My Career as an Accountant.

A hypertext narrative by

Thanuka Somalingam

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3821

Choice count: 75

Section count: 48

Image count: 48

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis

Education : 182 matches

(ability, behavior, behaviour, choice, class, classes, college, course, education, educational, exam, fail, failed, field, field of study, first, goal, grades, learn, learned, level, management, options, professor, reading, report, school, semester, skills, taught, technology, test, training, university, vacation)

Business : 126 matches

(assistance, balance, business, cash flow, clients, company, competitive, deal, financial, inventory, lead, liabilities, management, manager, money, offer, office, opportunity, organization, owner, owners, paid, pay, profit, promotion, retail, salary, sheet, store, technology, expenses)

Law : 89 matches

(absence, accounts, act, answer, arrested, assets, balance sheet, bankruptcy, children, clients, crime, crimes, criminal, criminal record, equity, fact, financial, fine, fraud, government, harassment, house, illegal, information, loss, marriage, minutes, month, offer, office, option, order, promise, record, reputation)

Target Structure: (36 matches)

background check (3 matches)

flirtation (4 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

hindered (1 match)

hindering (1 match)

hr (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

leaves of absence (2 matches)

leg work (1 match)

maddening (2 matches)

more often (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

pension (1 match)

perpetrator (3 matches)

premium wage (2 matches)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

recipient (1 match)

sexual harassment (2 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

undermined (2 matches)

undermining (2 matches)

vacant position (1 match)

vacant positions (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

withholding (1 match)

assets (5 matches)


My Career as an Accountant.


During a normal day just like the others, you were very excited for what was going to happen this evening. Exciting news! You just graduated from Accounting and Management Technology at Ahuntsic College, and you didn’t know what you should do first. You had to choose the right choice.

Choice 1 : You decide to go to university

Choice 2 : You decide to begin working as a full-time job


Scene #1.

Congrats! Going to the university was an excellent choice. Throughout your last two years of college, your semesters went greatly. You have gotten straight A’s on your report card, but some subjects were your Achilles’ heel. However, you still haven’t made your choice, and you hesitated applying between two best universities.

Choice 1 : You decide to apply to HEC Montreal

Choice 2 : You decide to apply at UQAM


Scene #2.

Now, you decided to work a full-time job in a retail store near your house. Since you graduated in the field of accounting, you hesitated between working in two different career paths.

Choice 1 : You decide to work as a forensic accountant.

Choice 2 : You decide to work as a financial accountant.

Full-time job

Scene #3.

Wow! That was an excellent choice! UQAM was the best-known university in Canada. However, after 5 years of studies, you needed to do the CPA exam in order to become a certified accountant.

Choice 1 : You fail your CPA test.

Choice 2 : You pass your CPA test.


Scene #4.

Congratulations! You have been accepted at HEC Montreal. You were entering the university for the first time, and you suddenly heard rumors going forward about this university. You were skeptical about if you made a wrong decision. However, as time passes by, you were invited to attend your first day of classes, but you were still confused. The purpose of this invitation was to show you a tour of the university. How will you approach the beginning of the semester?

Choice 1 : You decide to quit this university because you heard rumors.

Choice 2 : You decide to attend all of your classes and take notes.

HEC Montreal

Scene #5.

As you decided to work a full-time job in a retail store near your house, you chose to be a forensic accountant. Marvelous! You knew that as a forensic accountant, you needed to examine fraudulent cases and you needed to investigate crimes and report them to the supervisor. However, as you were trying to investigate a recent crime, you found out that one of your colleagues committed a crime. You were alone and you told your supervisor about it. Hence, with your great job, as you told him, he offered you to start your own business and you got a promotion by your supervisor or you could take one month off and go on vacation.

Choice 1 : You decide to start your own business and you got a promotion by your supervisor.

Choice 2 : You decide to take one month off and go on vacation.

Forensic accountant

Scene #6.

The role of a financial accountant is to work for a single organization by preparing reports about profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. As you knew the role, and as you had your own office, you thought everything was going to be fine. Until one day, you realized that you got sucked up in office politics. As you were minding your own business, one of your colleagues popped in your office, and he tried to undermine you at work. For example, he hindered your ability to do a job because you do it in a different way than others, that you were very slow of checking how the balance sheet works, and he was spreading rumors about you to others. Then, you explained to him that if he continued like that, you would report it to your supervisor because people like him are here to work for often creating a toxic work environment. But as he insisted on you, you called the supervisor and explained to him that your colleague was hindering your ability to do your job by withholding information. The manager called your colleague, and he suspected that he was trying to be more competitive than you. You had to face difficult choices.

Choice 1 : You choose to quit permanently because one of your colleagues undermined your capacity by complaining things that were false about you.

Choice 2 : You decide to stay and let your colleague undermining you at work.

Financial accountant

Scene #7.

Oh no! Don’t worry, better luck next time. Despite that you’ve performed your very best, you have still failed. You’ve studied really hard and you didn’t put aside some easy exercises. So, what you did to prepare was that you went thoroughly over your notes that you took in class. Moreover, your attitude was maddening to know if you did something wrong on you exam. You were thoughtful on how you could get better grades. Since you already had good time management skills, to achieve your goal, you set a planner and did everything great Though, after falling dramatically, you had a choice to make.

Choice 1 : You always wanted to become a CPA, but you are thinking of joining a company since you did an internship, and you learned the ropes.

Choice 2 : You are going to wait until next year in order to pass it again.


Scene #8.

Congratulations! You passed your CPA test. Now that you had enough acquisition of the field of accounting, you hesitated applying for work in big or small companies. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You decide to work for a small company.

Choice 2 : You decide to work for a big company.

CPA exam passed

Scene #9.

You decided to quit this university because you heard rumors. Very bad choice! Who knows maybe, your colleagues spread rumors because they don’t want you there. Unfortunately, it’s very sad, because that was false and the university of HEC Montreal had a good reputation.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.


Scene #10.

On the first day of class, as of August 23rd, you attended your first class with Miss Poirier, and you took notes. She explained the outline of the course (that was sexual harassment) and taught you few concepts, like the difference between flirtation and perpetrator. Flirtation is a behavior that demonstrates a playful sexual attraction to someone, while a perpetrator is a person who commits a criminal or evil act. For example, in order to stop this, in your discussion sessions, she suggested watching some educational videos that clearly outlines the disadvantages of it. As you were taking notes, you noticed that something was wrong. When you turned, there was a colleague who was trying to have an unacceptable behaviour towards a colleague. He was trying to flirt a girl with hand languages and that was when flirtation crossed the line. What should you do now?

Choice 1 : You immediately reported to the boss.

Choice 2 : You remained calm and didn’t say a word.

Took notes

Scene #11.

You immediately reported to the boss the unacceptable behaviour that you saw. Since he saw your great job, he suggested that he will give you a huge salary, and the opportunity to become the new owner. You needed to make the good decision. What should you do?

Choice 1 : You accept the offer.

Choice 2 : You refuse the offer.

Reported to the boss

Scene #12.

You accepted the offer, and he kept his words. He gave you a huge salary, and the opportunity to become the new owner. You realized that this would change your life forever.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Offer accepted

Scene #13.

You refused the offer, which means that you will still be an accountant in the same position. Great choice! You decided to give a break on your studies, and you wished to work in the field of accounting. Where do you want to go?

Choice 1 : You decide to work for a big company.

Choice 2 : You decide to work for a small company.

Offer refused

Scene #14.

As you remained calm, and you didn’t say a word, another colleague called the supervisor. As he entered the room, your colleague told him what happened. The supervisor decided to cancel the class and you needed to continue your studies alone at home.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Class cancelled

Scene #15.

As you decided to start your own business, you’ve hired a lot of employees and your company became the first most-known company branch with more than five-hundred clients. Plus, as told by your supervisor, you’ve got a promotion that changed your life! Guess what? By starting your own business, you became rich. Congrats!

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Start your own business

Scene #16.

Great decision! Your hard work paid off. If you wished, you could enjoy your life to the fullest on vacation or maybe sleeping is the best idea. The decision is yours.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Good decision

Scene #17.

You chose to quit permanently because one of your colleagues undermined your capacity by complaining things that were false about you. So, you needed to choose one of the following choices.

Choice 1 : You decide to work for a small company.

Choice 2 : You decide to work for a big company.


Scene #18.

As you decided to stay and you let your colleague undermining you at work, your colleague came by, and he tried to flirt with you by hand languages and that was when flirtation crossed the line. He was one of your colleagues who you wished to marry a long time ago. As you needed to be focused on your work, you told him to stop. But he didn’t stop, and you called your supervisor to talk about this situation. However, your supervisor knew that you and your colleague were in love. The supervisor left and your colleague crossed the line. You had to deal with sexual harassment, but you don’t know what to do.

Choice 1 : You decide to break up with him and continue your office work.

Choice 2 : You decide to marry him and lead a happy life.

Deal with sexual harassment

Scene #19.

You have decided to broke up with him. Now, in order to success, you needed to focus on your studies in the office. You decided to go back to studies. Everything was happening for a good reason.

Choice 1 : You decide to go to university in order to pursue your education.

Broke up

Scene #20.

Great choice! You married your boyfriend and now, he was part of your life. You both loved each other so much that you decided to take a break and you proposed him in marriage. You were now both married, you gave birth to two children and lead a happy life.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Married your boyfriend

Scene #21.

Great! Changing a career path was another choice if you were bored with becoming a CPA. Before joining a company, you needed to follow several steps. As you were a new accountant in a new place, you really needed to do an on-the-job-training with one of your colleagues. Then, they explained to you that as you were a foot in the door, you would be an intern in your field of study. You agreed to what they said, and you began the internship. Moreover, since it was very easy for you, it took you less time to learn the ropes because you knew how the balance sheet works. Now, you are excited to learn new notions about the course in Accounting and Management Technology. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You decide to join the company.

Choice 2 : You decide not to join the company.

Changing career paths

Scene #22.

Now, you’ve decided to join the company. Two years later, you discovered that one of your co-workers stole money from the company. How would you react to that?

Choice 1 : You decide to tell your supervisor.

Choice 2 : You decide not to tell your supervisor.

Joining a company

Scene #23.

You immediately told to the boss the unacceptable behaviour that you saw from your colleague. Since he saw your great job, he suggested that he will give you a huge salary, and the opportunity to become the new owner. You need to make the good decision. What should you do?

Choice 1 : You accept the offer.

Choice 2 : You refuse the offer.

Tell your boss

Scene #24.

Now, you’ve decided to not to tell your supervisor. A few minutes later, the person who was checking the cameras, found out that your colleague stole money. He called the cops and the cops arrested your colleague. She is now in jail for stealing money at the company for the rest of her life.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.


Scene #25.

Great! You decided not to join the company. So, you planned that you needed to enjoy your life. You only had an option.

Choice 1 : You decide to take one month off and go on vacation.

Not joining a company

Scene #26.

Great decision. You were going to wait until next year. Until then, you realized that you had a wonderful idea. Instead of wasting a full year since you really enjoyed staying in the course in Accounting and Management Technology, you would like to pursue higher education at UQAM. Since there were several professors in this field of study, you needed to pick one.

Choice 1 : You chose Anne-Marie as your professor.

Choice 2 : You chose Nathan as your professor.


Scene #27.

Great decision. You chose Anne-Marie as your professor. As time went by, she taught you easy concepts of accounting that everyone should know. For example, she explained the difference between perpetual inventory system and periodic inventory system. Moreover, as you know that at the end, If the balance sheet doesn’t balance, you were aware that everything was screwed up. You now had to complete a hard exercise on the balance sheet. You were left behind two options.

Choice 1 : You decide to find a solution about the balance sheet.

Choice 2 : You ask Anne-Marie for help.

Two options

Scene #28.

As you worked alone on a question, you remembered that you took notes about this course. As you searched for the answers, you knew that you had other notes from this course and you decided to use them. The three main financial statements were the statement of the results, the statement of equity and the balance sheet. In order to do the balance sheet, you first needed to complete the statement of the results, then, you needed to complete the statement of equity. After, the last part was the balance sheet. You were now stuck in the first part of the question. You looked the difference between net earnings and net loss. You learned that net earnings happen when the revenues are higher than the operating expenses, while net loss happen when the operating expenses are greater than the revenues. Once you finished the exercise, you only had an option.

Choice 1 : You decide to correct yourself by comparing the answers that you’ve got.

Worked alone on a question

Scene #29.

You decided to correct yourself by comparing the answers that you’ve got. Congratulations! You passed with flying colors!

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Pass with flying colours

Scene #30.

Good. You asked Anne-Marie for help. As she was looking on your balance sheet, she was trying to flirt with you. Therefore, she approached and as she was a perpetrator, she forced you to undress, and what happened next was awful. You couldn’t believe what just happened. You went outside, and you realized that you’ve made a wrong decision and it really affected you as a recipient. Shocked by this, you decided to kill yourself.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Kill yourself

Scene #31.

You chose Nathan as your professor. As time went by, you were very astonished with his presentation. In your first class, you understood very well the outline of the course. He showed you the chart of accounts. He explained to you that in accounting, you had four main accounts to remember, which were the following: Assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, and operating expenses. Then, he taught you the difference between assets and liabilities. It was quite simple to understand ; assets were what your business owns, and liabilities were what your business owes. To show that you’ve understood the concepts that he taught you, he decided to give you some exercises to do for practice.

Choice 1 : You decide to do the given exercises.

Choice 2 : You decide to not to do the given exercises.

Chart of accounts

Scene #32.

As you did your exercises and you gave them for correction, Nathan noticed that you were very talented. Since you have passed with straight A’s, he offered you to become his assistant for the next couple of weeks.

Choice 1 : You decide to accept the position.

Choice 2 : You decide to decline the position.

Become his assistant

Scene #33.

Nathan told you that he had seven million dollars in cash with him, and he decided to give it to you because you did very well at school. You hesitated, but you also needed the money to pay for your studies. What should you do?

Choice 1 : You decide to take that money.

Choice 2 : You decide not to take that money.

A lot of cash

Scene #34.

You decided to take that money. The next morning, you had bad news! The cops arrested you, and now, you need to be in jail for 25 years because they told you that you had illegal money.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.


Scene #35.

Good! You decided not to take that money. Instead of that, you wanted to enjoy your life to the fullest. You had two options.

Choice 1 : You decide to take one month off and go on vacation.

Choice 2 : You decide to start your own business and you got a promotion by your supervisor.

Enjoy your life

Scene #36.

You decided to decline the position of becoming his assistance. And you wished to continue higher education at UQAM. Since, you’ve been with Nathan, you only had an option left.

Choice 1 : You chose Anne-Marie as your professor.


Scene #37.

The next morning, there was a surprise test waiting on your desk. By reading each question, you don’t remember anything about the outlines of the course. He said if you had the correct answer, he will pass you to the next level. Your professor gave you two choices, and you had to choose the correct one, because one of them was the answer.

Choice 1 : Liabilities are what your business owns, and assets are what your business owes.

Choice 2 : Assets are what your business owns, and liabilities are what your business owes.


Scene #38.

WRONG! You have dramatically failed your test. Better luck next time.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.


Scene #39.

HOORAY! You got the correct answer and Nathan kept his promise. He made you pass with flying colors! Congrats.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Pass with flying colours

Scene #40.

Great! You chose to work for a small company, and you got exciting news from your owner. He said that as he was in his 70s, and he wanted to retire. He offered you to become the new owner of this company. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You decide to decline the offer.

Choice 2 : You decide to accept the offer.

Small company

Scene #41.

You decided to accept the offer, and he kept his promise. You became the new owner. You realized that this would change your life forever. Congratulations!

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Offer accepted

Scene #42.

As you decided to decline the offer, that was a bad idea! Because, now, that small company declared bankruptcy. Guess what? You are now out of job.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.


Scene #43.

Fantastic! You chose to work for a big company. Knowing the fact that big companies have, more often than not, a lot of problems of fraud, your supervisor offered you to work in either two sections. In one of them, you would receive a premium wage. You needed to choose the right path.

Choice 1 : You choose to work for Bombardier Inc.

Choice 2 : You choose to work for Revenue Quebec.

Big company

Scene #44.

Very good decision! You received a premium wage. Since Revenue Quebec is one of the most agencies of the Quebec government, you had exciting news! The next day, since the HR has done all the leg work, you received a phone call by them. They contacted you about a vacant position in your field of study because an old person got his pension. First, they asked you if you were available for an interview. You responded that yes, you were available, and then they gave you a date for your interview. At the day of the interview, you were prepared for the questions that they were going to ask, and you expected to be hired. Unfortunately, as they interviewed a lot of employees for numerous vacant positions, you only got the chance to be admitted in an office. Everything was going great until they explained to you that they needed to perform a background check up first. You accepted and the next day, you received a call from them saying that they will not hire you because you had a criminal record on your background check up and in your previous jobs, you took numerous leaves of absence for no reason. Your attitude was maddening, and there were two big decisions left. Which one would you choose?

Choice 1 : You apply in another position at Revenue Quebec.

Choice 2 : You decide to quit and enjoy your life.

Revenue Quebec

Scene #45.

Marvelous! You applied in another position at Revenue Quebec and you’ve got selected! Congratulations!

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

New position

Scene #46.

Since you had a criminal record on your background check up and you took numerous leaves of absence for no reason, you decided to quit the job and to enjoy your life! You can now do whatever you want.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Enjoy your life

Scene #47.

Good! You choose to work for Bombardier Inc. Now, since there were only few people working on this company, the manager fired every colleagues, and he sold the business to someone else.

Choice 1 : GAME OVER! Go back to the beginning.

Business sold