My story

A hypertext narrative by

Mélodie Lessard

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 993

Choice count: 14

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 11

Field Related Analysis

Education : 41 matches

(bachelor of, choice, classes, college, first, general, learned, learning, school, social, taught, teacher, university)

Law : 29 matches

(close, cost, family, general, living, living together, master, minutes, month, noise)

Nursing : 24 matches

(flight, heart, im)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My story

My own path.

I am now studying Social Science in Cégep de Thetford, located in Thetford Mines, Quebec. I really like this program because we are learning a lot about different cultures and about the world in general. My favourite classes are history, economy, and sociology. I am really interested about learning and discovering how other countries are working. My other passion is history, I'm fascinating by the Wold War 2.

Choice 1 : Living in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Moving to Quebec.

Cégep de Thetford

Living in Montreal.

It's now the time to move to Montreal. I'm a little nervous to move in a city that I don't really know. I don't know anybody here, and I'm lost. I have my new apartment, and it's really small because I can't afford a bigger one. Everything here cost so much money. Tomorrow is my first day at school to become a flight attendant. The formation is only seven months long, it's not very long.

Choice 1 : First month in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Best month in Montreal ever.


Moving to Quebec.

I'm really happy to move to Quebec because it's a city that I know a lot. I have many friends who live here, and I'm really familiar with this city. I'm living with my two friends in a cute apartment where I feel like home. I am really close to the university, I don't even need my car to go there, just need to walk for five minutes. Tomorrow it's my first day, and I'm really excited about it. My bachelor of History in four years long, but it's not a problem for me because Thetford is only one hour away from Quebec.

Choice 1 : First month in Quebec.

Choice 2 : Worst month in Quebec.


First month in Montreal.

It's been a month that I'm studying in Montreal. I don't really feel comfortable in this city. Everything is so big, and I never get used to it. There's a lot of noise and so much traffic. My school isn't like I taught it would be. The formation is really hard and really technical. Every part need to be learned by heart, and I have misery with that. I don't know if I want to continue my school here or return to my hometown and maybe take a year to work and see what I really want to do.

Choice 1 : Get out of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Stay in Montreal.

First month in Quebec.

It's been a month that I'm in Quebec. I'm feeling really good here. I met a boy two weeks ago, and we are still dating. He's really lovely with me, and I like him. I love what I'm studying, everything is interesting. We are talking about the World War 2 a lot because I chose three classes about this subject. I'm really sure that I will continue my bachelor here, I don't even miss my hometown.

Choice 1 : Stay in Quebec.

Choice 2 : Get out of Quebec.

Best month in Montreal ever.

Montreal is my favourite city. I met three new girls in my formation, and we are now really close. We go to party every weekend, and we never go out without the three others. I love what I am studying and I'm really sure about my future now. I rarely come back in Thetford because it's not close at all, but I don't care I like my life here. I don't know if I will stay here for a long time after I finish my formation or going back to my hometown.

Choice 1 : Stay in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Get out of Montreal.

Worst month in Quebec.

It's been a month now that I'm in Quebec. At first, I thought it would be nice, but it's not. In my school, I don't have any friends, I'm always alone. I have nothing to do except studying. I go every weekend at Thetford to see my family because I have nothing to do in Quebec. I don't know if I will stay here of return to Thetford.

Choice 1 : Stay in Quebec.

Choice 2 : Get out of Quebec.

Stay in Montreal.

My friends and I are still living together even if I have finished my formation. I'm here since September, and we are now June. I will start working for Air Canada in two months. I'm really happy that I have found a job quickly. While I'm waiting for my job, I'm working in a clothing store, and I am visiting every part of Montreal. I decided to stay here and build my life here,.

Write a choice here.

Get out of Montreal.

I hate Montreal so much. I didn't even finished my formation. I decided to return to Thetford two months after. It was not the best thing for me to stay there. I was so alone and this city was too big for me. Now, I am working with my mom at her company. I will try to save a lot of money this year, and I will think what I want to do after.

Write a choice here.

Stay in Quebec.

I'm feeling really good here. I finished my bachelor last week. Me and the boy I met four years ago are still together now. We are living together and having a beautiful life. I need to do a master to become a teacher in college. It only takes one year, after that I will stay here because I love this city a lot.

Write a choice here.

Get out of Quebec.

I'm so happy to be back in my hometown. I finished my bachelor last month, and I immediately came back to Thetford after. I don't know in which school I will work but for now I'm not stressing for it. I'm taking time for my family and I work part-time in a grocery store.

Write a choice here.