What is my fate ?

A hypertext narrative by

Sarah-Maude Brisson

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3013

Choice count: 40

Section count: 26

Image count: 26

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis

Education : 135 matches

(ability, academic, bachelor's degree, choice, classes, college, compensation, continuing, degree, don, down, exam, field, field of study, first, games, goals, high school, learn, learned, lesson, lessons, options, performance, private, register, review, scholarship, school, semester, social, student, teach, technology, term, test, university, work experience)

Law : 63 matches

(absence, accident, attempt, attorney, bar, bar exam, bias, book, cabinet, capital, child, children, close, compensation, cost, damage, death, family, gift, house, information, injury, law, law firm, lawyer, lawyers, legislation, living, living together, month, mortgage, office, order, paralegal, possibility, private, purchase, register)

Dance : 50 matches

(back, behind, break, check, close, cut, face, figure, flight, forward, grand, lady, leap, mirror, out, perform, performance, point, position, russian, show, side, social, through, together, walk)

Target Structure: (33 matches)

background check (1 match)

bias (1 match)

compensation (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

hindering (1 match)

hr (2 matches)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (5 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

more often (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (2 matches)

ojt (1 match)

compensation package (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

though (1 match)

undermined (1 match)

undermining (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

vacant positions (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

withholding (1 match)

volunteer (3 matches)

volunteers (2 matches)

volunteering (1 match)

abroad (4 matches)


What is my fate ?

End of College.

I am so happy! I have just finished my college degree in Social Sciences, which means that summer is officially starting. I am very excited about it, and I can't wait to create memories with my friends. Therefore, even though the next months will be full of memorable moments with the people I love, I already have to think about what I am going to do next year.

Choice 1 : Take a leap year.

Choice 2 : Sign up for university.

Choice 3 : Move to the United States to play hockey.


Take a leap year.

I am literally living my best life. I go to the beach every day with my friends. At night, we party and go to bars. On weekends, I enjoy boat days with my family. When it is raining outside, I read, or I cook with my sisters. I really appreciate this life. I am realizing that I can accomplish so many things when I don't have any obligations related to school. I have to review my options for the next semesters, but for now I am taking a leap year.

Choice 1 : Travel to a destination.

Choice 2 : Work at Dairy Joy.

Choice 3 : Care for my grand-mother.

Gap year

Sign up for university.

Studies have always been significant in my life. I like to learn, to meet new people, and to grow as a human. I can't image my journey without continuing to university. Good news is that I have been accepted in Law and Paralegal Technology in Sherbrooke, and in Psychology in Laval. I am very cheerful about it, but it makes me undecided about where I will sign up. I have to choose by the end of summer, and it is stressing me out.

Choice 1 : Attempt Sherbrooke University.

Choice 2 : Attempt Laval University.

Students in a class

Move to the United States to play hockey.

Summer is approaching to its ends, and I can't believe there are only two weeks left before I move out to the United States. I am very nervous to leave my friends and my family behind. They told me they will always be there for me, but I know that distance can ruin relationships, and it makes me so sad to know it could happen. On the other hand, I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to play hockey in another country. It is an experience that I will not live twice in my life, and I want to enjoy every little thing. I am looking forwards to meet Americans, especially boys... if you get what I mean! Let's see where this experience leads me.

Choice 1 : Come back home.

Choice 2 : Stay in the United States.

Hockey players

Travel to a destination.

Travelling the world has been a dream since my high school years. Because I don't take classes anymore, I have finally the occasion to make this dream comes true.At the moment, I am planning the trip, but it appears more difficult than I thought it would be. To tell the truth, the only information I am sure about is that I am going to leave for six months, in the winter. I am hesitant about where I want to go, and what I want to do.

Choice 1 : Get away in Hawaii.

Choice 2 : Volunteer abroad in Ukraine.

a plane

Work at Dairy Joy.

Since I don't go to school anymore, I have a lot of free time. Thus, I took my resume to a restaurant that is called Dairy Joy, and they hired me. I started my OJT with my colleague Julia three weeks ago. Julia is an excellent employee. Unfortunately, she is not a great trainer. I have not learnt all the ins-and-outs of the job, and with her by my side, I feel a lot of pressure. Every time I am going to the restaurant, I am stressing out. Despite being a bad trainer, I noticed that Julia often has a bias against males. Indeed, she is a lot more polite with female costumer than boys. In addition, I thought I would earn a better wage. I am very disappointed, but despite this drawback, I enjoy my new job. Who knows what this employment deserves me?

Choice 1 : Retire early.

Choice 2 : Become the owner.

Dairy Joy

Care for my grand-mother.

Summer has just ended. My friends are out town for their studies. I am literally alone. It is so boring! I have to admit that I regret a little my decision. However, by now, I am caring for my grandmother. She is an old lady. She lives alone in a house that she is not able to take care of. So, I bring her food, I clean the house, and I entertain her every day. She can barely walk because of her bone cancer. Doctors say that she has only few months left. She needs my help, and I am very happy to be by her side. I can't image the pain I will feel when she dies.

Choice 1 : End of College.

A grandmother

Get away in Hawaii.

I have been living in Hawaii, one of the most beautiful and peaceful destination in the world, for three months now. No words can describe the excitement I am having since the beginning of this journey. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to experience my dearest dream. Actually, it seems unreal to me! Unfortunately, today is my last day here. I still can't believe I have to leave so early. Yesterday, while I was hiking, I received a call from a friend I met on a surf lesson. This guy warned me that there was a tornado brewing. He also told me that the state had recommended to all travelers to book a flight as soon as they could. So, I bought a ticket for tonight, even if I was supposed to stay in Hawaii for six months. I am crying so much! I have no idea what I will do when I get back home.

Choice 1 : End of College.


Volunteer abroad in Ukraine.

While I was planning my trip for this winter, a tragic event happened in Ukraine: a Russian train exploded in the capital. When I saw the damage it caused in the city at the television, I was stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes! So, I decided to volunteer abroad in Ukraine, and I brought my brothers as other volunteers. We have been there for two months now. Our purpose is to help the population. As my brothers rebuilt houses, I teach to young children. I also knit to provide clothes and blankets to those who have lost their homes. I am living an invaluable, in-death experience that makes me learn so many things. I heard that volunteering abroad could be an advantage in my future jobs. Some of the volunteers I met actually receive a premium wage for this. I am looking forward to seeing where this meaningful experience leads me in the future.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Ukraine's flag

Retire early.

I have been working at Dairy Joy for ten years now. Unfortunately, today, a terrible accident happened to me. My arms, hands and face got burnt by the oil from the fryer. Right away, I fainted and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. It was the worst moment of my life. At the moment, I can't feel anything on my body; my nerves has been damaged. I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror, I am so scared. The doctors tell me that I am lucky to be alive. They also announce me that I have to retire from my job. I am in tears, I am so young! I will miss the drive of the work so much! Will I be able to pay off my mortgage? Oh, my god! I have to stop thinking about this right now.

Choice 1 : End of College.


Become the owner.

I am about to sign the papers. I am buying the Dairy Joy. Can you believe it? I have been working there since the end of college. As time went by, being the owner of the restaurant has become one of my goals. Today, I am officially making this crazy dream comes true. I am so proud of myself. Through the years, I worked so hard, and I put a lot of effort to reach this point. I couldn't be happier right now. Tomorrow, I will be celebrating my fortieth birthday. What a beautiful gift this new purchase is! I just hope it is going to be cost-effective...

Choice 1 : End of College.

Signing the papers

Attempt Laval University.

Here I am finally studying Psychology at Laval University. I am even part of the university soccer team. They recruited me to the team, can you believe it? It was a very hard choice when it came time to register three years ago. However, I don't regret this decision at all. I am so happy! I still have a few years of study left before I become a psychologist. I am so looking forward to taking care of my patients.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Laval University

Attempt Sherbrooke University.

I made it! I am at the university. I am currently studying Law and Paralegal Technology, and I don't know if I regret my choice yet. It is so entertaining, but it is a lot of work. I have to be familiar with every law, and legislation of the province, which is a lot of hours of study. I don't even have time to go out with my friends anymore! I would like to enjoy my student life as much as they do. Only, I really aspire to become a trial lawyer. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Attain an internship.

Choice 2 : Change program.

Sherbrook Univeristy

Attain an internship.

Two months ago, I acquired my bachelor's degree from Sherbrooke University. I am now starting an internship in order to gain work experience as an attorney. It was important for me to be an intern before becoming a real professional. My parents always told me it was necessary to learn the ropes before starting something. My internship comes handy because it gives me the possibility to test drive my future job. While I am living this experience, I realize that is my dream job. I am impatient to discover what I will do next.

Choice 1 : Join a big firm.

Choice 2 : Create my own cabinet.


Change program.

Unfortunately, at the end of my bachelor's degree, I did not pass the Bar exam. Consequently, I changed programs. I am now a Marketing student. I really like this field of study. I feel like I totally fit in. Yet, I don't know what kind of career I want to have. It is stressing me a little, but I still have time to figure out.Who knows, I might direct the marketing of a huge company, such as Apple, in the next years...

Choice 1 : End of College.


Join a big firm.

This morning, the HR of a big firm of lawyers contacted me about a vacant position. Actually, there are a lot of vacant positions in the company due to people who have taken leave of absence. I am currently discussing with them about my compensation package, and my salary as a new employee. The HR are also showing me all the benefits of the job. It seems so nice! However, before they hire me, they have to perform a background check. As there are other candidates, I do not know if I am chosen. Let's hope I will have been able to stand out!

Choice 1 : End of College.

A law firm

Own a cabinet.

After my internship, I have been working in a law firm for many years, until I got sucked up in office politics. More often than not, it was very annoying. Actually, some of my colleagues were undermining me every day. Others even have undermined the boss. I remember a girl named Lucy who was always hindering my ability to do my job by withholding important information. That was the moment I tell myself I had to leave this toxic environment forever. Getting sucked up in office politics made me realize that workplaces were not always easy. So, I recently decided to become my boss by owning a private cabinet because I don't want to get sucked up in gossiping or backstabbing anymore. At my company, I have two employees, and we get along very well.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Law private firm

Come back home.

It is with great sadness that I must return home today. My flight is scheduled for five o'clock this evening. That doesn't give me much time to leave my apartment in Maine and say goodbye to my friends and coaches. I have to leave today because I caught a virulent virus, the COVID-19. I had to be hospitalized for a few weeks. Unfortunately I'm now stuck with long term consequences. Indeed, my lungs and my heart have been affected. I no longer have the stamina and cardio to continue playing on the University of Maine women's field hockey team. I am currently on the road and cannot stop crying.

Choice 1 : End of College.


Stay in the United States.

I am literally living my best life here, in Maine. Indeed, I met a lot of new people. I have the chance to live an extraordinary experience, which enriches me every day. Following my first semester at the University of Maine, I received a scholarship for my academic performance as an athlete. I couldn't be more grateful. Nowadays, I am currently entering my second semester, and I am already looking forward to the experiences it will bring.

Choice 1 : Met the love of my life.

Choice 2 : Participate in a reality show.

Choice 3 : Attend the Olympic Games.

United States Flag

Met the love of my life.

Two years ago, I met the man I thought was the love of my life. Our eyes met at the beach, during a student party to which we had both been invited. I had never seen him before that night. Maybe, it was better this way. I have just found out that he cheated on me with my best friend. MY BEST FRIEND! I am stunned. I can hardly breathe because I'm crying. The tears are pouring down. I don't know what to do. I mean, the decision would be easier if I wasn't pregnant...

Choice 1 : Broke up with him.

Choice 2 : Gets married to him.


Participate in a reality show.

I have been chosen to participate in the reality show Too Hot to Handle.The other contestants and I have just arrived at the house in which we will be living together. I already have my eye on a contestant named Jake. He has tan skin. He is tall and very sexy... I think he has a crush on me too. Tonight, Lana, the virtual host assistant, is preparing our first date. I have to keep in mind that this is a retreat where we are not allowed to get close to any other contestants. What will happen?

Choice 1 : Break the rules.

Choice 2 : Win the show.

To hot to handle

Attend the Olympic Games.

Oh, my God! I am qualified for the Olympic Games in Italy. I'm pinching myself to make sure it's not a dream. I can't believe it. I will be representing the United States with the women's ice hockey team. Our first game is next week. I'm so nervous. Therefore, I've been dealing with an injury since the beginning of my season. I hope I will be okay for the games next week.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Olympic Games' logo

Broke up with him.

I am no longer with my father's child, who is still growing in my belly. After what happened, he never apologized to me. I even felt like he didn't regret sleeping with my best friend, Amber, with whom I have cut ties for good. When I told my ex-boyfriend that I was pregnant, he left. He has never called me back since. I hate him. In a few days I will give birth to my first child, and I can't wait. It scares me, but I'm going to make it.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Broken heart

Gets married to him.

Believe it or not, I'm marrying the man who cheated on me in university. Don't worry, he came around in time. When I told him I was pregnant several years ago, he was so happy. So, I decided to forgive him then and there so that we could give our child a chance to live in a united family. Since then, we have had three more children. I am so blessed. Therefore, our wedding is planned for the next month. We will be surrounded by our beautiful children, family, and friends. I have been waiting for this moment for so long!

Choice 1 : End of College.


Break the rules.

I've been here for two weeks now, and I've already broken the rules... but I don't care. Lana is not proud of me, and neither are the other contestants. They say that I am losing money in the pot. They are so stupid! I'm here to experience things. I don't care about the money. I'm already rich. I'm going to keep breaking the rules LOL.

Choice 1 : End of College.

Break the rules

Win the show.

I did it! I didn't break any rules. I am so proud of myself. This retreat has made me grow a lot. Back in the time, I would never have been able to resist all this temptation. That's why Lana just crowned me the big winner. I leave here with a lot of money in my pocket, but I have also learned important lessons and met some amazing people. I do not regret this experience at all.

Choice 1 : End of College.
