Word count: 1785
Choice count: 27
Section count: 18
Image count: 18
Error count: 4
Field Related Analysis
Education : 93 matches
(ability, choice, classes, college, exam, field, first, further, gpa, grade, grades, learn, learned, lessons, level, school, student, teach, teacher, teachers, tutor, university)Web development : 22 matches
(close, drop, field, form, history, path, position, session, source, write)Dance : 19 matches
(back, close, modern, movements, out, point, position, rise, skip, slow, spot, together)Target Structure: (20 matches)
drawbacks (1 match)
hinder (1 match)
in-depth (1 match)
income (3 matches)
invaluable (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
maddening (1 match)
more often (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
pull off (1 match)
putting aside (1 match)
more often than not (1 match)
thoroughly (1 match)
though (2 matches)
thoughtful (1 match)
undermine (1 match)
vacant position (2 matches)
wage (1 match)
withhold (1 match)
worthwhile (1 match)
You are just out of college and you are still very unsure and insecure about your future university. You are wondering if you should go study history at McGill or at UDEM. Though McGill is a renowned university you fear that you might lose your ability to speak and write in French. You also know that a lot of your friends go to the University of Montreal. It is also really far from your house which is something to consider. It is now time for you to make one of the biggest decisions of your life.
Choice 1 : Go to McGill University.
Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.
You are now at McGill, you are actively looking for friends since you don’t really know anyone. You are now wondering if you should focus on your studies or go to a party since you have an important exam tomorrow on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. You still think that if you go to the party you will have a nice grade but you can never be sure enough. You still have to be a straight A’s student if you want your dream job.
Choice 1 : Go to the party to make new friends.
Choice 2 : Stay home and study to be sure.
Since the university is far away, it probably is a good idea to have an apartment near the university to facilitate your transports.
Choice 1 : Move to an apartment
Choice 2 : Stay at your parents' house
The party was great. You made new friends and flirted with a lot of cute people. Although your exam didn’t go as planned. Last night, you went a little too hard on consumption and it made it hard to focus because of that headache. You completely flunked your exam. As a consequence, you dropped your session. Next time you should be more thoughtful and don’t undermine the effects of consumption on your body.
Choice 1 : Try again.
Turns out the exam was easy. You didn’t need to study that much yesterday. Sadly, you lost an awesome opportunity to make friends and now you are not invited to parties anymore because they think of you as an introvert. Your entire college experience was ruined because of a bad first impression. Maybe if you had managed your time and studied in advance you could have gone to that party.
Choice 1 : Try again.
Now that you moved to your apartment, you realize that the rent and your expenses are bigger than you thought. You need a job to get a form of income to deal with all that. You still don’t want to get sucked in a pile of work that would hinder your schoolwork. You already have experience as a lifeguard, and you have heard that there was a vacant position at the CEPSUM’s pool. It would also be a good idea to find a job in your field as a tutor.
Choice 1 : Become a lifeguard
Choice 2 : Become a history tutor
The distance makes it hard to travel. You can still choose how you want to do that long ride. You could either take public transport which is about an hour longer than with the car. If you take your car, you will have to pay an enormous parking fee which will put you in a lot of debts. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
Choice 1 : Take public transports
Choice 2 : Take your car
The drawbacks of your lifeguard job is that you can’t really choose your hours as much as being a tutor. You are now at the end of your second session. You are put in a really tight spot because you need to come into work tomorrow morning, but you had to study all night for your Chinese civil war exam. You are really tired and the lack of sleep might be bad for your exam. Although you really need the hours because money is kind of low right now.
Choice 1 : Skip the job for your exam
Choice 2 : Go to work anyway
It has now been a full year since you started at the University of Montreal. The work as a tutor is going well for you. By teaching others, you have integrated plenty of information. By repeating yourself, you have become comfortable with complicated concepts such as genocides, political movements, and geopolitical matters. You have also become familiar with the colonization, the industrial and the modern era. This familiarity helped you greatly in your exams which made it possible to do overtime and get a little more money than expected. You have also become well-known among the teachers of the university. They have heard about your outstanding teaching which is great for references and contacts. Working as a tutor as shown to be worthwhile.
Choice 1 : Continue in that direction.
You are on average about 3 hours a day in public transport. This really affected your overall working capabilities. You must wake up earlier than normal and it became harder to find time to study. That 3-hour travel every day got maddening quickly. It became impossible to pull off and it affected your grades. You have now decided to abandon this program because it is too late to do anything. You are now sure that you won’t be able to fulfill your dream of one day teaching history.
Choice 1 : Try again.
It has become expensive to park your car next to the university. You should probably take a job. You already have lifeguard experience, and you have heard that there was a vacant position at the CEPSUM’s pool. It would also be a good idea to find a job in your field as a tutor.
Choice 1 : Work as a lifeguard
Choice 2 : Work as a tutor
Congratulations, you have successfully completed your Baccalaureate though you need to finish your mastery if you hope to one day teach at a College. You were informed that there are short teaching classes given at school that will last only one session. Those will help you with teaching, but you have a lot of experience with tutoring, so you are not worried. Some of your friends did them and say that you won't learn anything in those. You are scared that they will distract you from your studies and affect your grades.
Choice 1 : Take the lessons
Choice 2 : Don't take the lessons
Although you did well in your exam, by putting aside your job, your boss decided that it was unprofessional and unforgivable that you skipped. As a consequence, you got fired and lost your source of income. Because of your money situation being awful, you had to drop out of school at the end of your session to get your act back together. You lost time which is something invaluable when you are competing for a job as rare as teaching at college level.
Choice 1 : You're fired! Try again.
With you be insanely tired, you managed to fall asleep while watching over the pool. At the same time, a swimmer got an awful cramp and had trouble swimming. He had his mouth under water at some point. Your colleague helped him out of the pool, but you were held responsible because it should have been your job. Your colleague was outraged, and he didn’t withhold any information to help you. The swimmer eventually even filed a lawsuit against you. You probably have no chance to win that one even if we don’t take into account your money problems.
Choice 1 : Probably should have skipped. Try again.
Well-done your teaching classes are done. More often than not, classes like those make the difference between getting the job or not. You are now almost a professional in modern world conflicts. You have learned a lot in your studies. You have analyzed thoroughly countless different cultures and historic eras. You practically know everything there is to know about warfare and modern political views. From the far East to Western civilization, you went in-depth in almost everything that you wanted to learn about the 19th to 21st century. Your mastery is done but you are wondering if you should continue further and learn another language or specialize in other centuries to help with the hiring process. You have also heard from one of your old teachers that a position has opened at Maisonneuve College. The job is about teaching politics and not history and you are only given a few classes. You wonder if you should apply or continue with your studies in the hope of having to teach history and not politics. A little more studying could always benefit your entry at your dream job.
Choice 1 : Take the job at Maisonneuve College.
Choice 2 : Continue your Studies
You are now at the end of your mastery and you are looking for a job as a teacher in a francophone college. You and one of your friends both apply for a job at Authentic College. You are confident that you will get it because you have a better GPA and you have a beautiful tutoring resume. Although you learn later that month that you friend got the job and you didn’t. You realize that he did the short teaching classes which were probably the criteria that got him employed.
Choice 1 : Better luck next time. Try again.
Seems like you made the right choice! After only two years at Maisonneuve College, you were successfully given History classes to teach. With time, you will be able to choose exactly what you want to teach. Plus you are gonna have a wage to satisfy your needs. Well-done finding your dream job.
Choice 1 : You have successfully completed the path to your dream job. Try again to see the other endings.
Sadly, after completing your studies, you can still not find a job as a college teacher. The demand for college teachers is too low. You will maybe have to wait five years to have an opening anywhere. You can not wait five years to have a normal income. You have to find another job in your field to pay the bills.
Choice 1 : So close. Try again.