Word count: 1973
Choice count: 22
Section count: 15
Image count: 15
Error count: 8
Field Related Analysis
Education : 71 matches
( behaviour, campus, cegep, choice, class, college, financial assistance, first, graduation, greats, head, homework, learned, learning, level, major, management, market, national, research, student, trainee, training, university)Law : 42 matches
( accused, act, allegation, answer, appointment, argument, assets, book, child, close, cost, driving, escape, financial, financial assistance, harassment, house, information, international, market, minimum wage, minutes, month, mortgage, option, police officer)Archaeology : 37 matches
( class, close, her, keep, market, paint, pick, round, status, tell, thing)Target Structure
intern (1 match)
learning the ropes (1 match)
maddening (1 match)
more often (1 match)
mortgage (1 match)
on-the-job-training (2 matches)
overtime (1 match)
premium wage (1 match)
pull off (1 match)
purpose (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
set aside (1 match)
sexual harassment (1 match)
more often than not (1 match)
time management (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
wage (3 matches)
withholding (1 match)
bribe (1 match)
assets (2 matches)
You have just finished your three-year-long program in Business Management at College de Maisonneuve. It was the longest three years you ever lived.It was really maddening! But you have managed to pull off a lot of straight A's. You are now faced with the biggest decision of your life! Thanks to your technical program, you don't have to go to university and you can go find a job. Or you can go to university in administration.
Choice 1 : Search for a job.
Choice 2 : Go to university.
You have decided to find a job. Because of your mother, who really wanted you to go to university, you don't feel really satisfied with your decision. Despite the disappointment of your mother, you have managed to have two job interviews. The first one is at the National Bank as a bank teller. The other one is at Revenu Quebec as a secretary. These two jobs are both greats, with a great wage and has great time management. But the problem is both of the interviews are planned for the same day at the same hour.So, you can either go to the interview at the National Bank or the interview at Revenu Quebec.
Choice 1 : Go to the interview at the National Bank.
Choice 2 : Go to the interview at Revenu Quebec.
You have decided to go to university. You and your mother are both happy and both satisfied with your decision because you will be able to have a premium wage in the future. You now have the responsibility to choose in which program and in which university you want to go. Thanks to your cote R of 26,50, you can easily be accepted into the only university you want to go: the University of Montreal. Your purpose is to go in the International Marketing program but there is a problem with this program. Because the University of Montreal is so big, you have the option to do your program on the campus of Laval or the campus of Montreal.
Choice 1 : Go to the campus in Laval.
Choice 2 : Stay in Montreal.
You are now at the National Bank. You came 15 minutes in advance to your appointment because you were to stress about this interview and you have been waiting in the waiting area of the bank. To calm yourself, you started a level in Candy Crush, the only game you have been obsessed with. While playing, you hear the voice of your interviewer calling you and asking you to follow him. You immediately lift up your head and see your future boss. It is at this precise moment that you immediately fell in love with your boss. The smile, the face, the hair; you like everything about your boss. Throughout all the interview, you try to focus on what your boss is saying but you can't. When your boss asks about the company, the chain store or even about the regular customer, you can't even focus because you are too obsessed with your boss. The only thing you think about is to how you can ask your boss on a date.
Choice 1 : Ask you boss on a date!
Choice 2 : Try to focus on the interview and don't say anything!
You went to the interview of Revenu Quebec. You respond to all the questions with a lot of confidence and without hesitation. But now it has been one month since the interview, they never called you back! You were really sad at first but now you have accepted the decision and went on with your life. After much reflexion, you have decided to go to university. You did not want to do a major so you have decided to do a certificate in accounting. During your time in university, you were able to become a part-time cashier at McDonald's.
Choice 1 : Go job hunting!
Nobody wants to go to Laval! Everyone wants to stay in Montreal because there is nothing to do in Laval.
Choice 1 : Go to university.
You are now in the campus in Montreal. You are happy and comfortable in the atmosphere of the university. You have already made some friends from your class. The only problem is the length of the train ride. To go to Udem it is almost a 1 hour and 30 minutes of train. You have considered taking an apartment close to the university. When you did your research, you found some apartment at $1500 per months, which is really expensive for you. But your friends from cegep also wanted to have an apartment close to the university. If you take the apartment with her, it will only cost $750 per months, which more affordable for you.
Choice 1 : Take the apartment downtown.
Choice 2 : Stay at your home and endure the train ride.
You asked your boss on a date! Not only your boss is married and have a child, but you made an embarrassment of yourself! You immediately end the interview without any hesitation, you took your stuff and left without apologizing to your interviewer. When you reach your car, you immediately cry of embarrassment and you started driving to your home. Three months after your experience, you were so traumatized by it, that you were never able to do another interview. You decided to become your uncle's secretary at his accountant firm. The things you learned in your program have come handy because you did not have to become an intern. The only things you had to do is an on-the-job-training and learning the ropes of the firm.
Choice 1 : Go to the interview at the National Bank.
After much reflexion, you have decided to focus for my interview, You gather all your strength and you started focusing on the interview. You successfully answer all the question with the right answer and with a lot of confidence. 20 minutes later, you interview is done. After a respectful salutation, you ahead back home to rest. Two weeks later, you received a call from the bank. With a lot of excitement, you pick up your phone and starts talking. It's actually a congratulations call from your boss! Your boss is telling you that they want you in the company, and they want you to start the job in two days! You obviously accepted the job and start to jump of happiness. You had an on-the-job-training when you were still a trainee. Four years later, you are now a full time teller at the bank. Your crush on your boss is officially over because not only you learned that your boss was married and had kids but you also wanted to focus on your work. You did a lot of things during those two years. You were hired to be a teller but after two years, your boss saw the potential that you had, and he promoted you to a higher status. You are now in charges of bookkeeping, of financial assistance with the younger customer, of market researching and even of marketing. Now, your boss is even talking you about making you a partner!
Choice 1 : The start of the drive!
You took the apartment with your friend. It has been the best decision you ever taken. With your new roommate, there is no withholding information with each other. More often than not, she had some behaviors that you did not like but you put aside all of your differences. You both came with your assets and you something tried to bribe each other. You even make up a scenario of how you would act when thief were to steal your assets. It sounded crazy but you really enjoyed your time your roommate. But one day, you actually got robed. It was your roommate boyfriend. You know it is him but not your roommate.
Choice 1 : You tell your roommate about his boyfriend.
Choice 2 : You don't tell your roommate about his boyfriend.
You stayed at your mother's place and endure the train ride. Eventually, you even started to like the train ride because it has become an escape for you. You always had something to do on the train. It was either a homework you did not finish, a book you did not finish or a game in your phone. After three years of back and forth from your home and the university, you became really familiar with the train station of Montreal. You even found a student job at the train station close to your home and had decided to help your mother with the mortgage of the house. After a lot of overtime and with a minimum wage per weeks, you were able to set aside some money to buy a used car. After your three years at Udem, you became part of the marketing team in firm close to Udem. And this time, you did not have to take the train because you treated yourself with a brand- new car after your graduation!
Choice 1 : The start of the drive!
You decided to tell your roommate about her boyfriend. You told her about him, but she did not believe you especially after the allegation you made before about her boyfriend. You saw her boyfriend did some sexual harassment towards one of your close friends. But once again, she did not believe you. She even accused you of creating some false scenario to steal her boyfriend. After a big argument, she decided to leave and because of that you were forced to sell your apartment because you could not pay it.
Choice 1 : Take the apartment downtown.
You did not tell your roommate, you keep all to yourself. But after a couple of days you saw that he carry on with his behaviour. So, you ask your close friend for advice on what you should do, and she gave you a great idea with a lot of repercussion.
Choice 1 : You follow the idea of your close friend.
Choice 2 : You do not follow the idea of your close friend.
Your close friend suggested that you to have a payback on your roommate's boyfriend. She suggested that you found his car and puncture his tires. Also, she suggested taking paint and write bad things on his car. You decided to do that at night for not being caught. Unfortunately, after 30 minutes, you were caught by a police officer who were doing a round of the neighbourhood. He cuffed you and you ended up in prison for 3 years.
Choice 1 : You don't tell your roommate about her boyfriend.
You decided to not follow the idea of your close friend. Your roommate's boyfriend carry on stealing your things and even hers. After stealing something really important for her, your roommate finally understood that he was not the best boyfriend, so she broke up with him for good. After couple months, she found another boyfriend who was more respectful and who did not steal from us. You even found a boyfriend yourself. You all became close friends and finished university together.
Choice 1 : The start of the drive!