My Career as a Pilot

A hypertext narrative by

Ali Bitahi

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1626

Choice count: 28

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 135 matches

(certification, choice, class, classes, course, credit, down, education, exam, field, first, further, grades, graduate, graduation, homework, instructor, knowledge, learn, motivation, options, pilot, private, school, students, taught, teach, test, training)

Paramedics : 42 matches

(certification, certified, flight, pilot)

Dance : 41 matches

(around the world, back, complete, continuous, flight, forward, out, position, quick, routine, through, together, weight)

Target Structure: (12 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

hinder (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

vacant position (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


My Career as a Pilot

My Last Month in Pilot School.

After a long year of hard work, I have one month of pilot school left. I feel very discouraged, overwhelmed and in need of orientation. I've had enough of the continuous homework and assignments. I barely have time for myself. Should I keep doing my homework?

Choice 1 : I won't do my homework.

Choice 2 : I will do my homework and graduate from pilot school.

Pilot class

I won't do my homework.

Now, I have 2 weeks left of school. I am drowning in a pile of assignments. I can't complete them because I don't understand the course content taught in class. I have no motivation left to continue in my studies. Should I catch up on my homework and pull off straight A's or drop out of school?

Choice 1 : I chose to drop out of school.

Choice 2 : I will improve my grades.

No homework

I chose to drop out of school.

The thought of all my homework waiting for me when I get home is maddening. I'm getting sucked up in a vicious cycle of inactivity all day. I put aside my worries about school. I'm dropping out of school indefinitely. I am sure that I would never like to go back to pilot school.

Choice 1 : I chose to end my future pilot career.

No school

I will improve my grades.

I'm slowly getting my grades back up. My homework is being done, and I'm finally submitting all my late assignments. It feels like a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.My exam week started and, I've been scoring straight A's.

Choice 1 : I will do my homework and graduate from pilot school.

Good grades

I chose to end my future pilot career.

My future career as a pilot has reached an end. I'm working a dead-end job that won't bring me further to a real accomplishment. I live pay cheque to pay cheque and regret having dropped out of school.

Choice 1 : My Last Month in Pilot School.

The end

I will do my homework and graduate from pilot school.

I'm staying motivated, and I'm getting all my homework and assignments done in time. One month went by very quickly. I'm standing at my graduation ceremony getting my certification as a pilot. This is the beginning of my new journey. I'm not sure if I'd like to start working right away or gain experience through training programs.

Choice 1 : I'll apply into a vacant pilot position.

Choice 2 : I'm going to complete an on the job training program.


I'll apply into a vacant pilot position.

I'm getting out into the aviation working field. There are so many possible positions I can apply into. I'm excited to start a new day-to-day life as a full time worker. I'm going for a job interview tomorrow!

Choice 1 : I chose to work as an AirCanada pilot.

New job

I chose to work as an AirCanada pilot.

I work as the First Officer to the Pilot at $56 an hour as a starting salary. This time of the year, most of the flights we take are to the South. They're very quick and easy going flights as a pilot. In one month, I spend 80 hours flying for 2 weeks. Then, I get 2 weeks off until I go back to work. In my opinion, the only disadvantage is that it can hinder your routine sleeping schedule. There are a lot more advantages to this job that outweigh the bad. I decided to spend my entire career without a home. I was always travelling on my off-time and visiting friends and family. The end of my career is coming up soon. Where will I settle?

Choice 1 : I will retire as an Air Canada pilot.

Air Canada

I will retire as an Air Canada pilot.

I decided to buy a villa and retire in Costa Rica. With the money I saved up, I will open a shelter for mothers and their kids. It can be a place that will welcome families and offer them a safe roof above their heads. Families often have a lack of food supply or hygiene supplies. All of my hard-earned money will have been worthwhile. My career will have brought me a sense of fulfillment.

Choice 1 : I'll apply into a vacant pilot position.

The ins and outs of retirement

I'm going to complete an on the job training program.

I started an on the job training program for 3 months. I had the opportunity to co-pilot commercial and private planes. This helped me accumulate flying hours and gain experience in the field with different pilots. Eventually, my program came to an end. I had to make a choice if I wanted to go further with my education or apply for a job.

Choice 1 : I decided to further my studies.

Choice 2 : I will apply for a job.

Steps of OTJT

I decided to further my studies.

I am weighing out my options for school. I'm looking forward to going back to school and keeping myself occupied with my studies. I've always desired to teach people. How can I teach people in an aviation field?

Choice 1 : I will apply to a flight instructor program.

Going back to school

I will apply for a job.

All my flight hours have been accumulated, and I have gained enough experience to finally apply for a vacant position as a pilot. Should I choose to work as a commercial or private pilot?

Choice 1 : I chose a job for a commercial line company.

Choice 2 : I chose a job for a private line company.

Job application

I will apply to a flight instructor program.

I have accumulated 250 hours of flying time, and I have my commercial pilot license. I also passed the knowledge test required to enroll in my program. After 6 months, I am officially a certified flight instructor. Now, I have to look for a job.

Choice 1 : I will begin my career as a flight instructor.

Now Hiring

I will begin my career as a flight instructor.

My days on the job consist of holding theory classes during the week and teaching my students the theory. Then, I teach the practical part of the course, where they learn how to fly a plane, or helicopters. I have spent many years enjoying my job, and I am now approaching my retirement.

Choice 1 : I will retire as a flight instructor.


I will retire as a flight instructor.

I spend my days sitting by my pool with my wife and our friends. We are all enjoying this new period in our life.

Choice 1 : I will apply for a job.

Retirement fun

I chose a job for a commercial line company.

I moved to Morocco to accept my new job position. I am now a Captain for the Royal Air Maroc airline. I fly all around the world from Morocco. My favourite countries to fly to are Sweden and Switzerland. I also travel with my family and get good prices on our flights. I think I have saved enough of my earnings to be able to even retire earlier.

Choice 1 : I will retire from my career as a commercial pilot.

Commercial plane

I chose a job for a private line company.

I am a private pilot for Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau. I fly him to his governmental and private occasions. I have been enjoying this opportunity of different experiences, but I am receiving new tempting job contracts.

Choice 1 : I'm accepting more flight contracts to work more.

Choice 2 : I'm turning down some flight contracts to travel with family.

Private plane

I will retire from my career as a commercial pilot.

I spent my entire career flying around the world to the fanciest of places. I am not getting any younger and the most important thing to me is my family. We will be taking off for a 3-month summer camping trip soon. I don't need the city life anymore to keep me occupied. At the end of the day, the most valuable moments are the ones we will spend together by a fire in the woods late at night.

Choice 1 : I will apply for a job.

Retirement in camping

I'm accepting more flight contracts to work more.

The extra work contracts will allow me to make more money to be able to pay off my loans and credit debts. I have been getting deeper and deeper into debt by the day. I can't afford to spend time with my family anymore. I've also developed a bit of an unhealthy gambling habit.

Choice 1 : I chose to alienate myself from the world.

Work more or retire?

I'm turning down some flight contracts to travel with family.

I need to start living in the present and spending as much time as I can with my family. I can afford to work less if it means I get to spend more free time with my wife and kids. I decided that we are going to use my weeks off to travel to a different country in Europe each time. Many years and many vacations later, I will be retiring next week.

Choice 1 : I will retire from my career as a private pilot.


I will retire from my career as a private pilot.

I'm moving to Florida with my wife to live out our retirement years.

Choice 1 : I will apply for a job.

Retirement on the beach

I chose to alienate myself from the world.

I'm totally separated from the reality of the world. I am alone all day every day. I don't think I'll ever have enough time to stabilize myself again. I feel like a total lost hope.

Choice 1 : I chose a job for a private line company.

Alienate from the world