My Own Story.

A hypertext narrative by

Rose Lapointe

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3154

Choice count: 69

Section count: 46

Image count: 46

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 175 matches

(activity, cegep, choice, class, classes, classmates, college, course, degree, diploma, down, education, exam, failed, fees, first, grade, grades, graduate, head, high school, homework, knowledge, learn, learned, learning, learning difficulties, management, motivation, options, prerequisites, primary school, reading, school, semester, social, specific, students, teacher, teachers, test, testing, tuition fees, university)

Film : 48 matches

(adaptation, direction, experience, focus, scene, shot, story)

Law : 40 matches

(absence, adjustment, agent, arrested, bias, cause, child, children, close, confession, direction, family, harassment, house, interest, living, lottery, minutes, misconduct, mortgage, offer, office, order, profession, receiving, reputation)

Target Structure: (28 matches)

background check (1 match)

bias (1 match)

comes in handy (2 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

drawbacks (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

income (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (8 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

recipient (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

sexual harassment (2 matches)

test drive (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)

bribe (1 match)

theft (1 match)

volunteer (1 match)

abroad (1 match)


My Own Story.

The Beginning of Everything.

I have just finished my last semester in Special Care Counselling at the Cegep of Thetford, and I have to make an important choice about my future career. I am sure that I want to go to university, but I don't know which one and which program I should choose.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : Go to Laval University.

Choice 3 : Go to the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres.

Cegep of Thetford

Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

I really want to go to this university because it is near my family, and I already have one friend that is studying there.There are two programs that interest me.

Choice 1 : I choose to apply in Teaching Special Education and Special Adjustment.

Choice 2 : I choose to apply in Social Work.

University of Sherbrooke

Go to the Laval University.

I really like this university too, but I have no friends there, and the city of Quebec is pretty big in comparison to Thetford Mines. This university offers a lot of opportunities for the students, and one of the programs that I want to apply for is only given a two universities. Laval University is one of them.

Choice 1 : I apply to become a Speech Therapist.

Choice 2 : I apply in Social Work.

Laval University

Go to the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres.

It is very far from my house, but It is a great opportunity to go out of my comfort zone. Also, this university have some agreements with the Cegep of Thetford., and It can allow me to have less course. It seems to me a good university to continue my studies.

Choice 1 : I apply for the bachelor in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

Choice 2 : I apply to become a Psychoeducator.


Scene 1.

I am accepted! I already have to choose where I want to do my first internship. I have two options.

Choice 1 : I do my first internship in a high school.

Choice 2 : I do my first internship in a primary school.


Scene 2.

I like to work with teenagers, but it is very overwhelming. The teens are constantly testing my limits, and I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I decide to give up, and I try to find something else.

Choice 2 : I ask for help to know how to put my limits.

Teacher overwhelmed

Scene 3.

Finally, I don't know what to do with my life, so I decide to stay a Special Care Counsellor.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Special Care Counsellor

Scene 4.

My teacher really helped me. I learned how to put my own limits.His advice really comes in handy because my students listen to me, and they respect me. Now, that I enjoy my internship, I receive an offer to volunteer abroad to Africa. Should I take this opportunity?

Choice 1 : I decide to go to Africa.

Choice 2 : I decide to stay to continue my studies.

Volunteer abroad

Scene 5.

It was the most invaluable experience I did in my life. It gave me a purpose, but when it was time to go back to home, the airplane crashed, and I died.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Airplane crash

Scene 6.

I graduate with straight A's, and I am happy with my career.

Choice 1 : Sart again.


Scene 7.

I like to work with children, and help those who faces adaptation problems. One of the teachers in the school that I am doing my internship has to take a leave of absence because she is sick. They offer me to take her place because nobody is available to replace her. I hesitate because I don't have my diploma yet, and I just have learned the ropes of the job.

Choice 1 : I accept the offer.

Choice 2 : I refuse the offer.


Scene 8.

For some reason, when I applied for my internship they didn't ask me for a background check, but to obtain this job I have to. They discover that I am working for the Mafia and that I was arrested several times. Therefore, I can't do the job, and I can no longer do my internship. My life, now, depends only on the Mafia.

Choice 1 : Start again


Scene 9.

I continue my internship, and I don't mind staying only an intern because I can test drive the profession to see if I like it or not. Finally, I really like the job and I just have finished my bachelor degree in Teaching Special Education and Special Adjustment.Now, I have all the knowledge to work with children who have learning difficulties, so I decide to work as a teacher at the primary school of my neighborhood.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 1.

Unfortunately, I am not accepted. I don't have all the prerequisites. I have to return to college to do them.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Back to college

Scene 1.

I passed all the interviews and the tests, and I am finally accepted. In 2 days, I already have my first exam, and it is about language disorders. I haven't studied yet due of my bad time management. I am so stressed out, but I don't really have the motivation to study.I am trapped between two options.

Choice 1 : I give a bribe to my teacher in exchange for the exam's answers.

Choice 2 : I study for two days straight.


Scene 2.

She accepts it, and she gives me all the answers. Two weeks later, I receive my exam, and my grade is 100%. The teacher's daughter know what I did. She threatens me to kick me out of the program, and to break my two legs. I don't know what to do. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I decide to drop school before she does it for me.

Choice 2 : I continue to go to school, and I pretend that nothing happened.


Scene 3.

When I was at school, I was receiving money from my loans and grants, and it was my only source of income. Since I am no longer going to school, I can't receive that money, and I can't pay my bills. I am desperate, and I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I apply as a Special Care Counsellor at a daycare.

Choice 2 : I buy a lottery ticket, and I hope to become a millionaire.

No money

Scene 4.

I am so happy I get the job, but it turns rapidly into a nightmare. I get myself involved in office politics because one of my colleagues convinces me to accuse one of the Child Care Educator to have committed a theft in order to take her job. My boss discovers what we did, and she fires me. My reputation is ruined forever.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Write a choice here.

Office politics

Scene 5.

My teacher's daughter kept her words. She kicked me out of the program, and she broke my two legs. Unfortunately, I have to be on a wheelchair for the rest of my life because of the way she broke my legs, and my dream to be a Speech Therapist is ruined. I wish that my life would have been different.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 6.

I have the winner ticket! I become a billionaire, and I decide to buy a mansion. I have enough money to buy it in cash, so I don't have a mortgage to pay. I will never have to worry about my retirement because I decided to not work for the rest of my life.I am free, and I spend all of my days in my giant pool.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 7.

It was the hardest days of my life, but it was so worth it. I ended up with the best grade of my class.I graduate from school, and I become the best Speech Therapist of the Quebec.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Speech Therapist

Scene 1.

I am accepted.I am so happy because I was really hoping to study in this particular program in this specific university.I know nobody here, and I want to make friends. Two of my classmates ask me to go with them to a party. Who should I go with?

Choice 1 : I go to the party with Noah who seems strange.

Choice 2 : I go to the party with Victor who seems the most trustable.


Scene 2.

The party is very fun, and I get to know more Noah. He is kind, and we rapidly become friends. He even tells me his deepest secret. I don't know how to react to his confession.

Choice 1 : I am shook by his secret, and I have to tell someone that I trust about it.

Choice 2 : I keep his secret for myself.


Scene 3.

Later in the night, someone sits next to me. He tells me that he heard me and Noah when we were talking about his secret.He asks me what it is. I tell him that I can't because I don't know him. He becomes very convincing, and I feel a lot of pressure.

Choice 1 : I tell him under the pressure.

Choice 2 : I lie to him, and I try to invent something.


Scene 4.

It turns out that this guy and Noah settled up everything. Nothing about the secret is true. They wanted to test if I was going to be able to keep a secret under the pressure because as a Social Worker everything need to stay confidential. I completely failed the test.Therefore, I am kicked out of the program, and I will never be able to become a Social Worker.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Kicked out

Scene 5.

Noah and I continue to stay friend, and we work together in our classes. We both work hard to become Social Workers.There is just one thing that bother me, I am in love with him, but I am not sure if I want to tell him. Should I be honest with him about my feelings?

Choice 1 : I am honest, and I tell him the truth about my feelings.

Choice 2 : I don't tell him.


Scene 6.

I reveal my feelings to Noah, and he tells me that he is in love with me. We finish our studies and we get married. I am in love, and I have the best job I could ask for.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Best job

Scene 7.

Some months later, Noah introduces me his new girlfriend. I am so sad, and I decide to start over my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 8.

I tell him that Noah is a secret agent for the police. The guy lets me go. Strangely, it is the last time I hear about him. I continue my studies and I become a Social Worker.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Social Worker

Scene 9.

Victor seduces you during all the party. He looks at me up and down. It bothers me a little bit, but I don't worry too much. It is time to go, and he offers to take me home. Should I accept his offer?

Choice 1 : I accept his offer.

Choice 2 : I refuse his offer, and I take the bus.

Take me home

Scene 9.

We arrive at my house. Victor insists on taking me on a date. I repeat many times that I don't want to. He forces me to kiss him, and I tell him to go. He lives, and I don't feel good about what happened. Should I tell someone about what happened?

Choice 1 : I tell my friends about it.

Choice 2 : I don't tell anyone, and I say to myself that it just happened one time.


Scene 10.

I tell everything to my friends, and they tell me that I was a victim of sexual harassment. I was the recipient of his misconduct. They tell me that I should never tolerate what he did to me.Finally, I will remember that event for the rest of my life, but it allowed me to learn me that I want, as a Social Worker, to work with the victims of sexual harassment. I never see Victor again.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 11.

The next day, I see Victor in my class, and he comes to see me. He starts to flirt me. He still continues to insist on taking me on a date, even if I told him yesterday that I did not want to, and that I repeat the same thing today. Victor ends up doing something to me that will traumatize me for the rest of my life. I regret all the choices I did, I wish I could start over my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 12.

I take the bus, and I am sitting in the back of the bus.Something feels wrong, I feel the presence of someone I don't want to. Should I listen to my intuition?

Choice 1 : Yes, I should listen to my intuition, and get off of the bus at the first stop.

Choice 2 : No, I should not follow my instinct, I am just going crazy.


Scene 13.

I get off of the bus rapidly, and I start to run to my house.The next morning, I open my phone, and I read that someone shot on the bus that I was in yesterday, just five minutes after I left. I am happy that I followed my instinct, and my life continues normally.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 14.

I get off of the bus, and when I turn my head, I see in the corner of my eyes Victor. He gets off of the bus too. He starts to follow me, and I decide to walk faster, but he catches up. He kidnaps me and I stay his prisoner forever. When I did my choices, I should always have followed my instinct, but it is too late.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 1.

I am reading the letter, and It is written: We are sorry to inform you that you are not accepted. I can not believe it. I take 2 minutes. At first, I want to know in-depth why they did not choose me, but I conclude that maybe it was not meant to be. My job as a Special Care Counsellor fulfills me, and It already makes me happy.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Special Care Counsellor

Scene 2.

I am accepted! My semesters are lightened because some of the course that I did in Special Care Counselling are accredited.Therefore, it means that I can finish earlier, and it will let me have more time to do my homework because I really need it to have good grades.I have some difficulties at school.There is just one thing that stressed me out, I have to find a job because I had to leave the one that I had when I was still living with my family. I have two options but they both come with pros and cons.

Choice 1 : I work 15 hours per week at a restaurant.

Choice 2 : I work 25 hours per week at the Social Pediatrics Centre as a Special Care Counsellor.


Scene 3.

I work at a restaurant as a waitress, but I don't like it, and I want to give up everything. I want to give up my job and my program. I thought that I would like the program, but I don't. This job feels like a dead-end job. I have to do something about it.

Choice 1 : I go to see a Social Worker to help me.

Choice 2 : I take a gap year.


Scene 4.

This is my third session of counseling with my Social Worker. In this session, I realise that I am not going in the right direction. There are two things that I would like to do, but I don't know which one is going to lead me to happiness.

Choice 1 : I decide to travel all around the world.

Choice 2 : I decide to return to college.


Scene 5.

It is the best decision I have done. Right now, I am at my fourth country, and I am not close to finish.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Travel all around the world

Scene 6.

I thought it was going to help me fix my life, and find something I wanted to do. However, it is the opposite. I am sadder than I was, and I feel like a lost cause. I spend all of my days locked in my room.

Choice 1 : Start again.

In my room

Scene 7.

It is my first week of my OTJ. They are already teaching me the ins-and-outs of building an activity for the children. My wage is pretty good, and it allows me to pay my tuition fees. Also, I have as a Special Care Counsellor to work with a Psychoeducator, so It allows me to learn more about that job. This particular aspect really comes in handy for me because I can really see if I really want to be a Psychoeducator or not, and I can already tell that I want to be one. However, there are some drawbacks. I have to work 25 hours a week, and with my studies I should only work 15 hours a week.Therefore, even if I have only been working there for one week, it is difficult for me to do all my homework in time, and my grades are going down. I really like the job, but I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I keep working there, and I talk with them about my situation.

Choice 2 : I quit the job, and I try to find something else.

Centre de pédiatrie sociale

Scene 8.

Today, we have a meeting, and I decide to talk to my bosses about my situation, and I ask if it is possible to work fewer hours. They tell me that it is possible, and that I can work 15 hours if I want to. They understand that I have to focus on my studies. I thank them. Finally, I become a Psychoeducator at the Social Pediatrics Centre.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 9.

I decide to return to college because I realized that I wanted to become a doctor. I apply in Health Sciences at the Cegep of Thetford.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Scene 10.

It was a hard decision, and I should have stayed, even if I had some difficulties keeping up with school. Now, the only job that is available for me is to work in a factory that makes paper. It smells bad, and the bosses have a bias against girl. I have no other choice than to work there during my studies.

Choice 1 : Start again.
