My Career as Police Officer

A hypertext narrative by

mia widmer

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1134

Choice count: 22

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 75 matches

(bilingual, cegep, choice, class, college, diploma, field, first, high school, john, learn, level, school, second language, technology, test, training)

Business : 23 matches

(company, cost, deal, money, office, opportunity, salary, team, technology)

Law : 23 matches

(close, concentration, cost, crimes, criminal, driving, house, independent, living, minutes, office, police officer, rent)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

though (1 match)


My Career as Police Officer

What do I want my career to be?

It's November 10th, I am in my last year of High School and I need to choose my college program I want to go to. I really don't know what to choose. My friends are pushing me to apply in Police Technology, but my parents are pushing me to apply in Architecture Technology. Those program are very different and my choice is very hard to make.

Choice 1 : Police Technology.

Choice 2 : Architecture Technology.

I am very confused.

Police Technology.

Being a Police officer requires a lot of bravery and courage. But, I think it is a beautiful career. You need to help people, saves lives but also prevent crimes and catch criminals. This job can push me to stay in shape as well. You need to ready for everything. You can be stuck in your car for hours as well as you can run after a criminal. Also, you are always moving. I know that I can be stuck in an office, sitting on a chair and filling papers all day long. I really need to move. You need a lot of logistic to for this job, and I think I am good at that.

Choice 1 : John Abott College.

Choice 2 : Ahuntsic College

Sureté of Québec

Architecture Technology.

I would like that job because, you can be an independent worker. I can start my own company and be my own boss. I can plan my own schedule. I really like to draw different types of plan like houses plans and even stable's plans. I'm not very artistic, but for that I am. Also, I'm good at mathematics and that requires a lot of notions in this field.

Choice 1 : André Laurendeau College.

Choice 2 : Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Drawing plans

Ahuntsic College.

My first choice is to go to Ahuntsic College. I heard that it was the easiest college to get in if you want to go in Police Technology. I only have two physical tests. First, I have a swimming test and a running test. I have to practice this until the test day, March 14th. One of my best friends from High School is going there too. I would have one friend at least that I already know! That is perfect! The only problem is that it is far from my home place...I live 1 hour away without traffic. I can not imagine having to drive there on a Monday morning! The college has some residences that you can rent for the year. That is a good idea, I can go live there.

Choice 1 : Driving there.

Choice 2 : Living there.

Ahuntsic College

John Abott College.

Going to John Abott College it is a very good opportunity to learn English. This college is an English College. So, I can get a diploma and learn perfectly a second language as well. John Abott is not that far from my home place, it's Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. I can drive there every morning with no problem. But, the physical tests are very hard. I have a swimming test, running test and physical/muscular test. I need to work very hard for that.

Choice 1 : Do my program in English.

Choice 2 : Do a part of my program in French.

John Abott College

André Laurendeau College.

Andre Laurendeau College is in Lasalle. This college is the closest one from my house. I have a few friends going there. The overall average is approximately 75% to get in this program. Currently I have 86%, I should be good. I think I have a lot of chances to get at this college. Also, there is a lot of sports teams at this college. I know that there is a soccer and hockey team, and I would love to get in one of the teams.

Choice 1 : Hockey team.

Choice 2 : Soccer Team.

André Laurendeau College

Cegep du Vieux Montréal.

Cegep du Vieux Montreal is a college in Montreal where I can go for the Architecture Technology. This college is far from my house. It is 1 hour and a half far. It is on the Ontario Street. I need to live in Montreal if I decide to go study there. But, my aunt live close, so I can rent one of her rooms and live there. This is a good idea. With the small salary I have, I'm sure she can make me a good deal.

Choice 1 : Live in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Drive there every morning.

Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Driving there.

I can drive to the college every day. This will cost me a lot of gas. But I prefer to be at home every day of the week. I live in the countryside, I don't like the city. I can't really imagine me living in Montreal. This is a hard choice.

Choice 1 : Start again

Driving there

Living there.

I can live in Montreal. Even though I don't like the city, I think it is more convenient to live there. I will be closer to school every day so, I don't have to wake up early in the morning. I can set my alarm 30 minutes before my class, get up, get dress and wake to school. Also, I will make friends there. That is a good first way to start my independent life.

Choice 1 : Start again

Ahuntsic residence

Hockey Team.

I can to the try-outs to get on the hockey team. I have been playing hockey since I was 8 years old. I played in a high level for 5 years.

Choice 1 : Start again


Soccer Team.

I can also do the try-outs for the soccer team. It's been a long time since I have played, but I really love this sport. I have two friends who are on the team too.

Choice 1 : Start again


Do my program in English.

I can do my program in English. It's a good opportunity to be perfectly bilingual, but I could get tired easily if I do that. This will ask me a lot of work and concentration.

Choice 1 : Start again


Do a part of my program in French.

I can do a part of my program in French. That means that I can give back my work written in French. That is a good idea because this will take me less energy, so I can concentrate on something else like training.

Choice 1 : Start again


Live in Montreal.

I can go live at my aunt's house. It will cost me less money than driving in the traffic there every morning.

Choice 1 : Start again


Drive there every morning.

I can drive there every morning. It will cost me a lot of gas, but I can be in the comfort of my home every day.

Choice 1 : Start again

Driving there