Plastic Engineering.

A hypertext narrative by

Anthony Paré

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1007

Choice count: 48

Section count: 31

Image count: 31

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 72 matches

(cat, choice, college, field, project, test, trainee)

Business : 25 matches

(brand, company, customers, factory, manager, money, office, product, products, project manager, trainee)

Tourism : 24 matches

(arctic, brand, field)

Target Structure: (4 matches)

overtime (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


Plastic Engineering.

Choose the working Field.

At the end of my studies, I have to choose the type of work I want to do. I did two trainee ships, and I still don't know what to choose. If I work in a factory, I would do manual work. If I work in an office, I would make 3D plan of plastic injection mold and parts that are produced. If I work in a laboratory, I would do tests on plastic to develop new products.

Choice 1 : Work in a factory.

Choice 2 : Work in an office.

Choice 3 : Work in a laboratory.

working field

Work in a factory.

I have to choose the company I want to work for. If I work at BRP, I will develop plastic snowmobile, and it is the same for the others choice. To make this choice, I have to think about the location of the companies and the brand that I prefer.

Choice 1 : BRP

Choice 2 : Arctic Cat

Choice 3 : Yamaha.



I have to choose the snowmobile I want among those offered by BRP. They offered it to me because they know that I really like it and because they really wanted me to work for them.

Choice 1 : Summit turbo 850.

Choice 2 : MXZ 600R.


Summit turbo 850.

I enjoy my powerful snowmobile and my wonderful job. The working atmosphere is amazing and my colleagues are awesome. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


MXZ 600R.

I love my job, but I can only use my snowmobile on the trails, so I work overtime every day. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.

try again

Arctic Cat.

I am going to buy a snowmobile, and I have to choose the one I want. This choice is difficult because the opinions of those around me are very controversial.

Choice 1 : I betray my work colleagues and buy a BRP.

Choice 2 : Buy an Arctic Cat.


I betray my work colleagues and buy a BRP.

My colleagues are angry and kill me. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


Buy an Arctic Cat.

My snowmobile stops in the middle of the forest. The only person who passed sexually harassed me and left. Finally, I freeze to death. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



I become project manager and I become rich. I have to choose who I leave my money to.

Choice 1 : I give my money to my kid Danny.

Choice 2 : I give my money to my kid Simon.


I give my money to my kid Danny.

He takes this money to by a Yamaha SRX 700, and he studied plastic engineering like his father. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


I give my money to my kid Simon.

Simon uses this money to study plastic at college, and he meets Yann. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


Work in an office.

I have to choose where I will work.

Choice 1 : Thetford Mines.

Choice 2 : Levis.

Choice 3 : Valcourt.


Thetford Mines.

I have to choose the companies I want to work.

Choice 1 : DJ Tech.

Choice 2 : Walmart.



I have to choose which plastic I work with. I have to think about the future product that will be produced.

Choice 1 : PVC and POM.

Choice 2 : Polypropylene.



I have to choose where I want to work.

Choice 1 : BRP.

Choice 2 : IGA.


DJ Tech.

I love my job, and I work with my friend Yann. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



I hate my job, and find it difficult to meet my needs. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


PVC and POM.

PVC and POM are incompatible and this causes an explosion. This explosion caused my death. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



It is the best plastic choice, and I am promoted. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



I become rich and have a big family. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



I win the lotto and I become a millionaire. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


Work in a laboratory.

I really love money, and I have to decide how much I want per year.

Choice 1 : $50 000.

Choice 2 : $100 000.

Choice 3 : $200 000.


$50 000.

I have a bad wage. I am poor, but happy because I love my job. I have to choose what kind of house I want.

Choice 1 : Big house.

Choice 2 : Little house.


$100 000.

I have to test Sea-Doo pieces in the lab, and I have to decide on their color.

Choice 1 : Black.

Choice 2 : Blue.


$200 000.

I have a premium wage, so I have to do tensile tests on a part and determine if it is flexible.

Choice 1 : Flexible.

Choice 2 : Not flexible.


Big house.

I declare bankruptcy and become homeless. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


Little house.

I stay poor, but I still have a good life. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



All the customers are happy, and me too. Finally, I have a good life. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



Customers don't like the color I chose, and I got fired. I ended up poor and had a bad life. TRY AGAIN.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.



The customers are delighted and become my friends. To conclude, I have a happy life with a lot of friends. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.


Not flexible.

Customers are disappointed, but I gave them noodle soups to make them happy. We become friends and we do snowmobile together. I retired at 60 years old. THE END.

Choice 1 : Choose the working Field.
