stay-at-home mom

I decide to do a DEP in electricity.

Since the psychology field wasn't for me, I decided to do a DEP in electricity.

Choice 1 : I've been a little too dangerous, and I died because of a mistake.

Choice 2 : I finished my courses, and I now have a job as an electrician.

Choice 3 : The electricity isn't my field either, I don't know what to do.


I become a psychologist, and I couldn't be happier.

I love my career, I really made a good choice, but there is something missing, I feel like my job is a dead end.

Choice 1 : I keep my job because I have a premium wage.

Choice 2 : I go back to school to specialize my Ph. D.

I love my career

I will take a sabbatical year, to make the most money I can.

It has been a thoughtful choice because during this year I can actually work as a psychologist, just not a psychologist with a Ph D. So I sent my resume at some interesting places to be able to make a lot of money during this year and to also have a foot in the door for the future.

Choice 1 : I found a good job with a really good compensation package, I'm thinking about keeping this job after the year.

Choice 2 : I found a job, and I made enough money to go back to school.

sabbatical year

I will take a loan and continue my studies.

I don't think it was the best choice because now I have a big debt...

Choice 1 : I will take a sabbatical year, to make the most money I can.


I stay in this company, until I have my pension.

The experience I gain through the years is invaluable, I really had a great career.

Choice 1 : I retire, and I have good life left

time to retire

My compensation package is not good, so I quit.

This company doesn't offer me the best advantages.

Choice 1 : I find a better job, that is closer to my house.

Choice 2 : They call me back, and they offer me better advantages.

not happy

When my children are old enough, I find myself a basic job to keep me busy during the day.

I'm bored with staying at home all day, I'd like to experience some challenges.

Choice 1 : I find a job in the customer service field.

Choice 2 : I don't find a job, but I start making pastries.


I will be a stay-at-home mom for the rest of my life.

I keep myself busy with all the chores in the house, and I also made some friends in my neighbourhood.

Choice 1 : When my husband retires we spend all of our days together, and we'll die hand in hand.

chores around the house

I finished my courses, and I now have a job as an electrician.

I'm happier now that I'm doing something more manual, than psychological.

Choice 1 : I work as an electrician, until I retire.

Choice 2 : I die because of a mistake.


The electricity isn't my field either, I don't know what to do.

I'm really lost, I don't know what I want to do with my future...

Choice 1 : Try to do a DEP in professional pastry making.

Choice 2 : Try to do a DEP in cooking.

Being lost

I keep my job because I have a premium wage.

I will keep my psychologist job until, I retire because I still like what I do, it's just that I don't have enough challenges.

Choice 1 : I retire, and I had a great career.


I go back to school to specialize my Ph. D.

I need challenges, so I go back to school.

Choice 1 : I specialize my Ph. D. in neuropsychology.

Choice 2 : I specialize my Ph D. in social psychology.


I found a good job with a really good compensation package, I'm thinking about keeping this job after the year.

My colleagues are really nice, and I have some good social advantages.

Choice 1 : I stay in this company, until I retire

I found a job, and I made enough money to go back to school.

The job was okay, but I wouldn't want to work there all my life.

Choice 1 : I go back to school the next semester.

enough money

I find a better job, that is closer to my house.

I found a better job, and it's closer to my house!

Choice 1 : I keep this job until I retire.

They call me back, and they offer me better advantages.

The OJT I did in this company was really interesting, and they like the work I was doing, so they called me back to offer me better advantages!

Choice 1 : I take the offer, and I stay in this company until my retirement

I find a job in the customer service field.

This is an okay job, I don't have anything else to say.

Choice 1 : I keep this job as a hobbies

customer service

I don't find a job, but I start making pastries.

I like making pastries it relaxes me.

Choice 1 : Try to do a DEP in professional pastry making.

Choice 2 : I only do it as a hobby because I still have to take care of my children.

pastries making

Try to do a DEP in professional pastry making.

I really love it! I want to do this for the rest of my life!

Choice 1 : After my classes, I would like to open a bakery

professional pastry making

Try to do a DEP in cooking.

Cooking isn't for me.

Choice 1 : I don't want to do this.


I specialize my Ph. D. in neuropsychology.

The neuropsychology Field always interested me, and I think it could be an interesting challenge.

Choice 1 : I love it! I want to continue in this field until I retire!


I specialize my Ph D. in social psychology.

Social Psychology isn't for me.

Choice 1 : I don't want to continue in this field.

I go back to school the next semester.

I am now ready to go back to school.

Choice 1 : I finally did my Ph. D. and I love it!