Medical Officer

A hypertext narrative by

Mary-Ann Germain

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1802

Choice count: 58

Section count: 26

Image count: 26

Error count: 12

Field Related Analysis

Education : 72 matches

(choice, class, course, diploma, failed, first, instructor, learn, learned, level, placement, points, school, teach, teacher, test, training, university)

Paramedics : 46 matches

(aid, base, care, diploma, doctor, first aid, helicopter, hospital, injured, intensive, level, medical, medicine, oxygen, pain, practice, syncope, treat)

Web development : 31 matches

(class, pass, path, plane, return, serve, stop, test)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

abolish (1 match)

come in handy (2 matches)

dead-end job (2 matches)

drudgery (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

internship (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


Medical Officer

What's next?

You just finished your last year at Laval University in medicine and got your diploma after years of hard work. You know since you are young that you want to go in the military, so now, three choices come to you.

Choice 1 : Go in the army

Choice 2 : Go in the navy

Choice 3 : Go in the air forces

Laval Univsersity

You choose the army!

Now that you choose the army and had an intensive training, you can decide between staying on the base as a doctor or going in missions as a medical support.

Choice 1 : Stay in a clinic

Choice 2 : Go on missions


The clinic.

You decide to stay in a clinic to serve the members of the military on the base. You start your work in your office ; you treat the members, you do some interviews, and you go train during your free time. After only one year, you start to become bored, and you know this is a dead-end job, so you decide to take a try on missions instead.

Choice 1 : On missions.

Medical clinic

The missions.

You decide to go on missions, and for that, you have to train much more than before. In preparation for your first mission, you have to take a test, to gain experience, like an internship. During the test, two choices come to you.

Choice 1 : You stay alone

Choice 2 : You stay with a member of the group


You stay alone.

You decide to separate yourself and walk alone in the night sky. You are stressed, but you keep your calm. You stop walking to hear any kind of sound, but nothing. You continue and suddenly, you hit something. It's a wall, with arrows to go left or right, what would you choose?

Choice 1 : Right

Choice 2 : Left


You stay with someone.

You decide to stay with someone, it's safer. The other doesn't mind that you stay with him. After a moment of walking, your comrade fells in a trap and got injured, he asks you to leave him behind and finish the test alone. What do you want to do?

Choice 1 : You stay with him.

Choice 2 : You leave him.

Stay with someone


You turn right. It's dark and you barely see something. Finally, you see a small light in the horizon. You run toward it carefully but before you realize it, you are surrounded by your superiors, and they tell you you failed the test.

Choice 1 : Try left

Choice 2 : Try to stay with someone!

Choice 3 : Try a different path



You turn left. After you walk for about 2 minutes, you see someone you don't know on the ground. He's injured. What do you want to do?

Choice 1 : Look after him

Choice 2 : You continue to quickly finish the test


You take care of him.

You take your care kit in your backpack and start the first aid. You don't know this person or what really happened to him, you only know that you have to help him. A moment after, you see your superiors coming toward you and tell you that you passed the test. You are a medical officer, and you succeed to come in handy when you have to. Congrats, you can now go on an important mission like you always wanted!

Choice 1 : Try right

Choice 2 : Try to stay with someone!

Choice 3 : Try a different path

first aid

You continue.

You decide to continue your path, you don't know him anyway. The injured man suddenly gets up and tell you you failed the test. You are a medical officer after all, you have to come in handy and take care of every member you see, even if you don't know them!

Choice 1 : Try right

Choice 2 : Try to stay with someone!

Choice 3 : Try a different path


You stay with him.

You decide to stay by his side. It is better for both of you. You tell yourself that someone will pass and help you. You wait, but no one comes. You did what you could to calm your comrade, but he starts to lose nerve and lose consciousness. A half hour later, a superior come in a panic and tells you that you failed the test because you didn't try to find someone to help you!

Choice 1 : Try to stay with someone!

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You leave him.

You decide to leave him to find someone to help you. You walk but you see nobody. A half hour later, a superior find you and tell you you failed the test because you left an injured teammate behind. Maybe, you would be better alone.

Choice 1 : Try to go alone

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You choose the navy!

Great, you choose the navy. Now, to specialize yourself, you decide to take a foot in the door and study more between two fields.

Choice 1 : Hyperbaric medicine

Choice 2 : Tropical medicine


You decide to study the hyperbaric medicine.

It is a good choice, it's a medicine that specializes in low level oxygen, it will definitively help you in the marine. When you finish your studies, two choices comes to you :

Choice 1 : You embark on a Navy ship

Choice 2 : You go diving


You chose the tropical medecine.

You chose the tropical medicine, but after one year of it, you feel like it's a drudgery and abolish it. It would have taken 4 more years to learn it and, even if it is worthwhile, you are tired of school and want to work.

Choice 1 : Try hyberbaric medicine

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You decide to embark on a ship.

While you embark on the ship, a superior, panicked, stop you and ask you if you want to go on a secret mission that consist of going underwater. Of course, he knows that you are a doctor and ask you to just watch if everyone is alright underwater. The superior knows your worth and nobody else can do it except you.

Choice 1 : You accept

Choice 2 : You decline

navy ship

You decide to go diving.

You decide to go to gain experience and do like an on-the-job-training, to specialize yourself more. It is your first time and everything went well, until someone who was diving with you stop in the middle of the run. You go check on him, and he points his ears. You know they are probably perforated. What do you do?

Choice 1 : You help him go in the surface.

Choice 2 : You wait for the instructor.


You accept.

You accept his proposition and go underwater. They explained you in brief what you had to do. While you go deeper, you sense a little pain in your stomach and suddenly, everything is black. You wake up at the hospital, and you know you did a syncope due to what you ate before the diving. After this incident, you decide to change branch and go in the army.

Choice 1 : Try to go diving

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You decline.

You decline his proposition, you never dived and you just ate, so you decide to stay on the ship. Nobody can force you, so they go without a doctor. Everything went well and your first day as a navy too. After this, you stayed in the navy and retired at a good age.

Choice 1 : Try to go diving

Choice 2 : Try the tropical medicine

Choice 3 : Try a different path


You help him go in the surface.

You try to help him by going on the surface, but he refuses. You finally realized that you can't go out without the instructor. You decide to put in practice what you learn in class. You take him and put him a little deeper to calm his pain. Finally, the instructor comes back and bring us on the surface. You almost make a mistake, but it was a good experience.

Choice 1 : Try to go on a ship

Choice 2 : Try the tropical medicine

Choice 3 : Try a different path


You wait for the instructor.

You learned the ropes of diving, so you know you have to place the injured man a little bit deeper in the water to calm his pain. You wait for the instructor, and he finally arrived after an eternity. He brings both of you on the surface and thank you for staying with the injured man. It was a good experience.

Choice 1 : Try to go on a ship

Choice 2 : Try the tropical medicine

Choice 3 : Try a different path


You choose the air forces!

A doctor in the air forces is usually on the ground or overseas to help with deployments. You know that in the air forces, you will often travel in plane, so you decide to stay on the ground. At this time, two choices comes to you :

Choice 1 : You stay in a clinic

Choice 2 : You become a teacher

air forces

You decide to stay in a clinic.

You decide to stay in a clinic. You don't sense a lack of adrenalin because sometimes, you help with deployment, and it is enough for you. One day, during a placement, the members were attacked. What do you want to do?

Choice 1 : Help them

Choice 2 : Stay in the helicopter


You decide to teach.

You decide to teach. You know it is a dead-end job, but you love it. You decide to teach for the rest of your life in a different branches and not only in the air forces. You lived happily after and retired without remorse.

Choice 1 : Try to stay in a clinic

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You choose to help them.

Even if you are a doctor, you are firstly a military. You take your gun and advance in their direction. After about 15 minutes of shooting, you finally managed to drive back the enemy. You instantly run toward the injured people and give them first aid. After this incident, you return to the base and high up rank to specialist to corporal because of your act of courage. Bravo!

Choice 1 : Try to teach

Choice 2 : Try a different path


You stay in the helicopter.

You decide to stay in the helicopter because you thought it was safer. After a moment, you realize you were wrong, but it was too late, the helicopter exploded.

Choice 1 : Try to teach

Choice 2 : Try a different path
