medical electrophysiology technician

A hypertext narrative by

Marika Boucher

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2109

Choice count: 33

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 92

Field Related Analysis

Paramedics : 82 matches

(911, accident, ambulance, calls, cardiac, cardiac arrest, care, department, diploma, doctor, doctors, ecg, emergency, emergency room, health, heart, hospital, medical, medication, patient, patients, shock, supervisor, paramedics)

Education : 64 matches

(activity, choice, college, diploma, field, first, general, head, learn, management, monitor, register, student, teach, test, training)

Medical Records : 50 matches

(clinic, doctor, hospital, medical, patient, software)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


medical electrophysiology technician


The idea of doing the electrophysiology program came to me because of my father. He has owned cardiology clinics since I was a child and as far as I can remember, he has always seemed happy to be at the head of his company and to be able to control his schedules and make decisions about the future of the center. When my father explained to me that I could also become responsible of these clinics one day, it pushed me to make the decision to enter the Ahuntsic College program. Because obviously, even if I intend to do a job related to the management of the company, ( what will be shown to me by my father ), I still have to have a diploma related to the job field. The three years program is over and I finally graduated, I have to choose if I wanna go work with my father as planned, but with the pandemic, medical staff are in great demand in hospitals and I could also go work there to help.

Choice 1 : Go work with my father.

Choice 2 : Go and help the medical staff in the hospitals.

the logo of the center

Go work with my father.

I start working with my father, he shows me how the company works, how to give appointments, how to send the medical results, how to order the materials, pay the bills and when we are at the clinic, I learn to install certain types of heart monitors on patients. In short, the work is quite diverse but also, the atmosphere is pretty calm. As I call my last patient of the day, I hear someone talking loudly near the secretaries office. This patient did not have an appointment but he insists very much for his monitor to be installed today because he lives far away from the clinic. Since I'm the one who is responsible today, I must decide if I send him home or if I accept to take him anyway.

Choice 1 : Send him home.

Choice 2 : Take him anyway.

angry patient

Go and help the medical staff in the hospitals.

I start my on the job training at the hospital, I mainly do resting ECGs but here, with the number of patient that needs to be treated, the atmosphere is rather stressful, I have to be fast and efficient if I don't want to disturb the other employees. Suddenly there is a patient who arrives in the emergency room and I could go help the medical team but it's my first day and I don't know if I prefer to stay in my section for the moment.

Choice 1 : Go and help the team in the emergency room.

Choice 2 : Stay in my section.

electrophysiology technician

Send him home.

Since the patient was rude to the secretary, I made the decision to send him home, he only had to behave properly if he wanted me to make an exception for him. I will then take care of my last patient and I end my day at the clinic. Tomorrow is a big day and my father would still need me to work but this time, I can go help him at the Laval clinic or go help my mother who works at our clinic located in Mascouche.

Choice 1 : Go work at the Laval clinic.

Choice 2 : Go work at the Mascouche clinic.

discuss with the patient

Take him anyway.

I decide to make an exception for this patient since he comes from far away. I set up his monitor for him and let him understand that he would benefit from being more polite the next time he comes here. Tomorrow is a big day and my father would still need me to work but this time, I can go help him at the Laval clinic or go help my mother who works at our clinic located in Mascouche.

Choice 1 : Go work at the Laval clinic.

Choice 2 : Go work at the Mascouche clinic.

holtor monitor

Go and help the team in the emergency room.

I walk into the emergency room, the patient has just arrived, he's been in a car accident and there's a lot of blood. I hate the sight of blood so I'm going back to my section anyway. My day is soon over and my supervisor comes to see me to know if tomorrow, I prefer to go to observe the electroencephalogram or the electromyogram.

Choice 1 : Go see the electroencephalograms.

Choice 2 : Go see the electromyograms.


Stay in my section.

I finally decided to stay in my section and I walk in the corridor where I wait to be called in order to do my next ecg. My day is soon over and my supervisor comes to see me to know if tomorrow, I prefer to go to observe the electroencephalograms or the electromyograms.

Choice 1 : Go see the electroencephalograms.

Choice 2 : Go see the electromyograms.


Go work at the Laval clinic.

I chose to go to work in Laval since I know the staff there a lot better, also, in Laval, there is a little more action and I can learn a little more since it is the main clinic. This is where the majority of the administrative tasks take place. In the afternoon there is much less work so I will stop installing the monitors. I then have the choice to watch the stress tests with my father or I can go to learn more about the work of the secretary.

Choice 1 : Go with my father to observe the stress tests.

Choice 2 : Go see the secretaries job.

Laval clinic

Go work at the Mascouche Clinic.

I decide to go help my mother in Mascouche since she will be the only one going to work there while my father will work with other employees and he will not need my help. On the other hand in Mascouche. There is a lot less action and I come to realize that there is not much for me to do in the ECGs room. I can then go to the doctor's room and observe how the consultations are going or I can take the rest of my day off.

Choice 1 : Go in the doctor's office to see the consultations.

Choice 2 : Introduction.

Mascouche clinic

Go see the electroencephalograms.

The electroencephalogram consists of installing electrodes on the patient's head in order to record the electrical activity of the brain. This test is used to detect certain neurological diseases such as epilepsy. It can last more than an hour and the patient is invited to open and close their eyes in order to stimulate the brain for us to observe the reactions. We can also use sounds to trigger reactions.

Choice 1 : Introduction.


Go see the electromyograms.

The electromyogram consists in installing electrodes on the arms and legs of the patient in order to detect if the patient suffers from problems related to the nervous system. Small electric shocks are sent to the limbs to see the electrical reactions and once the first part of the test is completed, a neurologist will come and install the subcutaneous electrodes, that is to say electrodes with needles to again observe the neurological reactions.

Choice 1 : Introduction.


Go in the doctor's office to see the consultations.

When I walk into the cardiologist's office, he explains to me what the consultations are. It is important to make consultations before such a test since some patients are sometimes too at risk and the doctors then decide not to do the test. The questions asked relate to the family history, the patient's medication and the reasons that lead the patient to do this kind of test. The patient is then osculpted by the doctor to ensure the good health of the heart.

Choice 1 : Introduction.


Go with my father to observe the stress tests.

I decide to go observe the tests with my father since I find it very interesting and with almost every patient I can learn something new. The first patient of the afternoon enters the room and begins his test normally. We can observe some electrical changes on the screen but in general the test goes very well and the patient ends up finishing his test like all the others before him. Then a few seconds after stopping the treadmill, the patient signals to us that he is not feeling very well and suddenly he falls to the ground. He has a cardiac arrest and I have to go get the cardiologist quickly. Once the cardiologist is in the room resuscitating the patient, I have to choose if I go out of the room to call 911 or if I try to help the doctor.

Choice 1 : Call 911.

Choice 2 : Try to help the doctor.

stress test equipment

Go see the secretaries job.

I decided to go see the work at the secretary's office and despite all that we can say about the secretary's job, the work is still quite difficult. Anny, the office manager takes care of my father's company in Laval but she also takes care of our clinics in Mascouche and Vaudreuil, she also takes care of several other medical specialists and she is responsible for the entire department of the second floor. I watch the other secretaries work and they don't have much time to stop between registering patients, making appointments, making phone calls and sending emails. I watch them work and I wonder if I should also learn to do some of the work since it will probably be useful to know how to register patients in the future.

Choice 1 : Learn the secretaries tasks.

Choice 2 : Introduction.


Call 911.

The right decision to make is obviously to call 911, so I explain the situation to them on the phone and they immediately send an ambulance. Once the paramedics arrived on site, the patient was taken care of and then headed for the hospital. Everyone at the clinic is in shock, so I have to decide with my father if it is better to cancel the rest of the day and take a little rest or if we continue the day all the same in order to think about something else.

Choice 1 : Continue the day.

Choice 2 : Introduction.


Try to help the doctor.

I panic and my first reaction is to stay in the room and try to save the patient. I don't know anything about it, but I do what I can to revive the patient. Unfortunately, I really should have called the ambulance since a few minutes later the doctor stopped the cardiac massage and realized that the patient had just died.

Choice 1 : Introduction.

cardiac massage

Learn the secretaries tasks.

I ask Eloise, the student who works as a part-time secretary, to teach me how to register patients on Medesync, the software that allows us to register and keep track of all the patients we see at the clinic. I'm starting to understand how it works so she lets me greet the patients for a few minutes while she goes to get a muffin in the cafeteria. Then, out of nowhere, a lady comes to the office in panic and asks me if I saw her child because she lost him. I must then decide if I go looking for her child with her and I leave the office alone or I wait for Eloise to come back.

Choice 1 : Go look for the child.

Choice 2 : Wait for Eloise to come back.


Continue the day.

We finally decide to continue the day just to think about something else and we learn a little later that the patient who left in the ambulance was finally able to be saved, luckily I called 911.

Choice 1 : Introduction.


Go look for the child.

I decide to go help the lady find her child since she seems really terrified and I can't just stay here while the poor mother looks for her child. Fortunately, we were able to find the child fairly quickly as a security guard had found him.

Choice 1 : Introduction.

lost child

Wait for Eloise to come back.

I decide to stay calmly in my place since I am the only one at the office and I tell myself that the child cannot be gone very far. Finally a few minutes later I see Eloise arriving and she holds the child by the hand, he was also going to the cafeteria becaude he wanted to eat a delicious chocolate muffin.

Choice 1 : Introduction.
