My career as a child care

A hypertext narrative by

audrey st-laurent

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1306

Choice count: 31

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 21

Field Related Analysis

Education : 48 matches

(adult, behavior, choice, education, first, learn, skills, social, speaking, student)

Law : 34 matches

(accident, act, appointment, bond, borough, cause, child, children, client, clients, development, fine, force, government, gross, house, living, minutes, objects, offer, parties)

Business : 20 matches

(appointment, benefits, bond, client, clients, cooperative, development, gain, gross, money, offer, pay, staff, expenses)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

internship (1 match)

overtime (1 match)


My career as a child care

After technic.

After 3 years of technical special education, you have the choice of going to daycare or to a childcare center. In daycare, you have fewer benefits, but work is more fun. In the early childhood center, it pays more, there are more social benefits and the work is more difficult.

Choice 1 : Daycare.

Choice 2 : Childcare center.



You now have the choice between two children. The first one is Charles, who is 3 years old, and he has a lot of difficulty speaking. He is very kind and wants to learn. As a result, he gets angry very quickly and can be violent. The other child is Mathis, he is 5 years old, and he has difficulty with his gross motor skills. Like picking up objects, balancing, etc. He's having a hard time communicating with you, so it's hard to act with him.

Choice 1 : Charles.

Choice 2 : Mathis.


Childcare center.

Since the early childhood centers are a government establishment, this requires a job interview. You have the choice between two establishments. The first is located in Montreal. And the second, your aunt works there and is 15 minutes from your home.

Choice 1 : Go to the one in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go to the one near you.



Everything is going really well with Charles's language development. As a result, her parents don't really like you. They are not really cooperative and make lots of comments about your work, so you hesitate to continue what you have started, or to change clients.

Choice 1 : Continue with him.

Choice 2 : Change client.

Charles 3 years old


You did everything to make a connection with Mathis, and it didn't work. You should not force this bond, as it may cause inappropriate behavior.

Choice 1 : After technic.

Mathis 5 years old

Go to the one in Montreal.

Since Montreal is far from where you live, you hesitate to go live with your friend or take an apartment. At your friend's house you would have fewer expenses. In an apartment, you would have more of your personal space. In addition, at the early childhood center in Montreal, you would be trained on the job because they are severely understaffed.

Choice 1 : Go at your friend's house.

Choice 2 : Take an appartement.


Go to the one near you.

You had an internship for 1 session at the early childhood center in Levis. You know the staff and the boss really loves you very much. You don't want to hurt anyone but you would like to gain experience somewhere else.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Continue with him.

You decide to continue without the help of the parents. You no longer pay attention to negative comments from parents. You are working harder and harder for the development of this child. Your remarkable work has been seen by many and everyone wants to benefit from your work. Your schedule is busy but there are several people who do not have an appointment. Do you have to work overtime, or take time for yourself?

Choice 1 : Make new appointements.

Choice 2 : Take time for yourself.


Change client.

You are full of remorse because you feel that you have abandoned this child. You no longer like your job as a result, you shut yourself up at home, you no longer want to see anyone, you start to consume excessively alcohol.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Go at your friend's house.

When you moved into your friend's house, everything was fine. You have established rules for yourself. After a few weeks, she started to step on your toes, add rules, have big parties. Finally, you quarreled and you moved.

Choice 1 : After technic.

friend's house

Take an appartement.

You started your adult life in an apartment in Montreal. Your job earns you enough money to support yourself, but you would like to have a little more money. Since your apartment is a 4 1/2, you would like to have a roommate. You make announcements in your borough and on Facebook and two people offer themselves to you. The first is a retired person who has worked for over 25 years at the early childhood center where you work. The second is a person of your age, who has a good social circle and who is studying medicine.

Choice 1 : Retired person.

Choice 2 : Medicine student.


Make new appointements.

You work more than 60 hours a week. Your job is now a dead end. It takes up all the space in your life and your friends don't recognize you anymore. You are doing a burnout.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Take time for yourself.

You feel good about yourself and at work. You take the time to bond with the children and their parents. You have time to see your friends, to take care of yourself and have fun.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Retired person.

Marie, the woman you have as a roommate is very nice. She prepares lunches for you, she cooks food because sometimes you don't have time when you come back from work. She gives you techniques of approaches with the children, she also gives you original activities to do with the children. She gives you a lot of support. On the other hand, you find that she acts like your mother, and you would like to build your own adult life, without necessarily having any help.

Choice 1 : After technic.

Marie, 55 years old

Medicine student.

Thomas is moving in with you. He helps you make meals, and he does the housework. He is often doing his medical work, so he is not disturbing. One evening, when you came back from work, you saw him in your room rummaging through your things. You found his behavior very strange. You hesitate to talk to him about this situation, or you allow time to resolve the situation.

Choice 1 : Talk to him.

Choice 2 : Let time do its things.

Thomas, 25 years old

Talk to him.

You decided to talk to him calmly. He admitted his gesture and promised you not to do it again and that he was looking for something that belonged to him. There was a little chill, but the situation was quickly resolved.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Let time do its things.

After several weeks, you feel that the situation escalates. You no longer find some personal items. You argue more and more and decide to go search his room when he's not there. You find everything you lost, and you realize that he has a crush on you. You can't believe your eyes, you decide to talk to him about it. You hesitate between being angry because he stole your things or being understanding.

Choice 1 : Be angry.

Choice 2 : Be comprehensive.


Be angry.

You get really mad. The situation escalates, and you decide on a whim that he must leave the apartment immediately for at least one night. He leaves and has an accident. You feel bad, and you decide to end your career because sadness has prevailed over you.

Choice 1 : After technic.


Be comprehensive.

You were understood in front of his act. You have reconciled, you are now living perfect happiness with Thomas. After Thomas studies, you move into a big house together. He starts to tell you that your job does not make enough money and tells you to change jobs or become self-employed.

Choice 1 : To change job.

Choice 2 : Be autonome.


To change job.

You are no longer happy because you are not doing your dream job.

Choice 1 : After technic.

new job

Be autonome.

You become self-employed, you earn more money than before. You are happier because you have a schedule that suits you.

Choice 1 : After technic.
