Word count: 1163
Choice count: 27
Section count: 18
Image count: 18
Error count: 14
Field Related Analysis
Education : 74 matches
(cegep, choice, college, goal, graduate, high school, learn, learned, major, market, phd, professor, scholarship, school, semester, social, students, teachers, trainee, training, university)Business : 25 matches
(client, market, offer, office, paid, salary, share, team, trainee)Law : 24 matches
(client, criminology, interest, market, minimum wage, month, offer, office)Target Structure: (13 matches)
intern (1 match)
internship (6 matches)
learn the ropes (1 match)
more often (1 match)
office politics (1 match)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
pension (2 matches)
premium wage (1 match)
retirement (2 matches)
more often than not (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
vacant position (1 match)
wage (4 matches)
I just finished high school one month ago, and I have a meaningful choice to make for my future studies.
Choice 1 : I will go to Ahuntsic College.
Choice 2 : I will take a break from school and travel the world.
I decided that I wanted to travel, but I hesitate a lot between Indonesia and Thailand.
Choice 1 : Go to Thailand.
Choice 2 : Go to Indonesia.
I chose to enter the Nature Sciences program, and I'm not really sure about the program choice that I made.
Choice 1 : Stay in this program anyway.
Choice 2 : Join the Psychology and social interventions program next semester.
I joined the Psychology and social interventions, and I really liked it. I then proceeded to graduate cegep in this program, and now it's time to choose the university I will go to.
Choice 1 : Go to University of Montreal.
Choice 2 : Go to an Americain University.
I decided to stay in my program, but I dropped out of school shortly after because the program made me unhappy and stressed. For now, I will work and hope that things will get better.
Choice 1 : Hope that things will get better.
I chose to go to the University of Montreal and start my BSc in Psychology.
Choice 1 : Finish my BCs in Psychology and enter the labour market.
Choice 2 : Finish my BSc and start a major in Psychology.
I received a full scholarship to go to the University of Portland where I'll study while being on the soccer team.
Choice 1 : Do a PhD in Psychology.
Choice 2 : Try something new and do a BCs in Criminology.
I decided to go to Thailand because I love their culture and their food. I explored the country, and loved every second of my trip. However, I got really sick, and now I have to come back to Canada.
Choice 1 : Go back home and get the adequate treatments.
I decided that I wanted to go to Indonesia. I was in Bali for about 1 month, and then I received a job offer in a psychologist's office. My job would be to take calls from the psychologist's patients and to enter all of the client appointments in the system.
Choice 1 : Take the job because it's simple and the salary is good.
Choice 2 : Don't take the job and continue to travel and explore the world.
I just finished my BCs in Psychology and I got a job offer. I will work in a school and become a Psychology professor. The minimum wage is pretty good, and it keeps going up as the years will pass.
Choice 1 : Accept the job and go on a on-the-job training.
Choice 2 : Deny the job offer and wait until you find a job that interest you more.
I finished my BCs in Psychology, and now I'm doing my Major. Since I'm doing my Major, one of my teachers propose that I do an internship in a psychologist's office. The cool thing about this internship is that even if I'm an intern, I'll be paid. I'll be paid minimum wage, and I'll have to take an on-the-job-training.
Choice 1 : Do the internship.
Write a choice here.
I took the job and I really like it. The employees are really nice and friendly which makes it easy to work with them. My wage is also pretty good, and I learned all of the office politics while I was on training. My goal is to stay in this job until my retirement because the pension is good, and since there was a vacant position in the office, they gave it to me. I will now have a better rank in the office.
Choice 1 : Take the job because it's simple and the salary is good.
I didn't like the job offer enough to accept it, so I will just keep travelling until I find a new one who interests me more.
Choice 1 : Keep travelling.
I am now a Psychology professor at Ahuntsic College. I really love my job, and I appreciate my students and their energy. I feel good while teaching, and I really love to share my passion about psychology with them.
Choice 1 : Keep this job as long as you can.
I finished my PhD in Psychology, and I am now an official psychologist. I work at a psychologist's office, and I have my own office in the building. I see around 5 to 6 patients a day, and I'm positive that I make a good impact and difference in their lives more often than not. I love my job, and I learn the ropes pretty well. I hope I will not get sucked up in this job because I actually really like it.
Choice 1 : Keep your job and try to get into a bigger psychologist's office.
Choice 2 : Keep this job and live happily after.
I did the internship, and everybody told me that I was a good trainee. These kind words encouraged me to keep going, and I finished my Major, and I have a job! The funny thing is, the place where I did my internship gave me a job directly after I finished my Major.
Choice 1 : Keep this job for now but keep looking for better job opportunities.
I finished my BCs in Criminology, and I liked it so much that I did a Major in Criminology afterwards. I just finished it, and now I got engaged to be an analyst-investigator, and I received a special training for it. I help the police investigator catch criminals, and it makes me feel really good about myself.
Choice 1 : Continue to be an analyst-investigator.
My hard work paid off, and I finally got into a bigger psychologist’s office, and I get a premium wage. I get to make more while doing the job that I love, and since I’m in a higher position as well, I got more job advantages. After I retire from this job, I’ll have a good pension given to me!
Choice 1 : I will keep this job and plan my retirement slowly.