My life choices

A hypertext narrative by

Naomie Couture

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1283

Choice count: 33

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis

Education : 90 matches

(autism, choice, college, course, courses, don, exam, fail, first, goal, grades, graduate, homework, kindergarten, learn, learned, library, reading, school, semester, skills, teacher, test, university)

Law : 14 matches

(children, commission, cost, fact, family, house, month, offer, rent)

Business : 12 matches

(cost, deal, manager, money, offer, pay, promotion, salary)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

straight a's (1 match)

though (1 match)


My life choices

Finishing college.

My name is Naomie. I am is studying in Arts, literature and communication at Cégep de Thetford to become a teacher. I will finish college in one year. I'm scared because I'm not sure if I have a good Quote R to be accepted.

Choice 1 : Yes! I am accepted.

Choice 2 : Sad! I am refused.

Choice 3 : I need to make other plans.

My school

Yes! I am accepted.

I'm accepted to university. I'm so proud of myself. I told everybody, but I need to make a choice. I'm accepted at two university. One is Rimouski, but at St-Georges and the other one is the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 1 : St-Georges.

Choice 2 : Sherbrooke.


Sad! I am refused.

I am so sad. I need to look for something else. I really love kids, so I want to work with them. When I was in college, I though about Kindergarten and T.E.S. What should I choose?

Choice 1 : Kindergarten

Choice 2 : TES


I need to make other plans.

Finally, I don't want to go to university. I did nothing good for two months. I just lay in bed all day long. Now, I need to find something! I don't know what to do. Maybe, I can search for a job to save money, but I don't know what to do. Also, I always dreamed to do a big trip.

Choice 1 : Go to a trip!

Choice 2 : Have a job



I went to St-Georges. I am near of my friends and I can live at my parents' house, so it doesn't cost me much. I like the teacher program, but it is difficult. I have a lot of homework and studying to do. I think about doing some summer courses, but I need to make money to pay university. Despite the fact that I don't need to rent an apartment, the session cost me around $2000.

Choice 1 : Summer courses

Choice 2 : Have fun and work



I'm really satisfied of myself. I live in an apartment with tow girls near of the university. The girls always party every night. Even do I'm not with my friends and family, I'm in a successful mood. Two hours ago, the girls asked me to come to their party. I have an exam tomorrow. Should I study or go having fun?

Choice 1 : Study

Choice 2 : Go to the party!


Go to a trip!

From a young age, I always wanted to take a long trip. Now, it is the time to do it. Do I discover the country of Europe or I realize my dream of a little girl? My dream was visiting all the provinces in Canada.

Choice 1 : Europe.

Choice 2 : Canada



I have been working at the Boulangerie St-Méthode for two years now. I do not like the job. It is difficult, and we don't have flexible schedule. I stay there because the salary is high. Tonight I work at 8 O'clock, but my friends go to the mini putt.

Choice 1 : Promotion.

Choice 2 : Fired



I loved the program. I learned a lot of new things about how to deal with kids. Now, I have finish, and I have a job offer. It is at Thetford Mines, so It is near of my house, but I don't know if I would like to go to the university to develop other skills. At the university, there is a program in kindergarten.

Choice 1 : Accept the job

Choice 2 : Go to university



This technique is very difficult. I have a lot of homework and exams. Also, I'm not impressed about the fact that we can help kids with only reading books. We don't have a lot of stage, so it is impossible to imagine myself in there for the future. I have done one stage this semester with autism children. I liked it, but I'm lost for what it is the best for me.

Choice 1 : Finish the program.

Choice 2 : Abandon the program


Accept the job.

I loved the job. I had the one-year old, and every day was a challenge. I like to be challenged, but I needed to have something else. I went back to school. I went to the University of Sherbrooke to develop my skills. I'm happy with my decision.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Go to university.

I graduated! I bought a house and started my own Kindergarten in my basement. I also have employees, so I think I can say that it is a success!

Choice 1 : Start again!



I went to Europe for one and a half years. I had a part-time job in a little grocery in Spain. I stayed there six months, and after I visited the other province. This trip allowed me to learn Spanish.

Choice 1 : Start again!



I did not like visiting Canada. I live in Quebec and I had already done some trip in other provinces, so it was not very attracted by the attraction. I went back to Quebec after four months to work in a full time job.

Choice 1 : Start again!



Now, I'm the leader of the department. I also got a desk and have more responsibilities. I prefer this job because it is less manual.

Choice 1 : Finishing college.



I'm not proud of myself! I had been fired. Now, I need to find a new job. Also, I will make more effort to succeed in my life.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Summer courses.

I do summer courses to lighten my session and have straight A's. I will have less homework. Also, I hope that I will have better grades because I will have fewer courses. Each summer, I will do it because it helps me so much.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Have fun and work.

I work at a day camp at St-Méthode. I have all of my weekends, so I can go to the beach or do some activities with my friends and my family. Also, it gives me some times to think about other things than school.

Choice 1 : Start again!



I chose to not go to the party because I had an exam the next day. I went at the library to study instead. I meet new friends, and they help me to solve the problem that I did not understand. I passed my exam and now I am graduate. I will start to work at the commission scolaire des Appalaches next semester.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Go to the party.

I fail the test because I chose to go to the party, and I wasn't prepared for it.I need to start again this course and take summer courses if I want to be a teacher. I decided to quit. I went to Asia for one month and came back studying in Arts.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Finish the program.

I finished the program. I loved the experience, but now I'm in esthetic to become a nails' artist. I work part-time job in TES, but this is not want I was really expecting, so I changed my mind.

Choice 1 : Start again!


I did not finish it.

I left the program. I work at IGA in Thetford Mines. Tomorrow, it is going to be my first day of my new job. I had a promotion to become the manager. This was not my goal to work in a grocery, but I love my coworkers and there is no drama.

Choice 1 : Start again!