Word count: 1425
Choice count: 24
Section count: 17
Image count: 17
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
computer (1 match)
design (1 match)
light (2 matches)
consequences (1 match)
data (2 matches)
social (2 matches)
students (5 matches)
workers (1 match)
heart (1 match)
hospital (3 matches)
stroke (1 match)
hospital (3 matches)
adult (1 match)
digital (1 match)
fatigue (1 match)
heart (1 match)
hospital (3 matches)
impression (2 matches)
carrier (1 match)
condition (1 match)
drugs (2 matches)
fine (1 match)
general (1 match)
harassment (1 match)
misconduct (1 match)
notice (1 match)
offer (1 match)
option (2 matches)
private (2 matches)
drugs (2 matches)
hospital (3 matches)
long (1 match)
fine (1 match)
right (4 matches)
care (1 match)
doctors (2 matches)
heart (1 match)
hospital (3 matches)
program (2 matches)
respond (2 matches)
skills (1 match)
specific (1 match)
stroke (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
unconscious (1 match)
bit (1 match)
carrier (1 match)
data (2 matches)
digital (1 match)
fatigue (1 match)
focus (1 match)
gaze (1 match)
gear (1 match)
harassment (1 match)
cool (1 match)
angle (1 match)
focus (1 match)
computer science (1 match)
aside (1 match)
time (3 matches)
care (1 match)
efficiency (1 match)
gaze (1 match)
group (7 matches)
internet (1 match)
management (1 match)
private (2 matches)
relationship (1 match)
sexual (1 match)
unconscious (1 match)
confused (1 match)
program (2 matches)
social (2 matches)
studied (1 match)
data (2 matches)
floor (1 match)
friend (1 match)
organize (4 matches)
river (1 match)
fell (2 matches)
notice (1 match)
management (1 match)
aside (1 match)
dress (1 match)
fuel (1 match)
last (3 matches)
exam (12 matches)
glasses (1 match)
hand (1 match)
heart (1 match)
corridor (1 match)
management (1 match)
wolf (1 match)
management (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
moment (2 matches)
night (7 matches)
approach (1 match)
mistake (1 match)
move (1 match)
use (1 match)
bit (1 match)
comes (1 match)
group (7 matches)
her (16 matches)
keep (1 match)
section (1 match)
study (3 matches)
thing (1 match)
day (2 matches)
s (2 matches)
carrier (1 match)
energy (1 match)
fatigue (1 match)
heart (1 match)
key (1 match)
a (32 matches)
second (1 match)
company (1 match)
management (1 match)
money (1 match)
offer (1 match)
opportunity (2 matches)
trainee (1 match)
angle (1 match)
data (2 matches)
science (1 match)
section (1 match)
group (7 matches)
internet (1 match)
s (2 matches)
listening (1 match)
meaning (1 match)
beam (1 match)
bridge (4 matches)
design (1 match)
engineer (2 matches)
key (1 match)
sexual (1 match)
bridge (4 matches)
front (1 match)
lock (1 match)
out (1 match)
social (2 matches)
time (3 matches)
together (1 match)
touch (1 match)
computer (1 match)
heart (1 match)
adult (1 match)
campus (2 matches)
choice (18 matches)
don (5 matches)
exam (12 matches)
first (6 matches)
general (1 match)
grades (1 match)
head (2 matches)
learn (2 matches)
management (1 match)
private (2 matches)
skills (1 match)
social (2 matches)
social skills (1 match)
specific (1 match)
students (5 matches)
trainee (1 match)
fuel (1 match)
angle (1 match)
designer (1 match)
focus (1 match)
poster (2 matches)
take (2 matches)
time (3 matches)
unconscious (1 match)
bridge (4 matches)
exam (12 matches)
s (2 matches)
happening (1 match)
s (2 matches)
right (4 matches)
s (2 matches)
s (2 matches)
situation (2 matches)
t (12 matches)
the new (2 matches)
bridge (4 matches)
condition (1 match)
engine (2 matches)
get (3 matches)
join (1 match)
key (1 match)
option (2 matches)
private (2 matches)
return (2 matches)
apartment (1 match)
beam (1 match)
bit (1 match)
bridge (4 matches)
carrier (1 match)
digital (1 match)
efficiency (1 match)
internet (1 match)
Target Structure:
abolishing (1 match)
dead-end job (1 match)
income (1 match)
ins-and-outs (1 match)
invaluable (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
maddening (1 match)
misconduct (1 match)
more often (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
overwhelmed (1 match)
purpose (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
sexual harassment (1 match)
more often than not (1 match)
time management (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
wage (1 match)
worthwhile (1 match)
After a long summer working a dead-end job while having a mediocre wage, you are in front of Polytechnics campus. You are full of energy to begin this new chapter in your life. You enter the corridor and you see a group of people standing around a poster talking about sexual harassment.
Choice 1 : Go see the group of students.
Choice 2 : Go to the amphitheater
You have decided to approach the group of students. Some of them are from the computer science program. The moment you are there, they begin to talk to you. You begin to panic because you haven't talked to someone in ages because of the pandemic. You realize that you lack of social skills.
Choice 1 : Be an adult and respond to them in a cool way
Choice 2 : Be an adult and respond to them in a stressed way
While you are going to the amphitheater, you realize that there are a lot of workers working on fixing the amphitheater. You see a beam right next to you on the floor. You enter the amphitheater but someone shouts at you. Next thing you know, a light fell on you and you are unconscious. The angle of the light wasn't optimal, it was pure bad luck. You wake up in the hospital, but you forgot everything that happened. You don't even know who you are. You finish your days as a trainee in the job you hated so much.
Choice 1 : Return to the beginning
The way you are talking makes it very easy to join the group. Without realizing it, you were talking with them for one hour about life. You learn that there has been misconduct on the campus lately. More often than not, there are no consequences for those students. You decide to put aside this subject and talk about the great design of the poster. You learn that she is a designer.
Choice 1 : Ask her for her private data
You have difficulty to responding to to them. You are so out of touch with these people that you think about your time management for the first exam in your program or your future retirement. The girl that first talked to you is looking at you in a puzzled way. She asks you if you are fine but you don't respond, you are too shy. She introduces herself and you finally did the same. You thought for one second about abolishing those social interactions, but she smiles. You are happy.
Choice 1 : Ask her for her private data
Choice 2 : Leave the group because it's too embarrassing
She is now your girlfriend after months of relationship. You talk a lot about efficiency in general or the best gear to use in a specific situation. You realize that your first exam is on the same day as the party she told you about months ago. You find the situation maddening.
Choice 1 : Study for the exam
Choice 2 : Go to the party with her
Your question confused the girl more than anything. She laughs. You begin to talk with her and the group about the digital world. This conversation was worthwhile because you know that one friend in the group loves to do experiments.
Choice 1 : Invite your new friends to the party organized for the new students
Choice 2 : Only invite her to the party organized for the new students
Your interactions with this girl are almost nonexistent. For the rest of your studies, you will be a lone wolf. You have good grades and it might the ins-and-outs of working hard alone. You put a lot of effort in your exams, so you get a good income. You begin your carrier as an engineer. You will do a lot of overtime and make a lot of money but you might be sad and fell lonely for the rest of your life.
Choice 1 : Return towards the group and talk to them
You are having fun with your new friends. You are overwhelmed by your surroundings. There is so much happening at the same time. Tonight, you have one purpose, to have the best party you have ever had. After hours of having pure fun, she looks at you, just you. You know how invaluable this moment is for you.
Choice 1 : Go kiss her
You realize that it wasn't the right way to ask her to go to the party. It is better for you and for her if there are other friends that are at the party because you don't know each other very much.
Choice 1 : Invite your new friends to the party organized for the new students
Studying for the exam is your choice, and it's a wise one. The exam is all about an engine and its dimensions. The subject of this exam is really hard, you need to know a lot of things by heart. You would think at first that your girlfriend could be mad at you for not going to this party. You notice that finally she doesn't really care about that party, she only wanted to go because some of her friends were going. She stays with you all night to keep you company.
Choice 1 : Decide to study all night
Choice 2 : Decide to study, but also prepare a secret date for your girlfriend
You decided to study a little bit but not too much. Your girlfriend asks you if you really want to go to this party, and you say yes because you need to have fun tonight. You go to the party with your girlfriend and you meet her friends there. While the party is as its finest, someone proposes you drugs.
Choice 1 : Accept the offer
Choice 2 : Deny the offer
You did really well on the exam. You wrote about the fuel of the engine in the right section because you studied all night and remembered it. On the other hand, you feel like you missed an opportunity with your girlfriend, but it is too late to organize it. You have the option to organize it tomorrow but it wouldn't have the same meaning because today is a special day.
Choice 1 : Organize the date at the last minute
You decide to organize it at the last minute. You take her on a beautiful bridge. You bought a padlock right before taking her to the bridge. You say to her that your love will be forever and you lock it to the bridge. You throw the key in the river and you kiss her. She smiles at you and you realize that looking for ideas for dates on the internet wasn't a bad idea after all.
Choice 1 : Start over to see the other possibilities
After you finish your exam, you take your girlfriend in a fancy restaurant. You told her before that when you get home she needs to be in a beautiful dress. The date went really well, and she says to you that this was the greatest night she ever had. You end the date in your apartment while listening to jazz. You kiss her and you get lost in her gaze.
Choice 1 : Start over to see the other possibilities
You don't remember anything from last night. You wake up in the hospital and your head hurts. The only word that comes to your head is the word fatigue. You see doctors around you, but you just focus on the one that has glasses, he looks like a robot. You hear the doctors say that your condition is very unstable. You realize that taking those drugs wasn't the greatest option.
Choice 1 : Start over to see the other possibilities
You wake up for your exam but you are tired. You already regret your decisions. While doing the exam, you know that none of your answers is correct. You don't even remember that much from the other night and you feel like you are ruining your future.
Choice 1 : Start over to see the other possibilities