My career plan

A hypertext narrative by

Kathryn Jacques

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1733

Choice count: 40

Section count: 24

Image count: 24

Error count: 27

Field Related Analysis

Education : 100 matches

(cegep, choice, course, diploma, educational, exam, field, field of study, first, grade, high school, learn, learned, project, school, social, student, teacher, training, university, vision)

Dance : 17 matches

(around the world, back, close, count, social, step, traveling)

Law : 17 matches

(accident, alienation, close, dogs, family, obligation, option, parent, partnership, price, rent)

Target Structure: (3 matches)

alienation (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

overtime (1 match)


My career plan

Hi, my name is Kathryn Jacques and I'm an eternal woman who doesn't know what she want a do in her life. It's so hard to choose what you and to do for the rest of your life. Since the end of my high school, I been looking around to found my future career. I been done a lot of training, and I never found the right thing for me. I'm someone who liked to be in relation with other and create a link to help them. Also, I love traveling around the world, and my last trip was the most benefit for myself. When you travel you learn a lot about yourself, and every time I came back in my old shoes I was feeling sad. Something had to change because I don't want to feel that way every time. Let go seen my life since I left the high school.

When I was in high school we had to make a choice for our career. It was hard, and I did mine without thinking. The only think I knew, it was that I don't want to go in an apartment because it was expensive. So, I choose to stay at my parent place. I choose to fallow some of my friend, and I decide to go to the Cegep in Social Science with math.

Choice 1 : Study in Human Sciences.

Choice 2 : Massage therapist.

Choice 3 : Pharmacist's Assistant.

Cegep TM

Study in Human Sciences.

I haven't known what a want, so I choose to do something who opened some door at the University.

Choice 1 : Next step : University.

Choice 2 : An other project.


Next step : University.

I quit my family home and go to the University.

Choice 1 : Study in Human Sciences.

Choice 2 : UQRT or Laval University ??

on recommence

An other project.

I wasn't in the mood of a student at this moment, so I made some decision who had a big impact.

Choice 1 : I made a big decision and I quit the Cegep for an other project.


Massage therapist.

I made this big decision after my experience of an alienation in the Cegep. I was a big move but I this moment I thought it was the best decision. The formation was in Quebec and I choose to go back and forth. I wasn't ready to rent a place because the formation was already expensive.

Choice 1 : I succeed in my training of massage therapist.

Choice 2 : I been changing my mind again.


I succeed in my training of massage therapist.

During the training I worked at the Noah spa as a Massage therapist. I have been enjoying it for a moment. I was nice but at the end of the day, I was exhausted.

Choice 1 : I decide to stay at the Noah spa and I still work there.

Choice 2 : My experience at the Noah spa.

Noah spa

My experience at the Noah spa.

I have been working there for 3 years. It was nice, but not enough. On-the-job training I found a lot of inconvenient, and I decide to move.

Choice 1 : Life isn't easy sometime and it's better to listen to who you are. So go back to the beginning.

on recommence

Pharmacist's Assistant.

During I worked as a massage therapist, I had a bad experience. First of all, I was always tired, and sometimes people weren't always clean. I had to work on myself, and I chose to move in another formation, but I had no idea what I really want. It is important to listen to you an after thinking, I decide to do another training.

Choice 1 : Work as a pharmacist's Assistant.

Choice 2 : Continue to travel around the word.

Choice 3 : New beginning.


Work as a pharmacist's Assistant.

During this 2 years, I meet a lot of wonderful people, who I will always keep them in my hart. I loved what I did, but I needed something else. I was lacking challenges, and I been lost.

Choice 1 : It wasn't an option for myself.


Travel around the word.

I had no idea what I wanted, so I decided to leave for Switzerland with one of my best friends. When I came back, I chose to move in Alberta at my sister places. I have been working in a school as an assistant educational. It was the best experience in my life.

Choice 1 : Work as a pharmacist's Assistant.

Choice 2 : Continue to travel around the word.

Choice 3 : Restart everything


Work as a pharmacist's Assistant.

I wasn't happy, and it is the most important thing for me. My happiness have no price.

Choice 1 : Restart everything

on recommence

Continue to travel around the word.

As you know, life isn't free. I wish I could do that. I had to work before and when we get older, we have some obligation, so I wasn't an option anymore.

Choice 1 : Restart everything

on recommence

New beginning.

After two years of turning around, It was the time when I need to have a real foot in the door. I needed to find my dream job. You know the place where I can be who I am. You know the job where the overtime isn't the worst thing ever, where I don't count all of my hours and waiting for the weekend all week. After thinking, taking time for myself, I decide to go back to the Cegep as a social care counseling. It was not easy to know what I want to do, but now, I'm into it, and I'm pretty sure that I made the best decision to go back to school again. With all my experience to find my dream job, after my training I don't think have a lot of choice. Of course, I have some, and I am the one who decided to do thing like that, but I want a family. Let see two possible option that it can be possible if I decide to become a social worker 10 years sooner.

Choice 1 : UQRT or Laval University ??

nouvelle expérience

UQRT or Laval University ??

I don't know all of the reason why I would choose this University, but I know they are in partnership with the Cegep the Thetford. I would choose a field of study with the same vision of my DEC. Right now, I don't know exactly the right way to take, but maybe I would like to become a Speech Therapist or a psycho educator. But I know that, to become a speech therapist, we have to do a baccalaureate in a field of study who look familiar. It can by as a teacher, and after that, you have to do a mastery. It's the same thing for a psycho educator. Maybe, if I choose Laval University it is because it is close to my place, my boyfriend and my dogs. Do the same formation and the same thing as the other University? Yes because I know I want to work with some kids with special needed.

Choice 1 : Baccalaureate as a teacher.

Choice 2 : Baccalaureate as a psycho educators.


Baccalaureate as a teacher.

I really want to become a speech therapist, but I need good grade. It's very hard to by accepted in this mastery. I'm pretty sure I won't be accepted the first time I tried because I was doing the party instead study for my exam. It's hard to find what we want to do for the rest of you life. I think, it is impossible to do the same thing for 40 years old.

Choice 1 : Baccalaureate as a psycho educators.

Choice 2 : Find a job and pay off my dette.

Choice 3 : Life is good and have a diploma.

changement de direction

Baccalaureate as a psycho educators.

During the training as a teacher, I found this was not my place. I want something where it is possible to help more, and where I can be a social care counseling too. I choose to restart as a psycho educator.

Choice 1 : Do my mastery.

Choice 2 : Stop again because it is too long and I really want kid


Do my mastery.

Well, I really like what a learned, and I choose to continue the formation, and have no life because it is hard, and I need to study if I don't want to be a student until 35 years old.

Choice 1 : Life is good and have a diploma.

Choice 2 : Get pregnante


Choose Laval University.

This chooses will be the more logical because I won't have another rent to pay to live. I will choose to go back and forth every day.

Choice 1 : Life is good and nothing happen

Choice 2 : Have a car accident.


Life is good and have a diploma.

After the formation everything went well, and I finished in time, and I finally had a diploma in my hand.

Choice 1 : The new chapter.


The new chapter.

As a normal person, I won't be a student anymore. I will be a worker and I won't work anymore during the weekend.

Choice 1 : The best time of my life.


Have a car accident.

Well, if I choose Laval University I will be a lot in the road and in Quebec we have bad winter so anything can happen. Maybe the worst thing like a car accident.

Choice 1 : Restart everything

on recommence

The best time of my life.

I guess that the best time of my life would be when I have kid and found what I really want to do for the rest of my life. Right now, I'm thinking of having my own business, like a day care. We will see where I will be in two years.

Choice 1 : The best time of my life

Find a job and pay off my dette.

It is important to do something that you like, but it is also important to live because we only have one life.

Choice 1 : The best time of my life.

Life is good, and I have a diploma.

With all the time it took to me to found what I really want to do, I finally had a diploma. I'm so proud of myself.

Choice 1 : Proud of myself :)