Nathan's future

A hypertext narrative by

Nathan Roy

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1434

Choice count: 31

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 22

Field Related Analysis

Education : 121 matches

(cegep, choice, class, classes, don, exam, fail, games, grade, grades, library, reader, school, semester, student, taught, teacher, university)

Archaeology : 37 matches

(bed, bit, class, her, here, keep, section, study, tell, text, thing)

Social Work : 18 matches

(child, help, in need, studied, teacher)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


Nathan's future

You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. After this semester, you want to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.

You are in the middle of the semester. You have two exams tomorrow. The boys want to play video games with you. What will be the best choice for your future?

Choice 1 : You decide to play with the boys.

Choice 2 : Study exam at school.


You decide to play with the boys.

You played games all night, it was very fun. Now, you are very tired, and you forgot everything that was taught in class. You will get a bad grade due to your bad choices yesterday. You have a lot of time this morning before your classes. Will you go to meet the teacher, or will you go to take a nap to get some rest?

Choice 1 : Go see the teacher.

Choice 2 : Take a nap because you didn't sleep.

video game

Go see the teacher.

The teacher helped you with the subject, you feel a bit more confident with the end of the semester. He asks you to stay longer. He is really generous with you and offers a lot of his time. You receive a text from your friends. They tell you to leave, they want to go outside and grab food. Will you stay to listen to the teacher, or you will go out with friends?

Choice 1 : You go have fun with your friends.

Choice 2 : You stay for all the time the teacher offers you.


You go have fun with your friends.

You are enjoying your time with your friends, and you don't think about your semester. You are fully enjoying the moment. After this moment is done, you think you may be in trouble for the choices you made.

Choice 1 : You are immature.


You are immature.

With the choices you made, you are not ready for university. You should take another year of cegep. That's pretty sad to act like a child at this age.

Choice 1 : End


Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Take a nap because you didn't sleep.

After playing all night, you feel lazy. You choose to go to bed. Your brain doesn't worry about anything now, only thing is sleep to your mind. What will you do after? Will you wake up and do something of your day or you will keep your lazy habits and stay in bed.

Choice 1 : You open your eyes an hour later.

Choice 2 : Stay in bed.


You open your eyes an hour later.

You wake up ready for your exam. You didn't study a lot, but you feel awake and better than last night. Now, you need to try your best to get a good grade.

Choice 1 : You passed the exam.

Write a choice here.

confident person

You stay for all the time the teacher offers you.

The teacher is impressed. He thinks youre a good student. Also, the teacher is really precise with his subject. You are now way more confident with the upcoming exam.

Choice 1 : Nice comeback my guy!


Nice comeback my guy!

Good job! You made a mistake, but you did a nice job at saving your semester. You had fun with your friends, and you became smarter has time goes. I think with a bit of practice you will do well at university.

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.

thumb up

You passed the exam.

You barely passed the exam congrats! You did nothing and still got a decent grade. Careful later in your life because you got lucky. It probably won't happen again.

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.


Stay in bed.

You feel way too lazy. You dont even want to try your exam, you know you will fail. You tell yourself why even try? You decide to try the clothes of your mom, because you want to feel as pretty as her.

Choice 1 : You are completely stupid.


You are completely stupid.

You spent all day wearing dresses and skirts, you forgot the exam. How can you be as dumb as that? You should restart your whole semester for being that stupid.

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.


Study exam at school.

It's the end of the semester. It's not the time to play. You need sleep and study sessions. I'm sure you made the right choice. After all, you can see your friends after school is over.

Choice 1 : Ask for this girl to study with you.

Choice 2 : Keep studying.


Ask this girl to study with you.

You notice this pretty girl from your class. You decide to go talk to her. They said we are more productive together right?

Choice 1 : She rejects you.

Choice 2 : She agrees to study with you.

asking out

She rejects you.

She tells you to go away, she wants to study alone without being disturbed. It's fine because you realize you need to study too.

Choice 1 : Good ending!

getting rejected

She agrees to study with you.

You are getting along well. You have fun with her. You don't talk a lot about the exam, but she is funny and you like her.

Choice 1 : You have a date tomorrow!


Keep studying.

You don't have time to talk to anyone. Focus on that exam important. You will have free time later, but now you don't need anyone right now.

Choice 1 : Go home to study.

Choice 2 : Friends ask you to leave the library.

studying hard

Good ending!

Congratulations! You are studious and smart with your choices. I'm sure you will do good later at University.

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.


You have a date tomorrow!

Congratulations you smart person. You choose the best option because you won't be lonely now. You will have a good grade and a life partner!

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.


Friends ask you to leave the library.

You receive a text message from Johnny Boy. He wants to hang out right now. You need to continue studying, but Johnny is free. What is the best choice right now?

Choice 1 : Go help your friend.


Go home to study.

You decide to change place, and you go home. Your mom is there and she can help you if you need it.

Choice 1 : Excellent result!


Excellent result!

Congratulation you found the best ending. You will get an excellent result due to your smart choice. You are going to have success at university I'm proud of you.

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.


Your friend is crying and need your help.

You receive a phone call from your friend. He needs your help. He didn't tell you why, but he is sad. Will you continue studying, or you will go meet a friend in need?

Choice 1 : Go help your friend.


Go help your friend.

Wow, you are a very good friend! You helped him and you also studied today! You will get a good grade, but your friend will be grateful for that!

Choice 1 : You are in the middle of the semester. You have to make smart choices for your future. You want, after this semester to go to university. Having good grades is important to be accepted.
