Graphic Designer

A hypertext narrative by

Megane Demers

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1480

Choice count: 37

Section count: 25

Image count: 24

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis

Education : 56 matches

(bachelor of, choice, degree, field, first, learn, management, options, university)

Graphic-Design : 42 matches

(advertising, design, graphic, graphic designer, logo)

Business : 37 matches

(administration, brands, business, company, competition, customer, management, promotion)

Target Structure: (8 matches)

getting sucked up in (2 matches)

hr (7 matches)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Graphic Designer

Graphic Design DCS completed.

Now that my technique in Graphic Design is completed, I need to decide if I want to go to university to have a better wage later or find a job right now in this field.

Choice 1 : Keep studying at University.

Choice 2 : Looking for a job as a Graphic Designer.

Keep studying at University.

Now that I know I want to continue my studies, I need to make a choice. I now have two options: I can study to obtain a bachelor's degree in administration to be able to have my own business, or I can keep studying in Graphic Design to become a better artist.

Choice 1 : Bachelor of Business Administration.

Choice 2 : Bachelor of Graphic Design.

Looking for a job as a Graphic Designer.

Now that I chose to start my career in Graphic Design, I need to know which type of graphics I want to do.

Choice 1 : Logo maker and designer for a sport uniforms business.

Choice 2 : Graphic Designer for an advertising agency.

Tell him with respect what I would like him to change.

Since we had the discussion, in respect, of his behaviors, it looks like we are having fun at job. This is a big step for my future career, and a big relief.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

Bachelor of Business Administration.

It is not as easy as I thought to obtain this bachelor. The end is near, but I feel like I will never succeed, and I have some difficulties with my time management. I also miss doing Graphic Design. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Change program to go on Graphic Design BAC.

Choice 2 : Give up the Bachelor of Business Administration.

Bachelor of Graphic Design.

My Baccalaureate now done, I can work in big company. During my internship, my employer was so impressed that he recommended my name to his contacts at Apple. A few weeks later, I receive a call for an interview. This is really stressful. Should I accept or should I start at the bottom to be sure to be good enough before working for big brands like this?

Choice 1 : Say YES to Apple.

Give up the Bachelor of Business Administration.

Now that I gave up, I need to start again from the beginning.

Choice 1 : Going back to start

Change program to go on Graphic Design BAC.

I decided to focus on graphic design instead of business administration.

Choice 1 : Bachelor of Graphic Design.

Uniform and logo designer for a sport uniforms business.

I am now hired in a big company that creates sport uniforms. I think I will love it. But first I need to learn the ins-and-outs. The only problem is my coworker that is showing me how to do the job. He really is arrogant, and I'm not comfortable to ask questions. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Ask the HR what to do.

Choice 2 : Confront him.

Graphic Designer for an advertising agency.

I am now hired as a graphic designer in a big advertising company. During my first week in the company, our boss created a competition between the employees. We needed to create the best logo for our new customer, and the winner would have a promotion. Knowing that I am a rookie, I'm not sure if I should participate.

Choice 1 : Take my chance and participate in the competition.

Choice 2 : Let the contest for the oldest employees that would deserve this promotion.

Ask the HR what to do.

The HR department asks me if I would like to have a new trainer for my OJT, or if I want them to talk with my coworker about the situation.

Choice 1 : Let the HR talk with my coworker.

Choice 2 : Ask for a new trainer.

Confront him.

I am not a weak person, and I don't need anybody. I will let him know how I feel about his behaviors. Do I use the gentle way or the arrogant one as he does all the time?

Choice 1 : Gentle way.

Choice 2 : Using arrogance.

Let the HR talks with my coworker.

The HR department talked with my coworker and since this discussion, he seems to be correct with me. I hope it will stay like this.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

Ask for a new trainer.

The HR accepted to pair me with another coworker. I'm happy to be able to continue to learn the ropes of the job I love without any problems.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

Gentle way.

I decided to use the respectful way to solve my problems.

Choice 1 : Tell him with respect what I would like him to change.

Using arrogance.

I talked to him the same way he talks to me every time and let him know how I feel about his behaviors. We had a big hectic discussion, and at the end I was really upset. I told him : ...

Choice 1 : I don't like the way you talk to me. I love the job, but I don't want to be getting sucked up in your negativity and start hating this job. Please change your behaviors, or I will go directly to the boss.

Choice 2 : You are a really bad person, and I don't want to work with you anymore. I quit.

I don't like the way you talk to me. I love the job, but I don't want to be getting sucked up in your negativity and start hating this job. Please change your behaviors, or I will go directly to the boss.

With all these things I said, he didn't even changed. I will need some help.

Choice 1 : Ask my superiors what to do.

Take my chance and participate in the competition.

I am the rookie of the company, but I STILL WON THE CONSTEST. I am lucky because people know all the talent I have, and I am still really young. My career starts very well, with a promotion and a lot of recognition.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

Let the contest for the oldest employees that would deserve this promotion.

I'm new here, and I don't want to take up too much space. Also, employees have been working hard for a long time to try to get a promotion.I don't think they would appreciate the news taking their place.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

You are a really bad person, and I don't want to work with you anymore. I quit.

Now that I've left my job, I need to find something else. My options for now are :

Choice 1 : Start working as Graphic Designer for an advertising agency.

Choice 2 : Go on a trip to have a good time and decompress.

Go on a trip to have a good time and decompress.

I am now on a trip in Australia to live my best life during my young years, and I'll come back to find some work in my field in few months.

Choice 1 : Enjoy my trip for months and come back in Canada to start working for an advertising agency

I didn't get the job :(.

Well, I'm still proud that they called me. Maybe I'm too young, and need more experience. I will start at the bottom of the ladder like everybody ad maybe one day I'll work for them.

Choice 1 : Go on a trip to have a good time and decompress.

Choice 2 : Look for a starter job as a Graphic Designer.

Say YES to Apple.

I said yes to meet the graphic department of Apple. I meet them tomorrow. I really am excited.

Choice 1 : I am hired!!

Choice 2 : I didn't get the job:(.

I am hired!!

I start to work for Apple in a week. I am so excited, I can not believe that happens to me!

Choice 1 : Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

Continue to work at this company and climbing the ladder to have a long and beautiful career.

I am now a really happy person that love her job. I couldn't ask for a better career. I'm so grateful!

Choice 1 : End of the story or start again