Your mechanical engineering life.

A hypertext narrative by

Danny Poulin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1209

Choice count: 51

Section count: 36

Image count: 36

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 84 matches

(cegep, choice, class, course, field, field of study, first, learn, school)

Dance : 15 matches

(back, ball, circle, front, out)

Business : 15 matches

(company, factory, launch, loan, money, pay, sell)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


Your mechanical engineering life.

After secondary.

You like everything that has an engine, and you like to learn how thing work. Now you have to chose what you want to do.

Choice 1 : Going to work in a factory.

Choice 2 : Going to Thetford in mechanical engineering.

Choice 3 : Go to St-Georges in auto mechanic.


Going to work in a factory.

Your parents are disappointed that you didn't go to cegep, they tell you that they had hope in you going far in life.

Choice 1 : You tell them to eat shit.

Choice 2 : You tell them that your going backs to school in a year.

Choice 3 : You tell them that you don't like school.


Going to Thetford in mechanical engineering.

You aced the course and are now in front of a decision.

Choice 1 : Putting effort at school.

Choice 2 : Not putting effort at school.

Choice 3 : Putting moderated effort.

Mechanical engineering

Go to St-Georges in auto mechanic.

Your parents have mixed feelings about your choice, but they tell themselves that it could be worse.

Choice 1 : Work in a garage.

Choice 2 : Choose a different field of study.

Choice 3 : Specialize in modifying cars.

Auto mechanic

You tell them to eat shit.

Your parents are now telling you to pack your things and get out of the house.

Choice 1 : You go live in an apartment in Beauceville.

Choice 2 : Go to live in Montreal.


You tell them that your going backs to school in a year.

They are relieved at first. But are you really going to go back to school in a year?

Choice 1 : Go back to school.

Choice 2 : Not going back to school.


You tell them that you don't like school.

Even if they are disappointed, it's your choice and can't choose at your place. But they are starting to talk about you leaving the house.

Choice 1 : Leave the house at 18 year-old.

Choice 2 : Leave the house at 20 year-old.

hate school

You go live in an apartment in Beauceville.

You have to sell your quad and your Transam in addition to your parents disappointment, so you're in depression.

Choice 1 : Kill yourself.


Go to live in Montreal.

You lose your job and become a junkie.

Choice 1 : Live on the street.


Kill yourself.

You're now dead try again.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Live on the street.

You now live on the street, and you die of the cold.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Go back to school.

Your parents are proud of you for holding your engagement, and you now have to choose which school you want go.

Choice 1 : Going in circle?


Not going back to school.

You chose to not go back to school.

Choice 1 : Arguments...

no back

Going in circle?

You're now back at the same choice as one year before.

Choice 1 : After secondary.



Your parents are mad that you're not going back to school, and they want you to get out of the house. You have well-enough money to rent a house with some of your friend and are happy. Unfortunately a tornado ravage everything you own and assurance don't want to pay. Go back to the beginning.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Leave the house at 18 year-old.

You are now leaving the house with very little money, and you struggle to get your life going. You end up working at a McDonald and a fat kid kill you from drowning you in the ball pit while you were cleaning it.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Leave the house at 20 year-old.

You were able to save a bit of money before renting a great apartment and buy a nice car. You met a nice girl and really enjoy spending time with her.

Choice 1 : Going at her place.


Going at her place.

You have a really fun night with her. Unfortunately, she gets pregnant and leave you because you weren't ready to have kid. You now have to pay for the child support. Try again.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Putting effort at school.

You decide to put effort in your studies, now you have to choose if you have time to work on the weekend.

Choice 1 : Not working while going to school.

Choice 2 : Working at the same time.


Working at the same time.

You decide to work at the same time. It will be complicated, but doable.

Choice 1 : Finish your studies.


Not working while going to school.

You think you have enough money without working at the same time? Think again!

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Finish your studies.

You finally finished your studies, but you want to try to learn more in auto mechanics. Try another route.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Not putting effort at school.

You don't put any effort in your school, maybe working a little will make you feel less lazy.

Choice 1 : Working.

Choice 2 : Not working.



You're putting more effort in your job than your studies, you're expelled from school. Try again.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Not working.

You feel lazy and are lazy. You are bored and in depression. Try to change.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Putting moderated effort.

You decided not to concentrate a lot in class, but you give the bare minimum.

Choice 1 : Put more effort.

Write a choice here.


Put more effort.

You want to put a little bit more effort, but it is easier said than done. You rethink your previous choices and think you could do better.

Choice 1 : After secondary.

easier said


You chose to abandon the program, but what do you want to do now?

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Work in a garage.

You don't really like working there even if the coworkers are friendly.

Choice 1 : Change field completely.

Choice 2 : Work in some other garages.


Choose a different field of study.

You know that you just spent 2 years studying in this field, but you still don't see yourself working in a garage all day long.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Specialize in modifying cars.

You think you would prefer modifying cars than repairing them.

Choice 1 : Modifying electric cars.

Choice 2 : Modifying gas cars.


Change field completely.

You will now have to make a familiar choice.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Work in some other garages.

You spend 2 years going from garage to garage, but there is none that really suits you because you feel like you are always working on cars (your cars and the cars at work). Maybe, you need something else.

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Modifying electric cars.

You chose the future, but who would modify an electric vehicle?

Choice 1 : After secondary.


Modifying gas cars.

You chose the coolest job ever, but you will need money to launch your tuning shop.

Choice 1 : Take a loan.


Take a loan.

You took a loan for your company, but with the prices of the gas rising and the ban of electric car selling, you have no other choice than to declare bankruptcy.

Choice 1 : After secondary.
