A Journey Of Many Paths.

A hypertext narrative by

Arianne Hudon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 656

Choice count: 9

Section count: 6

Image count: 6

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 46 matches

(ability, autism, choice, class, dyslexia, early intervention, education, intervention, learned, primary school, school, students, teach, teacher, teachers, trainee, training, university)

Nursing : 14 matches

(affect, autism, complex, developmental delay, disability, dynamic, dyslexia, environment, hospital)

Dance : 9 matches

(back, close, out, position, through)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

came in handy (1 match)

drawbacks (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

trainees (1 match)

wage (1 match)

abroad (2 matches)


A Journey Of Many Paths.

Choose a path after University.

I graduated from University with a bachelor in Special Education, and I am ready to see where this journey takes me. I applied at a school for a job position as a Special Education Teacher, and I got an interview this week. I also got an offer to teach abroad in London and I've always wanted to go there. I am conflicted between going to the interview for the teaching position here or choosing the position in London instead. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Teach in London

Choice 2 : The interview in Montreal.


Teaching in London.

London was a beautiful city, and I loved being a Special Education Teacher there. Teaching abroad is an invaluable experience, it gave me a sense of purpose and made me realize that I love my job. The only thing is that I felt very sad most of the time, and I did not see myself living there, and I ended up missing my girlfriend, my friends and my family a lot. I came back to Montreal, and l went to an interview to teach to kids at a hospital. I also got another chance to go to the interview at the school that I missed last time. What should I do?

Choice 1 : The interview in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Teaching at a hospital.

London, United Kingdom

Teaching at a hospital.

Before I could teach here at the hospital, I needed to go through an on-the-job-training. I learned all of the ins-and-outs, and I learned the ropes as a trainee and there were no drawbacks associated with the job. All of the other trainees and the employer were very kind. I work mainly with kids who have autism, which is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood, and they affect their ability to communicate, and interact with others. I don't plan on changing career paths, and I am very happy to work here!

Choice 1 : Go back to the start

teaching at a hospital

The interview in Montreal.

The interview went really well, the employer informed me of the wage, the working conditions, the terms on the leaves of absences, the office politics. I ended up getting the job, and now I work with an amazing class of 7 students; Two of them have autism, four of them have dyslexia, and another one has dyscalculia. I loved my job but unfortunately the school had to close after a flood damaged the infrastructure. Now I have to decide if I want to transfer to another school or transfer to a preschool. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Transferring to another school.

Choice 2 : Transferred at the preschool.

Primary school

Transferring to another school.

After the flood happened at the other primary school I worked at, I felt overwhelmed about starting over with a new class at a new school. I was afraid that something else would happen that would make me lose my job. My previous experience as a Special Education Teacher came in handy, and I was assigned a smaller class of three students. However, the dynamic at this new school was not as great, and many teachers were gossiping about one another, and I did not want to get sucked up in the drama. I reached out to the preschool, and I was able to get transferred there.

Choice 1 : Transferred at the preschool.


Transferred at the preschool.

This preschool is a developmental preschool, which is designed for children with special needs, whether it is a disability or a developmental delay, usually, after a child has "aged out" of an early intervention (EI) program. I really enjoy it here and the working conditions are very good. I work alongside other Special Education Teachers and other specialists who make the working environment really pleasant. This is definitely a job that I want to keep.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Special Education Preschool