Becoming a Lawyer

A hypertext narrative by

Catherine Mantha

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2097

Choice count: 32

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 90 matches

(behavior, cegep, choice, courses, diploma, down, field, field of study, first, grades, knowledge, learned, learning, research, school, semester, social, student, training, university)

Business : 44 matches

(business, discount, financial, firm, meeting, money, offer, office, opportunity, product, store)

Law : 40 matches

(financial, fine, house, information, law, law firm, lawyer, lottery, minutes, noise, notice, obligation, offer, office, reputation)

Target Structure: (12 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (9 matches)

more often (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

premium wage (2 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

though (1 match)

undermining (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

withholding (1 match)


Becoming a Lawyer

University application.

I just finished my Social Sciences three weeks ago. Eventually, I want to continue my studies at university. The problem is that I don't know if I have enough money to be a full-time student or if I need to work while being at university. I don't know if it were to be better for me to take a year off. This will allow me to save money, and not work during my studies. I could also start university right away, and find a solution when time comes. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Take a year off to save money.

Choice 2 : Go to university.


Take a year off to save money.

After reflexion, I decided to take a year off to work. At the end of CEGEP, I applied in three different worksites. Since I plan on studying in law at university, I thought that it would be useful to apply for an internship in a law firm. However, I know how in demand this position can be, so I chose to give in my resumé in a retailing store and in restoration. I got an offer for all of them. Which one should I chose?

Choice 1 : Work for MacDonald's.

Choice 2 : Work for Sports Experts.

Choice 3 : Take the internship for a law firm.

save money

Go to university.

Regardless of my financial situation, I thought it was best for me to start university right away. I have dealt with money issues in the past, so I know how to get myself out of trouble when needed. In January, I applied in law at two different universities, and I got accepted for both of them. Since I live in Montreal, I have an important decision to make. Laval University has a really good reputation for it's Law program. However, it is far from home, so I'll to get an apartment. University of Montreal, which is at 20 minutes from home still has a good program, but not as known. Which university should I pick?

Choice 1 : Laval University.

Choice 2 : University of Montreal.


Work for McDonald's.

I was often told that working at McDonald's was a good life experience, and it shows really well in a resumé. My first week was great, the work environment was awesome. Everyone was very kind and helpful to all the recruits. However, during my second week, everything went downhill. I got yelled by my supervisor for taking too long to make the fries, and I even dropped a McFleury on my boss' shoes right after he told me to be quicker. To make it even worst, I laughed in his face, but I did say sorry. The next day, we were in a rush, and I forgot to put a meat patties in a Double Big Mac. Imagine my boss' face, when he noticed that. At that moment, I realized that it was a dead-end job for me. some coworkers told me that it would be impossible to get a premium wage in less than two years. I truly believe that McDonald's will not help me be a better lawyer for the future. What would be the best choice for me?

Choice 1 : Quit McDonald's.

Choice 2 : Keep the job.


Work for Sports Experts.

I decided to take on the job offer because one of my best friends was working there. For a couple of months, I had a really good time. One positive point was that I had a nice discount on every product in the store, almost 50% off. However, my best friend got fired, and time was starting to get long and boring. One day after my shift, I got a call from the law firm calling back for the internship position. I knew this would be a great opportunity, and I could not miss out on in. I believe that this offer was meant to be since none of my previous jobs were right for me. I took upon the offer, and give my two weeks notice right away.

Choice 1 : Take the internship for a law firm.

Sports exepet

Take the internship for a law firm.

I chose the internship because I knew that it was the best opportunity for the job I want to do later on in life. Since it is closely related to my future field of study, it allows me to have a hand-first experience and a foot in the door of this lifestyle. The first few days were rough, but expected because I had a lot of paper work and research to do. Since I love this kind of work, I did not mind doing it at all. On my second week of work, this girl came into my office to give me an on-the-job-training. I spent the whole day with her learning the ins-and-outs of the job. However, I slowly started to realize that she was withholding information about important office policies. I also noticed that she was undermining other colleagues, and she was trying to get me sucked up in the office drama. More often than not, I tried to mind my own business, and go on with the tour. Since I do not want this to affect my journey here, I was wondering later that night if I should tell my boss what she is trying to do. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Say nothing to my boss.

Choice 2 : Tell the truth to my boss.


Laval University.

I decided to go to Laval University because I knew it would help me while job hunting. Since it is far from home, I had to search for an apartment. Should I have a roommate or live in the dorms?

Choice 1 : Find a roommate.

Choice 2 : Live in the dorms.

Laval University

University of Montreal.

I thought that going to school near my house was best for me because it allowed me to save money. Almost everything was going my way, I had As in all of my courses, and I was in a stable relationship of more than three years. However, my financial state was down the drain. I don't know if I should stay for another semester and finish my studies, or take a break from school and go work. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Take a year off to save money.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies.

University of Montreal

Quit McDonald's.

I knew that I was not built to work in restoration, so I decided to quit. What job should I take next?

Choice 1 : Work for Sports Experts.

Choice 2 : Take the internship for a law firm.


Keep the job.

I decided to keep the job because I needed the money. The day after the incidents, I had a day off, so I had time to recuperate. When I got back to work, everything went well until the ice cream machine broke down. However, I was on lunch when they told not to use the machine, so I was unaware that I could not use it. At the end of the shift, once the kitchen was all cleaned up, I decided to make myself a little ice cream cone. When I went to stop it from coming out, it just wouldn't stop. It leaked all over the floor. As my boss was coming out of his office talking with the recruit, he slipped on the ice cream. He broke his arm while trying to catch his fall. The way he looked at me from the ground, I knew it was my last shift here. After that, I learned that my two other offers were still available. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Work for Sports Experts.

Choice 2 : Take the internship for a law firm.


Find a roommate.

Unfortunately, all the people I have met were not a great match with me. I decided that it would be best to take a dorm room.

Choice 1 : Live in the dorms.


Live in the dorms.

The first two weeks were fine until the midterms. Most of the people there would party every day, which made a lot of noise throughout the night. My grades were slowly dropping, and I could not continue like this. At the end of the semester, even though Laval University was the best choice, I had to leave. I applied to the University of Montreal, and got accepted.

Choice 1 : University of Montreal.


Say nothing to my boss.

I thought it would be best if I did not say a word to my boss about the situation. A few weeks following the incident, I had a meeting with him. He told me he learned from colleagues that I knew what the girl's intentions were. He strongly suggested that I give in my two weeks notice because he did not accept that kind of behavior in his firm. I had no other choice than to quit.

Choice 1 : Leave the firm.


Tell the truth to my boss.

When I applied for this internship, I remembered the boss telling me how much he valued honesty. For that reason, I had to tell him what I witnessed behind his back. After talking with him for about an hour or so, he thanked me for my honesty, and went straight to the other girl's office. The next day, she was gone, and he offered me her position as a permanent jobs. He even mentioned that if I decided to go to university, this job would be open and waiting for me until I finished my studies. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Accept the offer.


Leave the firm.

After everything that happened, I took some time to reflect on what I wanted to do. The choice was clear, I was going to start university.

Choice 1 : Go to university.


Accept the offer.

I have been working for the firm for more than two years now. I love it a lot here. However, I need conquered new challenges. I talk to my boss and told him my plans. He understood, and because he loved the work I have been doing since I arrived, he told me that whenever I was ready to come back, there would be a spot here for me.

Choice 1 : University application.


Continue my studies.

Winter semesters were always my favourite. However, this year was not. I was almost done with my studies, I only had two exams left, when I slipped on the ice. I broke my femur, and I got a mild concussion. My whole leg was in a cast for more than three months. I was in the obligation to ask for an incomplete, which meant I had to retake all of my courses. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Do nothing for three months.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies with an online university.

Broken femur

Do nothing for three months.

These three months were very long and boring. I could not wait to go back to school. When the time came, I applied back to University of Montreal, and got accepted.

Choice 1 : Finish my studies at the University of Montreal.

Long time

Continue my studies with an online university.

I finally got my diploma! To congratulate me on this big step in my life, my mom gave my a lottery ticket. I forgot about the ticket for a few weeks because who is ever lucky enough to win this much money? My mom told me that she saw on the news that the 60 million dollars never got redeemed. The next day, I went to the grocery shop, and checked my ticket. Turns out, I was that lucky person! This much money change my life forever. Finishing my studies was worth it at the end!

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning.

Loto Max

Finish my studies at the University of Montreal.

Halfway through the end of my studies, I realized that I did not have enough money to finish my studies. However, I remembered that there is a permanent opening at the firm. I have acquired enough knowledge to work there even if I do not finish my studies. After doing a bit of research, I know that if I take the job it would fit with my lifestyle, and I would also have a premium wage. I decided to take the job and start a new experience of my life journey.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning.

Hand shake