Computer technology.

A hypertext narrative by

Ziad Kinis

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 656

Choice count: 11

Section count: 10

Image count: 9

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis

Education : 49 matches

(choice, class, classes, college, courses, education, educational, first, knowledge, lessons, management, school, technology, university)

Web development : 10 matches

(class, drop, write)

International-Studies : 7 matches

(class, higher education, institution, technology)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

time management (1 match)


Computer technology.


I studied computer science at Montmorency College. Three years later I'm going to go to university because I am going to university to do 3 more additional years to acquire more knowledge and ensure that I have a high salary. However, I hesitate between two universities. The first one is UQAM and the second one is UDEM.

Choice 1 : Welcome to UQAM.

Choice 2 : Welcome to the University of Montreal.

montmorency college

Welcome to UQAM.

The University of Quebec at Montreal is a university educational institution founded in the years 1969 in Montreal, Canada. It is affiliated with the University of Quebec. My friend in this program has classes in the morning and I have classes in the evening. He asked me to change the time of my class.

Choice 1 : my new skedule.

Choice 2 : my original schedule.

The University of Quebec

Welcome to the University of Montreal.

The University of Montreal is a Canadian university, one of seven higher education institutions headquartered in Montreal This scholar establishment is one of the five wells in all Canada. The problem is that it is far from home. I'm not sure how I will get from home to school.

Choice 1 : buying a car.

Choice 2 : Use my friend car.

My new schedule.

My schedule is ideal, I am greatly satisfied with it. It allows me to have good time management. Indeed, I go to the establishment to study in the morning and then I go to my work in the evening after my university courses.

Write a choice here.

morning classes

My original schedule.

I have a schedule where I go to work in the morning and my university classes are in the evening. My study courses are therefore dispersed during the morning and evening. Like her, I have study breaks to work or to go to class.

Write a choice here.

Evening classes

Buying a car.

I went to the dealership to buy a car I had $6000 I bought a Toyota Corolla. This is a white toyota corolla. I would go to school with it. It is economical and does not consume a lot of gas which is excellent given the long distance that I will have to cover every day.

Write a choice here.

my car

My friend car.

I want to school with my friends car. It is an Audi A6. Gas is a little more expensive since it is a luxury car but since the cost is shared between the two of us, it is not very expensive. He comes to take me home, and we go back together. The problem is that sometimes he finished his courses before me.

Choice 1 : when he give me a lift

Choice 2 : he share his car with me

My friend car

Car sharing.

We don't have the same lessons sometimes. We have the schedule that differs by an hour or more depending on the days of the week so we want to know who's keeping the Audi when we have college lessons first.

Choice 1 : when he picks me up.

Choice 2 : When I pick him up.

When he picks me up.

When my lessons are in the morning at the same time as him, he comes to pick me up at my place to drop me off at university, and he waits a bit because his lessons are sometimes with the Audi, and then she stays with him in his garage.

Write a choice here.

the Audi in his  garage

When I pick him up.

When her lessons are before mine in the morning, I take the Audi which I went to pick up the evening before and it stays in my garage. The next morning, I drop him off at his university class and then I go home with the Audi. The moment he has finished his class I come to take him to university. After, he takes me home and the cycle repeats. This is very economical financially.

Choice 1 :

the audi in my garage