Word count: 1211
Choice count: 22
Section count: 15
Image count: 15
Error count: 5
Field Related Analysis:
architecture (1 match)
area (1 match)
research (4 matches)
contact (1 match)
coughing (2 matches)
doctor (1 match)
heart (2 matches)
hospital (1 match)
laboratory (4 matches)
medical (7 matches)
court (1 match)
doctor (1 match)
hospital (1 match)
information (1 match)
medical (7 matches)
medicine (1 match)
subpoena (1 match)
adult (6 matches)
biology (2 matches)
chemistry (1 match)
clinical (2 matches)
contact (1 match)
coughing (2 matches)
director (1 match)
doctor (1 match)
dose (1 match)
eye (1 match)
foot (1 match)
genital (1 match)
heart (2 matches)
hospital (1 match)
arrested (1 match)
blood (2 matches)
clinical (2 matches)
contact (1 match)
court (1 match)
damages (1 match)
departure (1 match)
director (1 match)
driving (1 match)
family (1 match)
fine (1 match)
guilty (1 match)
illegal (2 matches)
information (1 match)
living (1 match)
loss (1 match)
misconduct (1 match)
month (1 match)
offer (5 matches)
principal (4 matches)
private (1 match)
proof (1 match)
proof of (1 match)
reputation (2 matches)
hospital (1 match)
medical (7 matches)
pharmacology (1 match)
foot (1 match)
long (1 match)
medicine (1 match)
court (1 match)
fbi (1 match)
fine (1 match)
guilty (1 match)
perpetrator (1 match)
prison (1 match)
right (1 match)
aid (1 match)
calls (1 match)
clinical (2 matches)
diploma (1 match)
doctor (1 match)
equipment (1 match)
foot (1 match)
heart (2 matches)
hospital (1 match)
medical (7 matches)
medicine (1 match)
practice (2 matches)
programs (1 match)
skills (1 match)
sleep (1 match)
surgery (1 match)
virus (1 match)
volunteer (4 matches)
contact (1 match)
dose (1 match)
heal (1 match)
position (1 match)
symptoms (2 matches)
biology (2 matches)
blood (2 matches)
drive (1 match)
eye (1 match)
eye contact (1 match)
family (1 match)
field (1 match)
degree (2 matches)
depth (1 match)
time (1 match)
clinical (2 matches)
goal (1 match)
interview (2 matches)
management (1 match)
medicine (1 match)
of transition (1 match)
principal (4 matches)
private (1 match)
relationship (1 match)
help (2 matches)
illegal (2 matches)
teacher (3 matches)
family (1 match)
researchers (1 match)
field (1 match)
equipment (1 match)
management (1 match)
director (1 match)
destroyed (1 match)
volunteer (4 matches)
last (1 match)
back (6 matches)
bed (1 match)
blood (2 matches)
doctor (1 match)
dose (1 match)
foot (1 match)
heal (1 match)
heart (2 matches)
left (1 match)
stomach (1 match)
straight (1 match)
surgery (1 match)
area (1 match)
blood (2 matches)
management (1 match)
security (1 match)
management (1 match)
loss (1 match)
free (1 match)
airport (1 match)
area (1 match)
methods (1 match)
night (1 match)
show (1 match)
depth (1 match)
exchange (1 match)
turn (3 matches)
bed (1 match)
camp (2 matches)
comes (1 match)
exchange (1 match)
keep (3 matches)
ruin (1 match)
sacrifice (1 match)
study (1 match)
tell (3 matches)
thing (1 match)
village (1 match)
day (1 match)
biology (2 matches)
blood (2 matches)
s (9 matches)
camp (2 matches)
dose (1 match)
drive (1 match)
energy (1 match)
eye (1 match)
family (1 match)
female (1 match)
heart (2 matches)
humans (1 match)
laboratory (4 matches)
pharmacology (1 match)
a (21 matches)
sleep (1 match)
exchange (1 match)
management (1 match)
offer (5 matches)
paid (1 match)
team (1 match)
biology (2 matches)
chemistry (1 match)
degree (2 matches)
pharmacology (1 match)
proof (1 match)
research (4 matches)
transition (2 matches)
interview (2 matches)
s (9 matches)
team (1 match)
accepted (1 match)
build (5 matches)
building (2 matches)
damages (1 match)
eye (1 match)
laboratory (4 matches)
guilty (1 match)
killed (1 match)
prison (1 match)
psychiatric (1 match)
security (1 match)
sentenced (1 match)
transition (2 matches)
back (6 matches)
complete (1 match)
couple (1 match)
out (2 matches)
position (1 match)
recover (1 match)
show (1 match)
shows (1 match)
time (1 match)
transition (2 matches)
turn (3 matches)
heart (2 matches)
medicine (1 match)
security (1 match)
adult (6 matches)
bachelor's degree (2 matches)
cegep (1 match)
choice (22 matches)
classes (1 match)
degree (2 matches)
diploma (1 match)
don (1 match)
field (1 match)
field of study (1 match)
goal (1 match)
knowledge (2 matches)
learn (1 match)
management (1 match)
principal (4 matches)
private (1 match)
research (4 matches)
skills (1 match)
student (1 match)
teacher (3 matches)
transition (2 matches)
university (7 matches)
actions (1 match)
airport (1 match)
procedures (3 matches)
director (1 match)
experience (1 match)
take (1 match)
time (1 match)
s (9 matches)
s (9 matches)
right (1 match)
s (9 matches)
s (9 matches)
t (2 matches)
architecture (1 match)
build (5 matches)
false (1 match)
field (1 match)
get (4 matches)
name (1 match)
path (8 matches)
position (1 match)
private (1 match)
save (1 match)
show (1 match)
transition (2 matches)
airport (1 match)
architecture (1 match)
area (1 match)
camp (2 matches)
demand (1 match)
door (1 match)
field (1 match)
goal (1 match)
human (3 matches)
Target Structure:
come in handy (1 match)
deter (1 match)
dread (1 match)
drudgery (1 match)
foot in the door (1 match)
fulfillment (1 match)
hinders (1 match)
in-depth (1 match)
invaluable (1 match)
maddening (1 match)
misconduct (1 match)
perpetrator (1 match)
pulled off (1 match)
purpose (1 match)
the drive of work (1 match)
thoughtful (1 match)
time management (1 match)
undermine (1 match)
vacant position (1 match)
worthwhile (1 match)
You just finished CEGEP. You did extremely well with time management the last two years and pulled off nothing but straight A's all along. You now have a huge sense of fulfillment and nobody can undermine your confidence. You are an excellent student, but what is your real purpose in life? How maddening it is to not know what you will do after you receive your diploma! You decide to have an uncomfortable, but thoughtful conversation with yourself and end up choosing to...
Choice 1 : Volunteer abroad.
Choice 2 : Go to university.
Dread is settling in your stomach as you are driving to the airport, but you are sure that the experience will be invaluable and worthwhile. Also, the skills and knowledge you will learn while volunteering abroad will certainly come in handy in your future career. You now have to choose between two totally different destinations and aid programs.
Choice 1 : Volunteer in a medical camp located in Ghana.
Choice 2 : Build homes for poor families in Peru.
You are accepted to McGill in medical research! You are provided with in-depth knowledge of biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology with the goal of developing new medical procedures or improving the application of those already available. You are truly fascinated by the information given during your classes, but there is one thing that hinders you from studying well. Mr. Smores, your biology teacher, is sexually harassing you! He keeps touching the female laboratory mannequin's genital area while making eye contact with you and calling your name sensually. How disgusting! Will you turn him in to the principal or keep this to yourself?
Choice 1 : Turn him in.
Choice 2 : Keep it to yourself.
It is a complete disaster! There is a deadly virus that spread all around the village you work in. People are suffering and your team does not have enough equipment and medicine to heal everybody. Five babies and an adult are laying right next to you, trembling and coughing blood. The doctor you work with tells you there is only one vaccine left. He adds that the dose is enough to free one adult from all of his symptoms or to soothe a couple of babies that might or might not completely recover.
Choice 1 : You give the vaccine to the adult.
Choice 2 : You give the vaccine to the five babies.
The vaccine saved the adult and freed him from all of his symptoms. Your heart aches from the loss of the five babies, but you had to make a choice. You come out stronger from your decision and realize what sacrifice truly means.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
The vaccine calmed the babies. They are not coughing blood anymore. One week later, they die. You did not save the adult and now, the babies are gone. You feel terrible. You think you are the worst human alive and you can't live with yourself anymore. One day, you decide to go back home and your family has to put you in a psychiatric hospital. You have gone crazy.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
This is a disaster! You have spent four months building houses for poor families in Peru, but they were destroyed by a violent earthquake. Will you stay, help repair the damages done, and build the houses all over again or go back home?
Choice 1 : Stay and build other houses.
Choice 2 : Go back home.
The drive of work kept you in Peru. You have a strong relationship with the families you are building houses for as well as with your coworkers. You found yourself interested in architecture and you decide to stay in Peru to pursue university in this field of study.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
You cannot handle another year of dull drudgery. You go back to your home in Montreal. You are so excited to see your room and sleep in your bed! Volunteering abroad sucked up all of your energy and you decide to take a year off before going back to university in medical research.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
You tell the principal that Mr. Smores is sexually harassing you. You demand that the perpetrator is immediately fired. The principal is afraid that this decision might stain the university's reputation. He tells you there is a vacant position as a teacher of Transition to Clinical Practice at McGill that would be yours as soon as you receive your bachelor's degree in exchange for your silence. Will this offer deter you from exposing Mr.Smores's actions?
Choice 1 : Accept the offer.
Choice 2 : Decline the offer.
Mr. Smores likes you so much! He thinks you are the most beautiful and smart human alive. To show you the unconditional love he has for you, he gets you a private interview at the best medical research laboratory in Canada. Well, having contacts really can help you get a foot in the door when it comes to getting a job! You do great in the job interview and end up working there as soon as you are out of university. A month later, you find that illegal medical procedures are done on living humans. Researchers are trying new and extremely risky heart surgery methods on individuals that are not even anesthetized!
Choice 1 : You quit your job.
Choice 2 : You stay and say nothing.
You go to the laboratory's director and give him your resignation letter. He asks you the real reason for your departure and you tell him about what you have witnessed. Very bad idea! You should not have seen that. He calls in security and you get dragged into the basement. You are then killed so that you don't tell the world what you have seen.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
A year later, the FBI shows up at the research laboratory and everybody, including you, gets arrested for illegal experiments on human beings. You get interviewed, and they discover that you knew long ago about the procedures. You are sentenced to 17 years in prison.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
You receive your bachelor's degree and become a Transition to Clinical Practice teacher. You are paid very well and live an almost luxurious life. However, sometimes at night, you abhor yourself for being so easy to buy.
Choice 1 : Try another path.
The principal is getting angry. He says that he will not let you ruin his university's reputation. He decides to sue you for false accusations. Five days later, you receive a subpoena and you go to court. You are found guilty because you do not have enough proof of Mr. Smores's misconduct. You get a $5000 fine and get expelled from McGill. Life is unfair!
Choice 1 : Try another path.