My career as an Accountant - A Hypertext Narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

Silvana Higa

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1317

Choice count: 23

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 81 matches

(academic, choice, classes, college, colleges, course, educational, fields of study, first, goal, goals, knowledge, learn, level, major, management, options, private, public college, school, semester, student, students, university, work experience)

Archaeology : 31 matches

(comes, complex, culture, here, hypothesis, lead, narrative, prestige, study, thing, type)

Sociology : 31 matches

(closure, culture, fact, goal, hypothesis, institution, international, internet, language, narrative, prestige, private, school)

Target Structure: (6 matches)

comes in handy (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

trainees (1 match)


My career as an Accountant - A Hypertext Narrative.

Choice of my academic program.

From an early age I had a great interest in business administration, but I also felt that I had to contribute in some way to the recovery of our planet from all the damage we caused it for so many years. They are very different fields of study, so I had to decide between the following two options.

Choice 1 : Business programs.

Choice 2 : Environmental programs.


Business programs.

Most of my relatives have always worked in administrative areas and this was one of the main reasons why I decided to study a profession related to business. I had the opportunity to see closely what it was like to lead a life with this type of profession, what were the advantages and what were the disadvantages. Whenever I have any questions or doubts, I know that I have people who can guide me to find the best solution to problems.

Choice 1 : The beginning of college.

Business program

Environmental programs.

There were many inconveniences for me to decide not to study an environmental program. But the most important thing is that this program included many subjects that I know were not suitable for me. One of my goals is still to be able to contribute with solutions that reduce the damage caused to our planet, but I realized that I could do it indirectly, giving support from the administrative area to companies whose mission is to fight climate change.

Choice 1 : The beginning of college.


The beginning of college.

I was about to start a new year, and I had to decide in which university I wanted to start my Accounting program and especially in which city.

Choice 1 : Study at a private college.

Choice 2 : Study at a public college.


Study at a private college.

Study at a public college.When I arrived in Canada, I had very little information about the educational system in Montreal, and it was very difficult for me to know which educational institution was the most suitable for me. When I searched the Internet, I found a lot of information about an institution called Lasalle College, so I decided to start there.

Choice 1 : English language.


Study at a public college.

The information he had about public institutions was very little or almost non-existent. At that time, I did not know anyone who could give me suggestions or comments about these colleges. It was only when some time passed that I discovered that public schools, for the most part, had better prestige.

Choice 1 : Choosing the language of my program.


Choosing the language of my program.

I only had to make one last decision, in which language should I study my program? Should I choose the program in French or English?

Choice 1 : French language.

Choice 2 : English language.


French language.

French represented a great challenge for me because I did not have any knowledge of this language. The time for me to have a considerable level of French to be accepted into an institution was too short, but despite that, my interest in studying a new language excited me too much and with dedication you can achieve this goal.

Choice 1 : My first year studying.


English language.

Studying in English seemed like a very good option to me, it is a language that gives many opportunities and also, in the past I had already taken classes. However, my decision to do my study program in Quebec made me choose to study in French out of respect for its culture and also because I find this language more complex.

Choice 1 : English language.


My first year studying.

Having made the decisions that I consider most important, I began my first year as an accounting major at LaSalle College. My first semester was perfect, I was very excited and motivated, but in the second semester, with the appearance of Covid-19, some problems could arise, and I had to prepare for two possible scenarios.

Choice 1 : Temporary closure of the Accounting program.

Choice 2 : Program in French not available.


Temporary closure of the Accounting program.

In 2020, when Covid began, all activities were greatly affected, especially air flights. Most of the students at LaSalle College were international students, causing enrollment to drop dramatically. It was possible that for the fall 2020 season, the Accounting program would be discontinued due to a lack of students.

Choice 1 : Last decision.


Program in French not available.

Another hypothesis that I had was that my study programs was no longer offered in French. Unfortunately, this is what really happened, only the English program was available.

Choice 1 : Last decision.


Last decision.

I was in a very bad situation, after having stopped studying for a semester, because of covid, I couldn't continue wasting any more time. The Accounting programs in French was no longer on the list of programs offered, and I had to make a quick decision between the following options.

Choice 1 : Wait for another half year.

Choice 2 : Study the Business and Management program.

Choice 3 : Study at another college.

2 path

Wait for another half year.

This was the least convenient option, but he still had to consider it. In fact, it was the first option that the administrators of this career offered me. If I waited one more semester, I ran the risk of having waited in vain since no one could assure me that my program could be offered again after that time, so I immediately discarded this option.

Write a choice here.


Study the Business and Management program.

The second option they offered me was to change my career to one that was quite similar to the Accounting program, the Business and Management program. But was it fair for me to change the course of my life just to continue studying at the same educational institution? Absolutely not, for that reason I decided to disassociate completely myself from LaSalle College and look for a new beginning.

Write a choice here.

Business program

Study at another college.

After an exhaustive search for information on public universities in Montreal, I found Ahuntsic College. From the beginning, this College provided me with very detailed and timely information, which gave me the confidence to enter this institution.

Choice 1 : Job search.


Job search.

Once I was well-established with my studies, it became necessary for me to look for a job. There was a wide variety of jobs, but for me the most important thing was to find a job that fit into my study schedule.

Choice 1 : Full time job.

Choice 2 : Weekend job.

Choice 3 : Part time job.


Full time job.

Full-time jobs were plentiful, but unfortunately I wasn't able to work 50 hours a week and study. Prioritizing my studies was the most important thing, so I decided not to look for a full-time job.

Write a choice here.

full time

Weekend job.

Most weekend jobs are to work in restaurants, but I had already worked as a waitress when I came to Montreal two years ago. The restaurant had recently opened, and I was one of the newly arrived trainees. The first day, my boss showed me all the ins-and-outs that he considers I needed to know. Of course, I couldn't learn and memorize everything. I never imagined that my OJT in a restaurant would be so stressful. For that reason, I decided to look for a different job.

Write a choice here.

Weekend job

Part time job.

I looked for a student job, an administrative job that would help me get my foot in the door of my career. Finally, I found a 20-hour-week job that fits in pretty well with my school schedule. All this experience comes in handy for my professional career and my work experience.

Write a choice here.

part time