My Carreer as an Entrepreneur.

A hypertext narrative by

Jakob Turbide

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1854

Choice count: 34

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 100 matches

(cegep, choice, class, course, degree, elementary school, exam, field, first, grades, homework, knowledge, lesson, motivation, options, school, social, teaches, university)

Business : 55 matches

(administration, associate, bankrupt, business, ceo, company, competition, entrepreneur, gain, money, motivate, offer, opportunity, owner, products, purchase, request, retailer, store, trust)

Tourism : 20 matches

(administration, apartment, bar, bus, city, competition, countryside, field)

Target Structure: (4 matches)

income (1 match)

internship (13 matches)

put aside (2 matches)

putting aside (1 match)


My Carreer as an Entrepreneur.

After CEGEP.

After two intense years in Social Science with the mathematics, I am finally able to take one of the biggest choices of my life, and it's the first time that have the opportunity to go to the University in the program that I want to go since the elementary school: Business Administration. Because I still live in the countryside at the family home, if I choose to go to the University right after the CEGEP, I will definitely need to move to the city of the University I choose. The question of money scares me, but I would have two options.

Choice 1 : Go to the University right after CEGEP.

Choice 2 : Take a study off year to work before you move to your town University, so you could also have time to ride motocross, who is your passion.

Degree of Social Science

Go to the University right after CEGEP.

Now you made the choice to go to the University, you need to make the choice of your future school. All two of these schools are excellent, but Laval University is closer than your family and your friends. If you chose Sherbrooke, you can literally start a new life with new friends and new relationships. The rent is more expensive in Quebec than Sherbrooke for what you are looking at for your future apartment.

Choice 1 : Moving to Quebec.

Choice 2 : Moving to Sherbrooke.

course at University

Take a study off year to work before you move to your town University, so you could also have time to ride motocross, who is your passion.

For the first time in your life, you don't have to go to school for one year. After you realized that, you don't know if you want to work one year straight to make money to return to school the next year, and not worry about the money, or you want to relax and continue to take advantage of the time you have in front of you, because it's the first time of your life that you have so much time.

Choice 1 : Take the next year off and not work.

Choice 2 : Work for the next year to be financially prepared to go to University and move to your first apartment.

gap year

Take the next year off and not work.

If you took this choice, you don't have enough motivation and determination needed to go in business administration. This program requires passion and enthusiasm for the work it involves, and you have to work hard to get there. That is the reason why, two years later, the University that you choose to decline your request.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.

application denied

Work for the next year to be financially prepared to go to university and move to your first apartment.

After a hard year of work, you are now financially able and motivate to purchase your dream to become an entrepreneur by going into business administration in University. You have to make your choice of University. All two of these schools are excellent, but Laval University is closer than your family and your friends. If you chose Sherbrooke, you can literally start a new life with new friends and new relationships. The rent is more expensive in Quebec than Sherbrooke for what you are looking at for your future apartment.

Choice 1 : Moving to Quebec.

Choice 2 : Moving to Sherbrooke.


Moving to Quebec.

Now you know where you are going to study, you move to a new your new apartment. You have the choice between two people. The first one never goes out, doesn't drink, always does his homework and by chance is in the same programs as you. The second, on the contrary, does not go to school, is a barmaid, is always partying and always brings friends to the apartment to make you spend nice evenings despite your studies. Who are you choosing?

Choice 1 : The party guy.

Choice 2 : The nerd.

nerd or party guy?

Moving to Sherbrooke.

The place you are going to stay happens to be a very nice rented room, so you don't need a roommate. You found a new job in a grocery store, and you are fantastic at it. The problem is your boss because you really not like him. However, he talks to you that he wants to retire on the spot, but that he would be ready to take you on an internship to communicate to you his knowledge on things like the competition between the companies and how to do well in your studies at the same time as your internship by putting aside harmful things. Do you want to do the internship with him even if you hate him?

Choice 1 : Do the internship with the old man even if you hate him.

Choice 2 : Do not do the internship with the old man.

University of Sherbrooke

The party guy.

After a month of studying at the University, you realize that it is very hard to stay motivated to continue your program by partying every night, and you have difficulty doing the assignments given in class. Tomorrow you have your most important exam of your Masters in Administration and your roommate asking if you want to come with him to the bar tonight. What are you doing?

Choice 1 : You decide to go partying with him.

Choice 2 : You decide to explain to him that the school is more important than hang out, and in the future you will have to put aside things like that because you want to perform well.


The nerd.

Now you have a roommate with whom you can perform well in all of your exams, a lot of companies want to take you on an internship. Which one do you choose?

Choice 1 : Adm sport.

Choice 2 : Bakery.


Do the internship with the old man even if you hate him?

You now have a lot of experience directly from an old man with a lot of experience himself. After the internship, the old man propose you to take his place in the grocery store. You are flattered by this news, in addition, it would allow you to have a stable job and to manage a store on the spot. You don't know if you want to accept because the dream company you want to run is a new retailer of sports the largest in the country, from sports ranging from badminton to motocross, founded by you. On the other hand, by choosing to pursue this dream, there would remain many years at the University and many years to set up the business and expand throughout Quebec.

Choice 1 : Take the business of the grocery store and run it for the rest of your life.

Choice 2 : Decline his offer and continue your studies and your hard work in your future company which represents a field that fascinates you.

hated old man

Do not do the internship with the old man.

Because you didn't accept the internship and talked more with him, you left earlier that day and got hit by a bus and died instantly. This is a sign that you have to know how to take the opportunities that come your way as an entrepreneur.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.


You decide to go partying with him.

Since you decide not to study and go party, you have lost your last chance to pass your master's degree. You get kicked out of your program and your entrepreneurial career is over.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.

failed exam

You decide to explain to him that the school is more important than hang out, and in the future you will have to put aside things like that because you want to perform well.

After a long night of study, you succeed successfully at your last chance to stay in your program. Your internship offers are of course less numerous than if you had always had good grades, but you have the choice between two companies.

Choice 1 : Adm sport.

Choice 2 : Bakery.

explaining something

Take the business of the grocery store and run it for the rest of your life.

You have made the worst decision of your life. When your parents came to visit you, they said, "The only reason why you didn't continue at the University is because you are too lazy and weak to finish what you started". You are now sad for the rest of your life and don't work in a field that makes you happy.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.

sad person

Decline his offer and continue your studies and your hard work in your future company which represents a field that fascinates you.

After that, you knew what you were able to do, and what you want in your life. You worked really hard at the University and you now want to found your sports retailed business. You are wondering if you should start lonely or with an associate.

Choice 1 : Start with an associate.

Choice 2 : Start it alone.

someone saying no

Adm sport.

You now have completed your University and have a successful internship who showed you a lot of things and tips about a company in the field that you targeted to found your company on. You now have to decide if you want to start it lonely or with an associate.

Choice 1 : Start with an associate.

Choice 2 : Start it alone.

adm sport helmets


By choosing this internship path, you were offered to run the company reluctantly, because the previous owner lied to you about the real annual income, so you go bankrupt and no one wants you as CEO anymore. It's a lesson that teaches you that in the business world, you shouldn't trust anyone.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.


Start it alone.

Congratulations, your courage to start your own business will help you gain a lot of confidence and experience quickly, which will allow you to own 15 years later, the largest sports retailer in Canada.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.


Start with an associate.

Congratulations, being two to run a business allow to take the best decision after consulting each other in a lot of situations, which will allow you to own 20 years later, the second largest sports retailer in Canada.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.


Sport expert.

You now have completed your University and have a successful internship who showed you a lot of things and tips about a company in the field that you targeted to found your company on. You now have to decide if you want to start it lonely or with an associate.

Choice 1 : Start it alone.

Choice 2 : Start with an associate.

sport expert

Pet shop.

By choosing the pet store, you neglected the risks associated with the products you sold, namely animals, and you were bitten by a very poisonous snake which made you fall into a coma and die 2 days later. It shows you that in the business world, you always have to know what to expect and dodge future problems, without taking anything lightly.

Choice 1 : After CEGEP.

snake in a pet shop