In the skin of a future fashion designer

A hypertext narrative by

Thelma Renaud

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2632

Choice count: 34

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 18

Field Related Analysis

Education : 94 matches

(bachelor of, behavior, cegep, choice, class, course, down, field, field of study, first, graduate, knowledge, learn, learned, management, mentor, sabbatical, school, teacher, trainee, training, university)

Business : 48 matches

(appointment, brand, company, employee, management, marketing, money, offer, office, opportunity, production, salesperson, trainee, workshop)

Tourism : 46 matches

(air, alcohol, apartment, appointment, brand, charge, city, conference, employee, environment, event, field, landscape, marketing)

Target Structure: (7 matches)

internship (16 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

ojt (9 matches)

on-the-job-training (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermining (1 match)


In the skin of a future fashion designer

The beginning of your career.

Finally! You graduate from your technical program, Fashion Design. Now you don’t very well-known what you want to do, but you know that your dream is to be a designer and to have your own brand. You’re hesitating in doing another Internship longer than the first one that you have during the program or go on-the-job-training in Montreal to start your career.

Choice 1 : Do an Internship.

Choice 2 : Go on OJT in Montreal.

Two paths

A difficult choice.

After your fashion show you have an opportunity for an internship at Paris and this is your dream since you are in this program. The fashion Industry is very important in Paris, but it is very difficult to persevere in the French industry. So, you are now hesitating between Paris or studying at Montreal to be able to start your company more easily because the fashion in Montreal is developing and needs to be renewed.

Choice 1 : Follow the opportunity that you have to go to Paris

Choice 2 : Stay at Montreal and study at UQAM.

Eiffel tour

OJT in your field.

You don’t want to continue your studies at the university. You prefer to go on-the-job-training to have a foot in your field's door. So, you receive a job in an important company in the industry of fashion in the Quebec, but it is in Saguenay. You don’t have your driving licence, so it will be difficult to do the travel and you spend a lot of money. You have two choices, accept the proposition or try to find another OJT in Montreal.

Choice 1 : Go on OJT in Saguenay

Choice 2 : Find another OJT in Montreal

Saguenay flag

The city of your dream!

You arrive in the city of fashion. This is your dream; this city is beautiful. You love the lifestyle of the Parisians. You are now at your very small apartment and you have to prepare yourself to go to your first appointment of your Internship. When you arrive, you meet your mentor that will be with you during your stay. He presents you what you will have to do and you quickly understand that it will be hard. After your first day, you are very tired so you want to go back at your apartment but one of your new colleagues offer you to join go to have a drink with them. What should you do?

Choice 1 : You go back to your apartment

Choice 2 : You join your colleagues to have a drink

Paris street

Next step, the university.

At Montreal the fashion needs to have to refresh. So, it is the perfect time for a new designer to make his place. You are now applying in UQAM but you are hesitating between two programs. The first one is marketing. The marketing is very important to know for a future designer but you know that is not the thing that you like the most in fashion. The second one is a Bachelor of Fashion Management and Design which is practically the same program that you already did in Cegep. It is the occasion to deepen your knowledge. What is your final choice?

Choice 1 : Go in Marketing

Choice 2 : Do a Bhacelor in Fashion Management and Design.

UQAM logo

Welcome to Saguenay!

Wow! It so different of Montreal. The air is not the same. You are feeling very zen. The landscape is so beautiful. Your boss and your new colleagues are very nice with you. The job that you have is so inspiring. You are the assistant designer of the brand that you work for. It is a very good training before starting your own company. But now it's been almost 4 mouth and you miss the vibe of Montreal. You miss your family and your friends. Be a trainee in Saguenay has been such a good experience, but you know that you want your future career to be in Montreal. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Continue your OJT in Saguenay.

Choice 2 : Go back to Montreal and give up your OJT

Landscape of Saguenay

Finally, you have OJT in Montreal!

YESSS! You have waiting for so long to have OJT in Montreal. It has been so difficult to find someone who wants to hire you. Now, you are on a training for a new job and it's not anything. You are working for the Denis's Gagnon brand, an important designer in Canada. You are so excited! You meet the designer Denis Gagnon. He was very nice with you but not as much as your new colleagues. There are undermining you. Their behaviors create a toxic office environment and you are not comfortable with this. You decide that you must do something quickly about it.

Choice 1 : Talk with Denis Gagnon about the situation

Choice 2 : Speak directly to your colleagues

Denis Gagnon

The worst night in your life.

When you arrive at your apartment, you hear creepy sounds. The apartments are so old in Paris. And the neighbors tell you a scary legend about this old apartment. So, you didn't sleep well because you were scared and you haven't closed your eyes all night. You are so tired this morning. Your eyes close by themselves. You take two coffees and you go to your internship. Your mentor asks you so much to do this morning. You are not effective. Your mentor notices and gets angry. He says, " You have two choices. You go home and you never come back or you work efficiently and quickly even if you are tired. This is how it works in fashion." What do you choose?

Choice 1 : You decide to go home

Choice 2 : You stay and try to work efficiently

Scared person

What luck!

Your colleagues and you arrive at a terrace to have a drink. They tell you that some other people will join later. When they arrive your colleagues explain to you that one of them works for Jacquemus. Jacquemus is a brand that you love so much and that you find very inspiring. The guy and you talk a lot during the night, and he is a person very highly placed in the company. So, he offers you to have, maybe, the possibility to do an internship for Jacquemus.

Choice 1 : You accept this internship

Choice 2 : You don't accept this internship


UQAM in Marketing.

Oups! This is not what you except. This is more a course about money and how managed your company in a capitalist society. This useful for what you want to do in the future but the course is very, boring. They don't talk about fashion and the people in the program are not your vibe. At the opposite of Fashion Design, Marketing is a more theoretical course, so you don't feel at your place. When you come back to home after your class you don't want to work and you are lazy. And when it's time to go to class you don't listen to the teacher and you are on your phone during the course. Now, you are unmotivated so you just want to drop out of school but you know that you will be not proud of yourself.

Choice 1 : Drop out of school

Choice 2 : Don't give up your studies

Boring study

Bhacelor in Fashion Management and Design.

These program is practically the same as the one that you did in the Cegep.You like it and it is very useful because it is more professional and you will have a Bachelor at the end. So, it will help you to have OJT more easily and to learn more knowledge about your field. Everything is perfect but there is one problem. You have a crush on your teacher. He (or she) is teaching the course that you have the most difficulty about. You have a to do a Teck Pack, but you are not good with Excel and all the different sewing machine that you have to use. You want to take this opportunity to ask some questions at your teacher and get closer to him. Are you going to take the chance to do it?

Choice 1 : Yes!

Choice 2 : No!

Student and teacher

The worst experience.

Finally, you decide to stay, but something happen. It was not a good idea to stay because your boss did something to you that is not acceptable. He had a misconduct with you. His behavior involved persistent requests for sexual favours from you. This was definitely a sexual harassment. From this moment, you decide to quit you OJT and to take a sabbatical year because you were too shocked about this event. So, you needed to take time for your mental health, to see a psychologist and to lodge a complaint about your boss.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

sexual harassment

You are on the good path.

In Montreal, you live your best life. Your dream comes true. You start your own brand and your company goes well. You are famous in Montreal in the fashion industry. Now you have in interview to do with Vogue. They want you to go to Paris for a fashion event. This is the beginning of the success of your brand.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Vogue Paris

The perfect boss.

You found the time to talk with your boss, Denis Gagnon, about what happened with your colleagues. He was very understanding and attentive. So, he decides to talk with the concerned colleagues to make them know that it was not an acceptable behavior at his company. If he sees another behavior like this they will be fired. After a couple days of job training, you are now a real employee in Denis Gagnon's brand. This boss is so perfect! He says that you have a lot of talent in fashion, so he proposes you to go with him in London for a press conference about the ethical fashion in 2021. You follow him and now you have a lot of contact to create your own brand in London.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning


Gossip Girls.

Your colleagues are so mean with you. You try to talk with them, but they didn't want to listen to you. This situation is too uncomfortable. You prefer not to say anything and tell yourself that they will end up quitting. But it continues. One morning, you are so angry with their behavior that you yell at them in anger. Everyone is shocked. You insult them and a fight begins. Denis Gagnon is enraged, he does not accept this immature behavior and decides to fired everyone concerned in the situation.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Gossip Girl Logo

Back home...

Back home, you feel very lonely and dumb of just leave the only chance that you have to create contact and realize your dream. Now, you don't know what to do. You are in Paris, but the only opportunity that you have felt down. The life in Paris is too expensive to stay here without your internship. You decide to go back in Montreal. You are depressed. You should never go back home and stay at your internship. In Montreal, you find nothing to do in your field. It's been one year and you are working in a restaurant as a waiter to make money.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Plane Air Canada

Never let the chance of your life pass!

You decide to stay at your internship even if you were tired. At the end of your internship, you learned a lot about the fashion industry. This internship also allowed you to create a lot of important contacts. You have enough experience in the field to start setting up your own company. After several years, you are now settled in Paris with your little fashion brand. Little by little, she is making herself known. You are more than happy.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Avenue Montaigne

Jacquemus, your fashion icon!

Oh my god! This such an honor to meet the designer in person of Jacquemus. During this internship, you were feeling like a child that saw Santa Claus for the first time. This experience was so insane. You learned so many things about the fashion. You know about the techniques of patterns, confection and production of a garment. The most was all the new contact that you have create. Your dream was to create your own brand, but now you don't care. You want to work for Jacquemus because these brand mean a lot to you.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Designer Jacquemus

Oups! This was a big mistake...

You didn't accept this internship ad this was a big mistake. Now, you go back to your first internship and you keep thinking about the internship for Jacquemus. You have big regrets. You should have accepted this internship. This was the chance of your life to work with a person so important in fashion. These brand was the most beautiful brand at your eyes. You are so sad. Maybe the alcohol that night makes you take this bad decision. For all these reasons, you are unmotivated at your current internship and your mentor saw it. He says to you, "this is the second time, now I don't want to see you anymore in this workshop. Go home." You have to go back to Montreal and restart your career.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Sad person

Back to the beginning.

Since you dropped out of University, you do odd jobs as a cashier, waiter, and salesperson. You don't have enough money so you still live with your parents. Your life is rather mundane and without actions. You don't know what to do except go out drinking with your friends and experimenting with drugs. Your parents are disappointed in you and want you to take charge of yourself. They kick you out. You have to fend for yourself.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Kick out person

A new field of study.

This program is definitely not for you but you know that you don't want to drop out of school. You decide to take another program related to your field. Your final decision is the Graphic Design program and still at UQAM. It is a new field but still related to Fashion Design. Your dream to become a designer are still present, but now you want to be more a designer in graphic art.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Graphic Design

Husband and wife!

Finally, with a lot of conviction your teacher felt in love with you. One day, he proposes you to go tutoring after school to help you with your Teck Pack on Excel. From this moment, you told him about your feeling for him, and he admits that he has feeling for you too. Both of you decide to keep it secret so that others don't know. After you graduated, you marry him and you start together a brand that represents your love for each other.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning


You graduated from University!

Well, maybe it is not a good idea to flirt with your teacher. It is better, for both of you, if the teacher stays your teacher. After three years of intense study you have graduated! Now you have a Bachelor in Fashion Management and Design. You celebrate this wonderful event with your family and your friends. Now that you have a complete and perfect CV, you start to work in your field of study in important fashion house. One day, you will be able to create your own company with your own brand.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

Graduated person