A Pharmacist career path.

A hypertext narrative by

Charbel El-kazzi

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1510

Choice count: 24

Section count: 18

Image count: 18

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis

Education : 132 matches

(academic, adult, adviser, behavior, choice, class, classes, college, colleges, course, degree, don, exam, fail, failed, first, goal, grade, grades, high school, homework, management, motivation, professor, reading, research, scholarship, school, semester, skipping class, student, students, teacher, trainee, university)

Archaeology : 31 matches

(class, close, her, here, keep, study, tell)

Law : 28 matches

(accommodation, appointment, bar, budget, close, debt, director, harassment, house, living, offer, option, prescription, profession, protocol, rehabilitation)

Target Structure: (16 matches)

come in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

more often (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purposes (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


A Pharmacist career path.

College choices.

I finish high school, and now I am thinking about my next step in life. I pull off some good grades, and now I am considering what college I should go. I decide to consider the time to get me there and a college where I will have a good time. Of course, my best option is to go into Health Science because I want to pursue my dream career, which is becoming a pharmacist. I am facing a difficult dilemma between two colleges. My first option is Ahuntsic College because it's closer to me, and that's where most of my friends are heading. My second option is Maisonneuve College because it's a more serious college for my program, and I don't know anybody there. I hesitate to go there because it's far from my home, and it will affect my time management.

Choice 1 : Ahunstic College.

Choice 2 : Maisonneuve College.


Ahunstic College.

I chose to go to Ahuntsic College because it's close to my home. Therefore, it won't be a drawback. I must not let my relationship with my friends interfere with my academic results. I'm going to come in handy to them and my comrades when they need help. To obtain straight A's, I will have to do my homework every week and follow a strict schedule. Now that I am a young adult, I can start working.

Choice 1 : Start working.


Start working.

I start working as a security guard because it's the best wage job for students. I work 16 hours a week, but my boss wants me to give more hours because he needs my skill. I told him that my primary purposes was to finish college. My boss told me to accept the offer, or he will replace me.

Choice 1 : Accept the offer.

Choice 2 : Decline the offer.


Accept the offer.

I accepted my boss's offer because I didn't want to lose my job. I started working 30 hours a week and made a lot of money. I try to do my homework after work, but I am too tired. I went to do my exams and couldn't do half the exams. My academic grades are dropping, and I have an appointment with my teacher because I fail classes. I start taking antibiotics because I am stressing after my professor let me know that I won't be able to attend my dream career with my grades.

Choice 1 : Start Again.


Maisonneuve College.

I chose to go to Maisonneuve College. It takes me 1 hour to get there. I started losing motivation because I felt tired every day. I also don't know anybody right there, so I feel anxious and depressed. The lack of sleep made me start skipping class, and my grades dropped because I didn't have the new material to keep up with my class. I failed all of my classes and discussed with my adviser that I won't be able to apply for my dream career. I quit school and became depressed. I also went to a rehabilitation center because of my withdrawal from alcohol consumption.

Choice 1 : Maybe going to Ahuntsic College would have been a better idea after all.


Decline the offer.

I left my work because my studies were more important. More often than not, students that work more than 20 hours tend to fail college. It was a wise decision, and now I will continue studying hard.

Choice 1 : Graduating from Ahuntsic College.


Graduating from Ahuntsic College.

After two years of hard work, I graduated from Ahuntsic College in Health Science, and I attained the grades for my dream career of being a pharmacist. This sensation of success was invaluable. I can now apply to university.

Choice 1 : University choices.


University choices.

After doing some research, I found two universities that offer my program. The first one was the University of Montreal. This one is closer to where I am living. The second one is the University of Laval, and it's about 2 hours from where I am living.

Choice 1 : University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Laval University.


University of Montreal.

In my first week, my teacher talked about pharmaceutical stuff. I became friends with one girl from my class. She was funny and friendly with me. The following day I came to class, and she said that a colleague was sexually harassing her.

Choice 1 : Help her.

Choice 2 : Don't help her.


Help her.

I told her to tell me who it was. It was a guy from our Biology class. I went to talk with him. I told him if he kept doing sexual harassment to her or anyone, I would have to advise the director, and he will get expelled. He was scared, and he promised me he would stop doing it. She thanked me and hugged me. I got my first exam the following week, and I needed to study.

Choice 1 : Keep studying until the end of university.


Don't help her.

I chose not to help her. Two weeks later, I heard the girl attempted suicide because the guy tried to violate her. I blamed myself for that and felt bad for her. Now I have no more friends at school, and nobody wants to talk to me because I didn't help her.

Choice 1 : Start over and help her


Keep studying until the end of university.

After four long years of hard work and courage, I graduated from the University of Montreal. I got my degree in pharmacy. I also found my future wife. She was the girl I helped at the beginning of my first semester. I am going to propose to her. I can finally help my patients heal from their disease symptoms by administering the proper medication to them. Later on, I got my pharmacy. I train the new trainee not to make mistakes when reading the doctor's prescription and making the patient's dosage because it can be problematic not to follow the protocol. It also gives me a premium wage that allows me to possess a nice car and a lovely house.

Choice 1 : The end


Laval University.

I got accepted to Laval University, but it's far from home. I should look for a place to stay there.

Choice 1 : Take an apartment.

Choice 2 : Take a student housing.


Take an apartment.

I took an apartment, but my budget didn't allow me over time. I spent all my hard-earned money, and now I don't have any money to pay for my apartment or my university, so I had to quit school and start working at a grocery store to pay my debt.

Choice 1 : Find another place.

No money

Take a student housing.

I took a student apartment at Laval University, and I share it with a roommate because it would be less expensive for me though I want to be alone. We are now friends, and she knows the area here in Quebec. So, she invited me to go out, but I got an exam in 2 days.

Choice 1 : Go out.

Choice 2 : Don't go out.

Student House

Go out.

I went out with her and decided not to study for my coming exam. We went to a bar and took 12 shots of alcohol. The following day, I woke up and had a hangover. I was so tired I skipped classes and slept all day. When I woke up, I didn't want to study because I was very drained. It was the exam day, and I didn't study. I went and did my exam. I received my grades, and I failed my exam worth 40%. I got kicked out of the university because you can't fail any exams that are worth this much. Now I am in debt from university and my accommodation. I will work my entire life at a dead-end job to pay my debt.

Choice 1 : Maybe not going out would have been a better idea after all.


Don't go out.

I didn't succumb to the temptation and stayed to study. I gave the best I could in my studies and got an excellent grade on my exam. I was one of the best in my classes and got a scholarship for my good behavior and effort.

Choice 1 : Continue on the path of success and achieve your dream.

Good grades

Continue on the path of success and achieve your dream.

I stayed consistent in my study during my four years at Laval University. After four years of hard work, I graduated as the best in my class. I loved my passion for helping others understand, so I decided to become a university teacher and explain pharmacy classes to the younger generation. My profession paid well, so I got a big house and a nice car. All of my efforts paid off. I did what I loved the most and achieved my most important goal in life.

Choice 1 : The end.
