The Pleasures of Engineering

A hypertext narrative by

laurent Fournier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2934

Choice count: 44

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 12

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 43 matches (accident, act, Agreement, Book, close, Committee, company, complaint, compromise, consent, construction, court, death, Direction, director, drugs, economic, enlarge, estate, explosive, fact, family, force, guilty, hire, House, living, market, month, notice, offer, office, order, private, real estate, reply, reputation, secretaries, silence, software, stock, suicide, test)

Education : 37 matches (CEGEP, Down, P, School, advanced, choice, class, course, courses, diploma, distance learning, first, further, games, goals, grades, head, knowledge, learned, learning, lessons, management, market, moral, motivation, performance, private, professor, sabbatical, school, semester, social, student, students, teacher, test, university)

Nursing : 35 matches (accident, addiction, biology, cancer, pressure, coma, consent, test, culture, death, director, dose, drug, effects, eye, forced, Health, heart, heart attack, host, instinct, liquor, physiotherapy, play, practice, resistance, resonance, schizophrenia, sleep, social, stage, suicide, supervisor, temple, tent)

Target Structure:

income (1 match)

internship (1 match)


The Pleasures of Engineering

By 0x010C (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The Choice of University.

My name is Laurent Fournier. I'm 19 years old. I have been studying Pure and Applied Science at the Cegep of St-Hyacinthe for 2 years. I will receive my diploma at the end of this semester and I have to choose which university I would like to study.

Choice 1 : I choose to study in Montreal.

Choice 2 : I choose to study in Sherbrooke.

I choose to study in Montreal.

Arriving in Montreal, this city filled with festivities, forced me to question myself about my life goals. Because of those festivities, my grades and my motivation could dropped considerably.

Choice 1 : I decide to drop school and leave with 3 of my friends on a music trip.

Choice 2 : I pick myself in hands and try to catch up the delay lost in school.

Choice 3 : I drop the first session, and apply in physiotherapy at the University of Montreal, my second choice.

I choose to study in Sherbrooke.

Arriving in Sherbrooke, the engineering cooperative allowed me to make a circle of friends. This allow me to perform like never before at the University. I graduated in 5 years and I became renamed for my grades at the university. I now have an important decision to make.

Choice 1 : I apply in the largest engineering firm in Montreal.

Choice 2 : I open a small business in the suburbs of Montreal.

Choice 3 : I took a sabbatical year to enjoy some of my youth.,h_417/c270c9_528f8db430a249d78e35d40d9f383a96~mv2.jpg

I decide to drop school and leave with 3 of my friends on a music trip.

Mixing music to discover new culture has always been one of my biggest dreams. Arriving at "Tomorrowland 2019" in Dubai, we met an extremely rich lady who was ready to host us in her home throughout the festival.

Choice 1 : We accept her generous offer.

Choice 2 : We decide to sleep in the festival campsite as planned.

I pick myself in hands and try to catch up the delay lost in school.

In order to catch up the delay, I had to use bad techniques for my health. Indeed, I started to use substances to improve my school performance; Vyvanse. My drug dealer has started to offer me more powerful substances.

Choice 1 : I agree to try his drugs.

Choice 2 : I'm leaving, and I never talk to him again.

I drop the first session, and apply in physiotherapy at the University of Montreal, my second choice.

In this new university, I realized that physiotherapy is clearly the job I want to practice. I am completely satisfied. Since the beginning of the session, I noticed that my biology teacher had an eye for me. In addition, she is very attractive. I do not know what to do. She just offered me to take private lessons with her.

Choice 1 : I accept her offer with pleasure.

Choice 2 : I save my evenings.

I apply in the largest engineering firm in Montreal.

On my first day, I had to supervise the construction of the Jacques Cartier bridge. Around noon, my supervisor came to make sure that the construction site was working properly. In fact, I wasn't sure of some calculations I had done earlier in the day.

Choice 1 : I informed my supervisor of my questions.

Choice 2 : I tell him nothing.

I open a small business in the suburbs of Montreal.

After nearly 5 years invested in my company, I had accumulated a lot of money.

Choice 1 : I invest this money in order to enlarge my company by associating myself with other small firms.

Choice 2 : I take this money and invest it in the stock market.

I took a sabbatical year to enjoy some of my youth.

After going around the world, now is the time to return to real life.

Choice 1 : I take advantage of my family's contacts to work in the biggest company in Ontario.

Choice 2 : I start my own company.

We accept her generous offer.

When we've got to her home, we could not believe we would be living in such a beautiful house. By the time we walked in, the lady offered us a glass of champagne. My two friends did not even hesitated a second and they swallowed their drink.

Choice 1 : I do like them and I accept the glass of champagne.

Choice 2 : I am a little bit hesitant about her enthusiastic attitude. I tell her that I do not like champagne.

We decide to sleep in the festival campsite as planned.

Arriving at the campsite, we met other Quebecers like us and settle directly next to them. They invited us to play some liquor games.

Choice 1 : We accept their invitation.

Choice 2 : I was a little tired, so I decide to take a nap in the tent.

I agree to try his drugs.

As he had mentioned to me, his drugs were very powerful. My notes have increased a lot. I was the best student of the program. However, I felt some side effects as a "down" every time I did not have my dose each day. I also noticed that I had lost a lot of weight.

Choice 1 : I stop using drugs for my health.

Choice 2 : I want to continue to perform at school, so I continue to take drugs.

I'm leaving, and I never talk to him again.

A week later, I received a text message from my dealer asking me why I wasn't coming to see him anymore.

Choice 1 : I reply that he was crazy for having offered me these substances.

Choice 2 : I lie to him saying that I found a new dealer.

I accept her offer with pleasure.

Miss Rochon had asked me to join her at her apartment to be more comfortable. I did not insist on this point. So, when I arrived at her place, I immediately noticed that she seemed stressed. I then sat at the desk where she had assigned me to sit. When I opened my book, she closed it at the same time. She then began to kiss me ferociously.

Choice 1 : I continue to kiss her.

Choice 2 : I reject her with force.

I save my evenings.

In the courses that followed, Miss Rochon did not look at me and simply did not allow me to speak. Also, my notes suddenly dropped.

Choice 1 : I give up the class.

Choice 2 : I ask her to have a personal meeting to discuss my notes.,w_1250/v1/ici-info/16x9/chantier-montreal-construction-mosquee.jpg

I informed my supervisor of my questions.

After his checks, my boss found errors in the concrete test. He then asked me to make an important decision.

Choice 1 : I try to make a mix of concrete to correct my mistake.

Choice 2 : I close the site until further notice for worker safety.

I tell him nothing.

After almost 5 years of hard work, my team and I have completed the construction of the famous Jacques Cartier Bridge. While I was reviewing the bridge, I realized that my calculations were actually wrong as I thought.

Choice 1 : I try to explain the problem to my boss to close the bridge.

Choice 2 : I act as if nothing had happened and I make the bridge accessible for all as planned.

I invest this money in order to enlarge my company by associating myself with other small firms.

My best friend has also opened his firm in real estate a few years after me. We associated our company together. Mister Lapalme wants to invest in real estate since he feels that the market is growing at the moment, but I'm not sure.

Choice 1 : I follow his instinct.

Choice 2 : I make a compromise with him by specifying that I also want to invest in the construction of roads in Quebec.

I take this money and invest it in the stock market.

My investment has been fruitful. Indeed, I doubled my income which allowed me to buy machines of very high quality and hire 100 new employees.

Choice 1 : I do a distance learning course to manage my employees and understand the new software.

Choice 2 : By using a larger workforce, I open several projects at once.

I take advantage of my family's contacts to work in the biggest company in Ontario.

When I moved to Toronto, I did not feel comfortably. Indeed, my English being very pitiful, I had a lot of difficulty expressing myself near my superiors. In addition, I noticed that the director of the company was very close to his secretaries, receptionists, etc. Whenever he walks beside one of them, they seemed to be afraid.

Choice 1 : I try to help them.

Choice 2 : I pretend nothing happened.

I start my own company.

Having no motivation to grow my company, I decided to take under my wing trainees and take advantage of their ignorance to abuse them.

Choice 1 : I traffic their paychecks to maximize my profit.

Choice 2 : I could send them to do the dangerous work on the construction sites.

I do like them and I accept the glass of champagne.

There was no tomorrow for us. In fact, the lady drugged the three of us in our champagne to do several scientific experiments. We were found 1 month later in a forest near her house.

Write a choice here.

I am a little bit hesitant about her enthusiastic attitude. I tell her that I do not like champagne.

Later in the evening, I noticed that my two friends were not doing well. I was convinced that the lady had drugged them. At this moment, I packed the car and we went back to the festival. On the way, a car started to pursue us ; it was this same lady! When I realized it, it was too late. She entered in collision with our car and we all die of this terrible accident.

Write a choice here.

We accept their invitation.

After two hours of non-stop drinking, I passed out and made an ethyl coma. I died of it.

Write a choice here.

I was a little tired, so I decide to take a nap in the tent.

When I woke up, my friends were gone. They had probably left with the other Quebecers. In a festival like this, it's impossible to get together because there too many people. At around 10 p.m., the show was interrupted by gunshots. It was at this moment that I saw on the giant screen of the main stage my two friends with a rifle at their temple. The Quebecers we met were actually terrorists. These were the culprits of the biggest terrorist attack in history. 60 000 people died of 20 men with explosive jackets.

Write a choice here.

I stop using drugs for my health.

My addiction was already too advanced. Indeed, I have not been able to fight the urge to consume these drugs. This is how I developed schizophrenia. I spent the rest of my life in a mental health center.

Write a choice here.

I want to continue to perform at school, so I continue to take drugs.

I was the student with the highest standing in the history of the University. However, a few years later, I developed a generalized cancer that ended my day at the age of 27 years.

Write a choice here.

I reply that he was crazy for having offered me these substances.

My comment offended him. At the end of class, I was heading to my car when I saw him coming in my direction. At this moment, I saw a rifle in his hand. I tried to run as fast as I could to my car, but it was too late. He shot me in the head.

Write a choice here.

I lie to him saying that I found a new dealer.

Despite the fact that I stopped using drugs, my parents found my reserve that I was keeping in my room. It was then that they sent me to a rehab center and my life completely toppled over.

Write a choice here.

I continue to kiss her.

The next day, the news was circulating everywhere across the University. My teacher lost her job and I had the reputation of being the biggest scorer of the entire program.

Write a choice here.

I reject her with force.

Since I decided not to kiss her, my teacher became very aggressive. I tried to flee her home, but she stabbed me in the back while I was trying to open the front door.

Write a choice here.

I give up the class.

After dropping the course, I filed a complaint against the professor of biology. The direction of the school didn't want to believe me and kick me out from the university for my "false accusations".

Write a choice here.

I ask her to have a personal meeting to discuss my notes.

During this meeting, I felt a ubiquitous tension in the room until I approached the subject of its potential attraction to me. It was then that I realized that there was only a simple misunderstanding. I only reminded her of his brother who looks a lot like me.

Write a choice here.

I try to make a mix of concrete to correct my mistake.

While I was mixing, I leaned over to look at what my mixture looks like and fell into it. I am dead engraved in the bridge.

Write a choice here.

I close the site until further notice for worker safety.

When the construction of the bridge was stopped, the steel structures were not very solid. Indeed, the construction workers could not complete their work. Then, the bridge started to oscillate due to strong winds from the St-Laurent river that caused its collapse. This principle is called; resonance.

Write a choice here.

I try to explain the problem to my boss to close the bridge.

My superiors didn't want to hear anything and the bridge collapsed because of the resistance of the concrete. 300 people died of this fateful incident.

Write a choice here.,1000/images/content/2/7/8/27896489/6/topelement.jpg

I act as if nothing had happened and I make the bridge accessible for all as planned.

10 years later, the bridge began to sag considerably. The company then had to invest over a billion dollars to correct my mistake. I was sued by the company in court and of course I lost my job.

Write a choice here.,,forcex/img/var/doctissimo/storage/images/fr/www/psychologie/diaporamas/stress-positif/le-stress-pour-resister-a-la-pression-sociale/4568849-1-fre-FR/Le-stress-pour-resister-a-la-pression-sociale.jpg

I follow his instinct.

This has been without a doubt the worst decision of my career. Indeed, the market has declined over the years. Without my consent, Pier-Luc attempted to defraud customers and suppliers in order to pay off our debts. This is how our company closed its doors and we made the headlines by getting into even more trouble. I changed country because I could not stand the social pressure anymore.

Write a choice here.

I make a compromise with him by specifying that I also want to invest in the construction of roads in Quebec.

This agreement did not make Pier-Luc happy. Indeed, this decision pushes us to separate our company.

Write a choice here.

I do a distance learning course to manage my employees and understand the new software.

With my knowledge my company made a tremendous profit. That's how I became the richest engineer in North America. I went from 100 employees to 20,000 employees around the world. The pressure was too big. I had a heart attack and I died leaving behind me the biggest company ever develop.

Write a choice here.

I pretend nothing happened.

1 year later, one of the company's accountants was found in her home dead. She was drugged and raped by five men from this company. Feeling guilty of my silence, I took my life a few weeks after the incident.

Write a choice here.équipe-de-gestion-d-employés-de-bureau-dans-les-affaires-53256442.jpg

By using a larger workforce, I open several projects at once.

After a few months, my company lost a lot of money. Indeed, with my slender knowledge of employee management, they took advantage of this to their advantage to increase their salary, their working conditions, etc. This is how my engineering committee turned against me to take my place as CEO and fired me at the same time.

Write a choice here.

I try to help them.

When I learned that my boss was sexually abusing his employees, I tried to put some colleagues on my side to make him fall which was a bad idea since some of them had also abused these ladies. One of these men made death threats to my family and me if I ever denounced anyone. That's how I lost my job.

Write a choice here.

I traffic their paychecks to maximize my profit.

At the end of their internship, some students lodged a complaint against my company at the worker's protection office, which closed my company. I finished the rest of my days in jail.

Write a choice here.

I send them to do the dangerous work on the building sites.

Unfortunately for me, one of my trainees died when he tried to climb a wall without a safety harness. His family sued my company for $ 500,000. This moral and economic burden pushed me to commit suicide.

Write a choice here.

The End.