My Career as an Industrial Engineer

A hypertext narrative by

Mathieu McCutcheon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1170

Choice count: 19

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 88 matches

(cegep, choice, class, diploma, failed, feedback, grades, high school, homework, reader, school, social, student, university)

Web development : 24 matches

(background, call, class, close, drop, false, pass, position, post, resource, write)

Business : 20 matches

(benefits, company, entrepreneur, firm, money, mortgage, paid, pay, profitable, salary)

Target Structure: (7 matches)

deter (1 match)

dreaded (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

pension (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


My Career as an Industrial Engineer

The beginning of cegep.

I just finished high school, and I need to choose in witch program I will go to next year. I want to go at the cegep, but I don't know if I will go in the Social Sciences or in Natural Sciences.

Choice 1 : Social Sciences.

Choice 2 : Natural Sciences.


Social Sciences.

I began Cegep in Social Sciences, and I discovered the night-life of the cegep student. I had to choose if I party every night, or do my homework and go to bed early.

Choice 1 : Party every night.

Choice 2 : Go to bed early to do my homework well.


Natural Sciences.

I did my cegep in Natural Sciences, and I liked it. I had fun partying with my friends and flirting with girls. I worked hard in my homework and studies.

Choice 1 : I finished cegep with really good grades.

Choice 2 : I finished cegep with medium grades.


Party every night.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


Go to bed early to do my homework well.

By doing all my homework, I got good grades, so I had the possibility of many universities. I got to choose in witch program I will go.

Choice 1 : Study Mathematics.

Choice 2 : Study in law.


Did not get my diploma.

Partying every night make me failed my class because I didn't do my homework and studies, so I didn't get my diploma at the end.

Write a choice here.


Study Mathematics.

While my studies at university, I realized that I did not like that at all. Then, I chose to drop out and came back to cegep.

Choice 1 : The beginning of cegep.


Study Law.

I really liked my program in university, and I succeeded my studies. I applied for a job in Thetford Mines and I also applied for a job in United Sates.

Write a choice here.


Applied in Thetford Mines.

I was hired as a lawyer in a small law firm. I liked my job, but it was not as profitable as I expected, but the employees were very congenial. I stayed there all my career, and built a family in Thetford. When I retired, I had a really good pension because I worked there the majority of my career.

Write a choice here.


Applied in the United States.

I had to pass the biggest interview of my life with a human resource people of Morgan Levis. She looked at my background and asked me a few questions. After that, I waited for feedback from the firm.

Choice 1 : I didn't get the job.

Choice 2 : I got the job.


I didn't get the job.

Sadly, I couldn't get this job, I was not the right candidate for them and there was not vacant position.

Write a choice here.

no job

I got the job.

I got a call from the Director of the firm, and they told me I was hired. I moved in the United States, I began to work as a lawyer for Morgan Lewis. After five years, I got benefits, and became famous and very rich.

Write a choice here.


I finished cegep with really good grades.

I got my collegian diploma with really good grades. My efforts paid off, because I got three choices of university that I would like to go.

Choice 1 : Laval University.

Choice 2 : Montreal University.

Choice 3 : Sherbrooke University.


I finished cegep with medium grades.

Those medium grades didn't give me a lot of university choice, so I went studying in Industrial Engineering at Trois-Rivieres. Four years later, I got easily my diploma. I began to work for a company in Thetford. I had big responsibilities in this company with a good salary.

Write a choice here.

trois ri

Laval University.

I chose Laval University because it is close to my home. I live with my girlfriend in an apartment, and I stayed focus in my studies. I did party little bit, but not excessively. After four years of university, I finished my studies in Industrial Engineering and came back in Thetford. I got a new choice to make.

Choice 1 : Take back the familial company.

Choice 2 : Work for an engineering firm.


Montreal University.

I was really focused at school because I had no distraction around me. I had very good grades during my parkour, I met people that offered me jobs in big companies in Montreal. I knew I had a job before I finished university, so I stayed in Montreal. My girlfriend decided to not come live with me in Montreal because she didn't like big cities, so we broke up. I was really sad about it, so I put more energy on the job. I was so focused at my job, that I became the PDG.

Write a choice here.


Sherbrooke University.

I began my studies at Sherbrooke University. I discovered that it was a city full of party. I started going out most nights of the week, and I had I really good time. Once at the end of a party, I was really drunk, and when the boys told me it was time to go to bed I hesitated because I was flirting with someone. I flirted with this beautiful girl all the night.

Choice 1 : Go to bed.

Choice 2 : Stay with the girl at the bar.


Take back the familial company.

Years pass, I bought the company, and I became the PDG with compensations. I had the possibility to take my vacations when I wanted with this title. I found a family, and live a beautiful life.

Write a choice here.


Work for an engineering firm.

As soon as I came back in Thetford, they offered me a prestigious post at their company with a good salary. I worked there my entire career, and enjoyed my life. I did not lose time to pay my mortgage because a set aside a lot of money during my life.

Write a choice here.


Go to bed.

I went back to the apartment with the boys, and the next day I was in class a little bit hangover. I had difficulties finishing university, but I did it. I became an entrepreneur in Thetford.

Write a choice here.


Stay with the girl at the bar.

I came back from the bar with the girl, and I slept with her. I woke up the next morning, and I realized the big mistake I did. I dreaded the reaction of my girl friend by my misconduct. I tried to deter myself that it was false, but I really had a relation with another girl, so I told her the story, and she left me. I was devastated from that rupture, so I failed university. I came back in Thetford, and I decided to redo my cegep with big ambitions.

Choice 1 : The beginning of cegep.
