The dream of a finance student.

A hypertext narrative by

Étienne Beaumier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1607

Choice count: 22

Section count: 16

Image count: 16

Error count: 14

Field Related Analysis:

book (6 matches)

budget (1 match)

leading (1 match)

data (2 matches)

economics (4 matches)

class (14 matches)

economic (1 match)

power (1 match)

students (1 match)

brain (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

heart (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

information (4 matches)

addiction (2 matches)

analyst (1 match)

brain (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

en (1 match)

heart (1 match)

hesitation (1 match)

im (2 matches)

assets (1 match)

bankruptcy (1 match)

bar (2 matches)

book (6 matches)

brain (1 match)

budget (1 match)

conference (2 matches)

credit (1 match)

credit card (1 match)

debt (1 match)

drugs (6 matches)

excuse (1 match)

fact (1 match)

information (4 matches)

interest (1 match)

market (2 matches)

minimum wage (2 matches)

minutes (3 matches)

offer (2 matches)

option (1 match)

pension (1 match)

possession (1 match)

power (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

drugs (6 matches)

side (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

right (4 matches)

card (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

en (1 match)

heart (1 match)

level (1 match)

program (5 matches)

stage (1 match)

swallow (1 match)

training (1 match)

addiction (2 matches)

analyst (1 match)

bit (2 matches)

brain (1 match)

class (14 matches)

data (2 matches)

dream (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

economic (1 match)

focus (1 match)

cool (1 match)

bar (2 matches)

focus (1 match)

power (1 match)

time (10 matches)

addiction (2 matches)

class (14 matches)

economic (1 match)

economics (4 matches)

fact (1 match)

group (8 matches)

initiation (2 matches)

interests (1 match)

management (1 match)

middle class (1 match)

power (1 match)

school (1 match)

training (1 match)

wants (3 matches)

addiction (2 matches)

drug (4 matches)

help (3 matches)

program (5 matches)

projects (1 match)

teacher (6 matches)

data (2 matches)

data analyst (1 match)

friend (6 matches)

power (1 match)

economics (4 matches)

management (1 match)

exit (1 match)

run (1 match)

attack (1 match)

last (1 match)

avoid (1 match)

back (8 matches)

brain (1 match)

chair (1 match)

heart (1 match)

straight (1 match)

swallow (1 match)

watch (1 match)

management (1 match)

management (1 match)

power (1 match)

assets (1 match)

bankruptcy (1 match)

calculate (1 match)

cash flow (1 match)

contracts (1 match)

credit (1 match)

debt (1 match)

debts (1 match)

employer (1 match)

finance (2 matches)

interest (1 match)

licenses (1 match)

loans (1 match)

pension (1 match)

profit (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

salary (1 match)

taxes (1 match)

free (3 matches)

market (2 matches)

night (4 matches)

show (1 match)

class (14 matches)

failure (1 match)

move (1 match)

bit (2 matches)

class (14 matches)

group (8 matches)

hall (2 matches)

her (7 matches)

market (2 matches)

plan (1 match)

power (1 match)

re (2 matches)

stage (1 match)

study (2 matches)

tell (4 matches)

day (6 matches)

brain (1 match)

s (4 matches)

class (14 matches)

drug (4 matches)

heart (1 match)

mouth (1 match)

a (25 matches)

second (2 matches)

budget (1 match)

cash flow (1 match)

company (2 matches)

contracts (1 match)

credit card (1 match)

facility (2 matches)

management (1 match)

market (2 matches)

money (1 match)

offer (2 matches)

paid (1 match)

pay (1 match)

profit (1 match)

request (1 match)

salary (1 match)

stock (2 matches)

taxes (1 match)

union (1 match)

workload (1 match)

bar (2 matches)

basic (1 match)

data (2 matches)

drug (4 matches)

initiation (2 matches)

met (2 matches)

power (1 match)

science (1 match)

group (8 matches)

s (4 matches)

power (1 match)

accepted (1 match)

bank (2 matches)

bankruptcy (1 match)

bar (2 matches)

budgeting (1 match)

failure (1 match)

fall (2 matches)

felt (1 match)

hall (2 matches)

level (1 match)

main (1 match)

plan (1 match)

purchasing (1 match)

union (1 match)

addiction (2 matches)

debt (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

escort (1 match)

speaker (1 match)

back (8 matches)

behind (1 match)

chair (1 match)

check (3 matches)

couple (1 match)

en (1 match)

ending (1 match)

front (1 match)

hesitation (1 match)

out (1 match)

run (1 match)

show (1 match)

side (1 match)

time (10 matches)

together (1 match)

walk (2 matches)

brain (1 match)

drug (4 matches)

heart (1 match)

swallow (1 match)

bachelor of (1 match)

choice (21 matches)

class (14 matches)

classes (1 match)

credit (1 match)

don (1 match)

down (2 matches)

failure (1 match)

first (12 matches)

head (1 match)

learn (2 matches)

lesson (1 match)

level (1 match)

management (1 match)

market (2 matches)

reading (1 match)

school (1 match)

student (2 matches)

students (1 match)

teacher (6 matches)

teaches (1 match)

training (1 match)

university (7 matches)

refuse (2 matches)

stress (1 match)

budgeting (1 match)

experience (2 matches)

finance (2 matches)

focus (1 match)

plan (1 match)

take (1 match)

time (10 matches)

conference (2 matches)

s (4 matches)

s (4 matches)

right (4 matches)

run (1 match)

s (4 matches)

s (4 matches)

t (8 matches)

the new (1 match)

class (14 matches)

create (1 match)

flow (1 match)

get (5 matches)

ignore (1 match)

option (1 match)

path (2 matches)

read (1 match)

request (1 match)

return (1 match)

save (1 match)

show (1 match)

apartment (2 matches)

bar (2 matches)

basic (1 match)

bit (2 matches)

board (1 match)

budget (1 match)

checked (1 match)

concordia (1 match)

conference (2 matches)

escort (1 match)

first class (3 matches)

interests (1 match)

Target Structure:

come in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

income (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internships (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

pension (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

assets (1 match)


The dream of a finance student.

Everyone starts somewhere.

After a summer working on a dead-end job getting paid minimum wage, you are off to a new start. You are now in front of your new school: Concordia University. Last summer, you got accepted in a program called Bachelor of Arts Honours in Economics. After 2 years being in a Science program, getting straight A', you feel ready to attack this new challenge and learn about stuff like budgeting or the stock market. Even though your time management isn't the best, you are ready to do overtime if it's really needed.

Choice 1 : You run away!

Choice 2 : Enter the facility

Concordia University's main campus

You give up on University.

You really gave up on your first day? That's lame. You go back to your dead-en job with a minimum wage and you stay there until your retirement at 65 years old. Even though your salary wasn't the best, you still have a decent pension. You lived 15 more years, then died unhappy, thinking of how you could have improved your life if you completed your studies in university.

Choice 1 : Try again, failure isn't an option.

Running away from your responsabilities

First time in the hall.

You arrive in the main hall of the facility. Since you checked the emails the university sent before your first day, you know that there is a conference for the people in your program about the ins-and-outs of your classes and how to handle the workload of these classes during a pandemic. Also, the speaker on the stage tells you how to get internships, when the time is right. You save this information in your head for later. 30 minutes later, the conference is done and you see a group of people your age talking and waving at you. You recognize an old friend of yours in that group.

Choice 1 : Go talk to them.

Choice 2 : Ignore them and go directly to class.

The amphitheater of Concordia University.

Group of friends.

You realize that all of these people are going in the same program as you. Fantastic! You introduce yourself and ask them about why they chose this program. The first guy tells you he went in Economics because he is interested in working in finance. The second guy tells you he wants to work at a bank and manage companies with bankruptcy issues. Your old buddy tells you he wants to learn the ropes of the stock market. Finally, the only girl in the friend group tells you that she wants to help her parents in debt to manage their finances. You note that she is looking at you intensely. You check your watch and realize that it's time for you to go to class. Before you go, the girl asks you if you want to come to a Covid-free party with them later that night.

Choice 1 : Going to your first class.

Talking with a group of friends.

Going to your first class, alone.

You went to class way too early, and you have 15 minutes to kill. You check the board and see that this class teaches you about how to create a budget, calculate interests, or even pay your taxes. A hope within you rises as you wish that they could also show you how a credit card works since you never really understood the magic behind it. After a 5-minute wait, you get bored and regret ignoring your potential new friends earlier. You get out of class.

Choice 1 : Go back and talk to the friend group before your class.

Student sitting alone in a classroom.

Going to your first class.

You arrive in class right as the teacher is starting his lesson. You excuse yourself and go sit down in the nearest chair. He explains during around an hour about the future careers in economics. He explains thoroughly what our first job will look like and what on-the-job training is. You know this information will come in handy one day. For the second hour, he goes right into the subject of basic economic concepts, teaching us the wonders of bank loans, profit, cash flow or assets. The subject piques your interest.

Choice 1 : Go see the teacher to ask him some questions at the end of the class.

Choice 2 : Go directly to the initiation party.

Students in a classroom at Concordia University.

Seeing the teacher after class.

You decide to stay with the teacher to talk a bit after class. You ask him how to have a better time in university without getting overwhelmed by the studies. He tells you that to pull this off, you need to work a bit more every day. He also advises you to start your projects in advance. Before you exit the classroom, he gives you subtly a book about Economics, and asks to give it back to him the sooner you can. You check the book and see that it is about how to avoid debts and stress as a student. You thank him and decide to go see your new friends.

Choice 1 : Go to the initiation party.

Student seeing the teacher after class.

Crazy party!

This is your first party in university. You are having the time of your life, dancing with the girl you met earlier and socializing with your new friends. You decide to go to the bar and get a beer for all of them to thank them for this cool experience. As you walk towards the bar, a guy approaches you and tells you that for 5 dollars, he could give you something to help you study.

Choice 1 : First party, first drug.

Choice 2 : Refuse and go back to your friend group.

Students partying.

First party, first drug.

Although you didn't plan to try a drug tonight, you tell yourself that it's probably not that bad, especially if it's only 5 dollars. You put it in your mouth and swallow it. After a couple minutes, you feel a rush to study. You quit the party in a hurry. Once home, you read the book in its entirety, and you feel like it stuck to your brain forever. Later on, you bring the book back to your teacher, who is stunned by the fact that you already finished it. He gives you another one and you wonder if taking that drug again will help you memorize it better...

Choice 1 : No, im done with it.

Choice 2 : Hmmm, why not, it shouldn't hurt me.

Guy reading under the influence of drugs.

Say no to drugs, kids.

You go back to your friend group and tell them about what just happened. They tell you about this guy that sells adderall to the new students, so they get hooked. You feel relieved that you didn't fall in his trap. The girl who seems to like you asks you if you want to dance.

Choice 1 : You accept her offer.

Choice 2 : You refuse her offer.

Guy saying no with his fingers.

Im over with it.

After a hesitation, you realize that maybe you shouldn't continue down the path of drugs. You gladly accept the book of the teacher, but you start reading it normally. This book is about the purchasing power of the middle class and how to free yourself from your employer. After reflexion, you are happy with the decision of staying on the right path, and decide to attend the next party.

Choice 1 : You go back to another party, this time with more experience.

Guy thinking about his decision.

Getting hooked.

You told yourself that you would try it one more time, just to feel what you felt yesterday. 2 months later, you are completely hooked on it, and cannot really focus on your studies. Also, all of your income from the side job you have goes into buying more drugs, so you don't have any money either. The friend group that you had rejected you after seeing that you we're now addicted to drugs.

Choice 1 : You fall into addiction.

Pills dropping in a hand.

Falling in love.

You dance all night with her. Later, at around 1 in the morning, you and your friends decide to return home. You are assigned to escort safely the beautiful girl to her apartment since you live the closest to her. Before going up the stairs leading to her home, she kisses you gently, telling you how great her night was. You wish her good night and walk towards your apartment, love in the heart.

Choice 1 : Life goes on.

Two students falling in love.

Too shy for this.

As you we're not prepared for the request, you say instinctively no. The girl seems sad, but she acts like its nothing. You feel bad, because you think the girl is actually to your liking. You pull yourself together.

Choice 1 : Take your courage and accept.

Shy guy.

The good ending!

15 years later, you are still with that girl you met on your first day of university. The two girls born from this union brings you joy every day. On the professional level, you work at a big company as a data analyst. Your job consists of getting information from the data you receive. That information can tell you if a decision made by the company was a good move or not. You also manage contracts and licenses when you have the time. Everything seems to be going for the better...

Choice 1 : Restart and explore the possibilities.

A loving family with two daughters.

The sad truth about drugs.

After years of fighting your addiction, you are now free! However, you did not finish your baccalaureate, but you feel like you are now in possession of your means. Nevertheless, you wonder what your life could've been if you did not accept the drugs, 20 years before...

Choice 1 : Go back in time and explore what your life could've been.

Man thinking about his past.