Crazy Pharmacist career.

A hypertext narrative by

Sara-Maude Charest

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3255

Choice count: 63

Section count: 42

Image count: 42

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis

Education : 84 matches

(activity, behavior, choice, course, doctorate, first, john, knowledge, learn, major, research, school, student, teacher, trainee, university)

Nursing : 61 matches

(anticoagulant, arrhythmia, b.d., body, bronchodilator, cancer, chemotherapy, complex, contact, cystic, cystic fibrosis, death, diabetes, disease, doctor, effects, efficacy, environment, epidemic, fear, fever, fibrosis, first intention, health, health care, hospital, hr, intention)

Law : 55 matches

(access, answer, arrested, child, close, community, contact, contract, corruption, death, error, escape, fact, family, government, harassment, illegal, information, intention, interest, living, misconduct, month, notice, offer, office, option)

Target Structure: (24 matches)

background check (1 match)

drawbacks (1 match)

dread (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

hr (3 matches)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (12 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

more often (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

recipients (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermine (2 matches)

withholding (1 match)

corruption (1 match)

corrupted (1 match)

threats (2 matches)

volunteer (4 matches)

volunteering (4 matches)

abroad (7 matches)


Crazy Pharmacist career.

Finish with school!

I pull off pharmacy doctorate finally! I am so proud of myself! After many years of being straight A's, doing thoughtful work, and being so persistent, I succeed. Now, I have an important choice to make for my future job.

Choice 1 : Start a new job immediately.

Choice 2 : Make an internship in another country to acquire more experience.

Choice 3 : Go volunteering abroad to acquire life experience and help people.

Diploma in pharmacy

Start a new job immediately.

By starting a new job I have to do an OTJ. I learn many ins-and-outs link to the environment that I work in, and the drawbacks of some techniques. I should choose where I work.

Choice 1 : Work in a hospital.

Choice 2 : Work in a community pharmacy.


Make an internship in another country to acquire more experience.

I have the opportunity to do an internship in a big pharmaceutical company in the United States or in France. Both are interesting because if I choose to do it in the United States, I will see how it works in a big company as Pfizer. On the other hand, I could see how France leads their research in a new medicament as a treatment against arrhythmia or diabetes. Which one should I choose?

Choice 1 : Make my internship in the United States.

Choice 2 : Make my internship in France.

USA vs France

Volunteer abroad to acquire life experience and help people.

I have the chance to volunteer abroad, and I can't miss this chance! I will acquire a beautiful life experience that will be useful for my future, and I will help people that really need it. Now, I have to choose my destination.

Choice 1 : Leave for Costa Rica.

Choice 2 : Leave for Africa.

Volunteering abroad

Work in a hospital.

Working in a hospital ask a lot of adaption because I face many situations. Most of the time, it's more complex cases, but they are so interesting! Now, I have to choose between Department of Pediatrics and Department of Oncology, two departments with their advantages and their disadvantages.

Choice 1 : Work in the Department of Oncology.

Choice 2 : Work in the Department of Pediatrics.

Jewish General Hospital

Work in a community pharmacy.

Working in community pharmacy is a dream comes true for me because since I was young I always admired pharmacists. I actually work in a Familiprix, but office politics is everywhere. Some people undermine their colleagues, and I don't feel at my place in this toxic work environment. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I should do nothing and keep the silence.

Choice 2 : I talk to the Human Resources Department.


Work in the Department of Oncology.

In this department, every detail is important. It is also emotionally hard because we are in contact with death and sick people every day. Today, I am supposed to have a day off because I go with my grand-mother to her final chemotherapy treatment. Suddenly, I have a call from the hospital. Do I answer?

Choice 1 : I answer the phone.

Choice 2 : I don't answer the phone.

Department of Oncology

Work in the Department of Pediatrics.

By choosing this department, I have to face tearing situations. There is only one more place available, and I have to choose between a terminal child suffering from leukemia since many years or a child touched by cystic fibrosis with a possible new treatment. Do I choose between life or death?

Choice 1 : I choose the terminal kid because he must have a last chance.

Choice 2 : I choose the child touched by the cystic fibrosis because he can have a real chance to get better with this new treatment.


I choose the terminal kid because he must have a last chance.

Sam, the terminal kid, was too sick. He had metastasis everywhere. On top of this, he had severe side effects because of his medicament. We tried to adjust the dosage, but nothing worked. He left us calmly on a beautiful Sunday morning. It was a hard day for me. I think I should change my path.

Choice 1 : It is too hard emotionally. I need to reassess my path.

A dove

I choose the child touched by the cystic fibrosis because he can have a real chance to get better with this new treatment.

Trikafta is the new treatment against this disease, and it's a wonderful new for Jordan. Up to now, the medicament has efficacy on him. I adjusted the dosage of his other pills to make sure that he has less side effects. Of course, we continue his bronchodilator, but he is getting better. It's so satisfying to see his patients smiling after months!

Choice 1 : I have a happy career!


I should do nothing and keep the silence.

It's getting worse. My pharmacist colleagues are withholding some important information to me because they are afraid that the patients prefer me. It's ridiculous! More often than not, I hear pharmacy technical assistant undermine each other, and it makes a horrible work environment. What do I do? It's insufferable.

Choice 1 : I try to stay despite the situation because it is my first real job.

Choice 2 : I quit the job.


I talk to the Human Resources Department.

I talked to the HR, and they took the time to listen to me carefully. They explained to me that they already wanted to make some modifications to improve the work environment. Therefore, Philip, the owner, and the HR asked me if I wanted to become owner with Philip, thanks to my positive attitude. Should I accept?

Choice 1 : I accept the proposition because it's an opportunity that I can't miss!

Choice 2 : I refuse because I am not ready yet to become an owner.

I answer the phone.

It's one my colleagues, John. We made an error in the dosage of one of our patients touched by cancer. Unfortunately, this error brought him major side effects because of the interactions with his other medication, especially with his anticoagulant. Now, I doubt seriously about my place in pharmacy.

Choice 1 : Hospital is not for me.


I don't answer the phone.

It's my day off, and it's an important day for my grand-mother, I can't miss this. That's why I did not answer. After, her final treatment we had a meeting with her doctor. She explained to us that she was almost cured. It was the best thing that we could hear! Now, I think that I would prefer to become a community pharmacist because I want to help people as my grand-mother out of the hospital, once they are cured.

Choice 1 : I should become a community pharmacist.

She was very happy.

I quit the job.

I had enough, and I could not start my career as a pharmacist like this. I think I took the right decision. Now, I have new possibilities. As it happens, I have an interview for a job as a pharmacist for the government. It is a beautiful opportunity for me!

Choice 1 : They hire me!

I try to stay despite the situation because it is my first real job.

By staying at this pharmacy, I met a teacher that I had at the University. He was impressed by the quality of the job that I was doing, and he offered me to join his pharmacy. I accepted immediately because it was a beautiful opportunity for me, with better work conditions. I am so excited to start!

Choice 1 : Finally, I have a promising career.

I accept the proposition because it's an opportunity that I can't miss!

I am now co-owner with Philip, and everything goes well! I feel that I am in the right place. We fired some of the employees who had a bad behavior. The work environment is much better. All the new employees have a background check, and they all bring a positive attitude. I can finally say that I love my job!

Choice 1 : I finally own my pharmacy!


I refuse because I am not ready yet to become an owner.

I decide to quit the job because I have the opportunity to volunteer in another country to acquire more experience. I can't wait to leave for this beautiful experience!

Choice 1 : I volunteer abroad.

Volunteering abroad

Make my internship in the United States.

During the first day, I was very impressed by the installations that Pfizer had and the number of people that actually work for the company. It seems to be a big family. But, now, I notice that not everything is perfect as it seems. In fact, I think that some of the employees are corrupted. Should I close my eyes on this or investigate?

Choice 1 : I close my eyes on the situation.

Choice 2 : I start to investigate.


Make my internship in France.

I have been in France for two days, and I learn a lot from my experience. They have different ways to do, and interesting research. Unfortunately, I start to feel uncomfortable because of Marc, my supervisor. He acts differently with me and touch me often. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I talk to him.

Choice 2 : I do anything.

I close my eyes on the situation.

I start as a trainee, so I follow Jack, a searcher, everywhere. Unfortunately, he brought me to places that I should not have access at the beginning, and now I am a victim of threats. I am very afraid because I am alone in the United States and I can't talk to anyone else. It's exactly as a nightmare, and I don't know what to do to solve this situation.

Choice 1 : I talk to the police.

Choice 2 : I leave as soon as possible, and I come back home.

I start to investigate.

I start to show a lot of interest in the fabrication of the new medicament, and I develop a good relation with Jack, a searcher. With the time, he shared me some secret information on their illegal activity. I realize that I could make a lot of money by staying with them. I know it's not good but should I continue or should I stop?

Choice 1 : I decide to continue to make money.

Choice 2 : I decide to stop because it is not right.

I talk to the police.

It's getting worse, and I decide to talk to the police. They immediately start to investigate in the company, and they offer me to come back home. Obviously, I accept because I am still petrified by the threats. Now, I am not certain that it's the right place for me.

Choice 1 : Being pharmacist in a huge company is not for me.


I leave as soon as possible, and I come back home.

I am so afraid, that I think that the best option for me it's to leave as soon as possible. In Quebec, I will inform myself on the corruption and talk about it to the police. Maybe, they will not be able to do something but at least I will try.

Choice 1 : I prefer to stay a simple pharmacist without investigations to do!


I decide to continue to make money.

Finally, I stay, and I start to make a lot of money. Jack and I are closer, and I think that I am developing feelings for him. He told me, a few days ago, that he also appreciated me. Unfortunately, a couple of days after this, the police arrested everybody during my day-off, including Jack.

Choice 1 : I come back home because I want to stay free.

Jack and I

I decide to stop because it is not right.

I am at the end of my internship, and I decide to leave. I know that I could have make a lot of money, but it's against my values. On top of this, I miss my friends and my family. I don't think I would be able to live far away from them.

Choice 1 : I should find a job closer to my family, and without illegal practice.

I talk to him.

I asked Marc to stop the flirtation with me because I am not interested in him. I think that he understood because he stopped all his misconduct and I feel much better! Thanks to this, I can enjoy my internship and stay focus on pharmacy.

Choice 1 : I acquire a lof of knowledge, and I feel well-prepared to start my real job.

I do anything.

I have decided to do nothing, but now it's getting worse. I dread all the possible moments that I could be alone with him. It starts to be sexual harassment, and I don't know what to do with this.

Choice 1 : Talk to other women in the company.

Choice 2 : Leave my internship.

Talk to other women in the company.

I have discovered that I am not the only victim of Marc. In fact, Josee and Martine are also recipients of his misconducts, and they are also very uncomfortable with this. We decided to talk to the HR about this situation because it couldn't continue like this. Fortunately, he stopped rapidly, and I can leave my internship without a problem.

Choice 1 : Despite this bad experience, I feel more ready to start my career.

Leave my internship.

It is not my country, and it is not my permanent job. I don't know how people react to this here. Today, I decide to leave, but I meet my ex-boyfriend at the airport. He invites me to have a coffee, and I accept. Finally, maybe I will stay longer...

Choice 1 : We fall in love once again, and we now live together happily.

Date with my ex-boyfriend

Leave for Costa Rica.

I have been in Costa Rica for one day, and it's fantastic, and so wonderful! But, it is obvious that people need help, especially in their health care system. Now, I should decide where I help. Do I stay in this village, and I do community pharmacy, or I go help in the hospital of San José?

Choice 1 : I stay in the village.

Choice 2 : I go to the hospital of San José.

Costa Rica

Leave for Africa.

Africa is so beautiful! I am impressed by the majestic nature and by people who are living there. They are very generous despite the few little resources that they have. Now, I have a choice to make for the rest of my trip. I can stay in Liberia to help for the Ebola epidemic or leave for Somalia to help the victims of the pirate. They are very violent and they kill many people.

Choice 1 : I go to Somalia despite the big danger.

Choice 2 : I stay in Liberia for the Ebola epidemic.


I stay in the village.

I decided to stay in the village because I wanted to show to the population how to take their medication properly and the importance of them. One day, I met the perfect guy for me at the beach. Oliver was so nice to me, and with beautiful values. He is also a pharmacist who leaves there, but he is from London. I fall in love with him, and I decided to stay there. We now own our pharmacy in this village.

Choice 1 : We found a beautiful family, and we take care of the population.

Little village in Costa Rica

I go to the hospital of San José.

It's been only one month that I work there, and I already notice that there is a lot of illegal traffic of controlled substance, as the opioids. Luke explains that he is doing this because he needs money for the leukemia treatment of his daughter, which is very expensive.

Choice 1 : I understand his position, and I say nothing about the situation.

Choice 2 : I decide to help him to have more money by starting to do traffic.

Trafic of opioids.

I understand his position, and I say nothing about the situation.

I can't imagine how it can be difficult to have a sick child. It's maybe not the best way to make money, but he is only trying to save his daughter. Anyway, my volunteering abroad is over.

Choice 1 : I bring the secret with me, and I only hope that his daughter will get better.

I decide to help him to have more money by starting to do traffic.

During the last two weeks of my volunteering abroad, I did some traffic, and I gave all my money to Luke. Anyway, nobody is going to know because I leave today.

Choice 1 : I leave with the feeling that I really help, despite it was illegal.

I go to Somalia despite the big danger.

Somalia is very dangerous. Everybody lives in a great fear, and I am very unsettled. I see people without arms, legs or eyes. On top of this, I can't have access to sterile tools. I don't know how long I will be able to support this. What do I do?

Choice 1 : I leave the country, it is too dangerous.

Choice 2 : I stay because people absolutely need my help.


I stay in Liberia for the Ebola epidemic.

It is crazy. All the beds are occupied, and we don't have enough medicament for everybody to at least reduce the fever. We are working in dangerous conditions, and I am afraid to contract the disease.

Choice 1 : I leave because I want to stay in health.

Choice 2 : I stay because people are too sick, and they need help.

A hospital in Africa.

I leave the country, it is too dangerous.

I didn't have the choice to leave if I wanted to stay in life. Few people around me started to disappear mysteriously, and it started to be very dangerous. When I took the airplane, we had to stop in France. By chance, I met my best friend who lives there in a restaurant near to the airport.

Choice 1 : I stay there with her during a couple of weeks. We spend good time together!

I stay because people absolutely need my help.

I made the wrong choice. Now, I am a prisoner of the pirates, and I can't escape. I am in horrible conditions, and we are tortured. Most of the kidnapped people never escape from here.

Choice 1 : I will never leave Africa.

Kidnapped people.

I leave because I want to stay in health.

I was at the airport when I met an old colleague that I had when I was a student. He is actually working for the Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund, and he offered me to stay. He explained to me that I will not work in the hospital but in little villages. They have sterile instruments and the practice is safe. I decide to accept because my first intention was to help, and acquire experience.

Choice 1 : I am finishing my volunteering abroad there, and I really love it!

I stay because people are too sick, and they need help.

I contracted the virus, and I am very sick. I don't think I will survive because we don't have any treatments. My body hurts everywhere, I am so tired that I can't even talk, and I do fever as I never did before. I am very desperate.

Choice 1 : I think that the end is coming soon.

Ebola epidemic.