Surviving University.

A hypertext narrative by

May Adjerid

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1275

Choice count: 27

Section count: 19

Image count: 19

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

anatomy (1 match)

design (4 matches)

capitalism (1 match)

history (1 match)

industry (1 match)

social (1 match)

body (1 match)

doctor (4 matches)

hospital (2 matches)

medical (4 matches)

medication (1 match)

doctor (4 matches)

hospital (2 matches)

medical (4 matches)

medicine (1 match)

patient (2 matches)

anatomy (1 match)

biology (1 match)

body (1 match)

calculus (1 match)

chemistry (1 match)

diet (1 match)

doctor (4 matches)

foot (1 match)

health (5 matches)

hospital (2 matches)

arrested (1 match)

cost (1 match)

master (2 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

parent (1 match)

poison (1 match)

residence (1 match)

health (5 matches)

hospital (2 matches)

medical (4 matches)

pharmacist (3 matches)

pharmacy (3 matches)

foot (1 match)

medicine (1 match)

side (1 match)

police (1 match)

prison (1 match)

anatomy (1 match)

diploma (1 match)

doctor (4 matches)

doctors (1 match)

foot (1 match)

health (5 matches)

hospital (2 matches)

medical (4 matches)

medication (1 match)

medicine (1 match)

patient (2 matches)

program (8 matches)

programs (1 match)

training (1 match)

patient (2 matches)

biology (1 match)

dream (1 match)

fast (1 match)

field (1 match)

depth (1 match)

mathematics (1 match)

physics (1 match)

aside (2 matches)

history (1 match)

time (8 matches)

capitalism (1 match)

industry (1 match)

interaction (1 match)

management (1 match)

medicine (1 match)

psychopath (1 match)

school (13 matches)

social interaction (1 match)

training (1 match)

van (1 match)

health (5 matches)

help (1 match)

parent (1 match)

program (8 matches)

social (1 match)

studied (2 matches)

friend (2 matches)

solve problems (1 match)

calculus (1 match)

field (1 match)

forest (1 match)

mathematics (1 match)

fell (1 match)

forest (1 match)

industry (1 match)

management (1 match)

aside (2 matches)

motivation (1 match)

anatomy (1 match)

back (10 matches)

comfortable (1 match)

doctor (4 matches)

fast (1 match)

foot (1 match)

health (5 matches)

medication (1 match)

patient (2 matches)

side effect (1 match)

straight (1 match)

animal (1 match)

bear (1 match)

forest (1 match)

management (1 match)

management (1 match)

license (1 match)

mathematics (1 match)

profit (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

aircraft (1 match)

depth (1 match)

move (2 matches)

forest (1 match)

r (1 match)

here (2 matches)

history (1 match)

industry (1 match)

interaction (1 match)

plan (1 match)

space (1 match)

study (1 match)

talent (1 match)

day (3 matches)

space (1 match)

anatomy (1 match)

animal (1 match)

biology (1 match)

s (1 match)

diet (1 match)

feeding (1 match)

forest (1 match)

learning (1 match)

motivation (1 match)

parent (1 match)

r (1 match)

a (29 matches)

bankrupt (1 match)

brand (5 matches)

cost (1 match)

customers (1 match)

management (1 match)

marketing (1 match)

money (1 match)

profit (1 match)

store (1 match)

biology (1 match)

chemistry (1 match)

engineering (4 matches)

met (1 match)

physics (1 match)

science (3 matches)

interaction (1 match)

i (4 matches)

s (1 match)

build (1 match)

design (4 matches)

engineer (2 matches)

engineering (4 matches)

felt (2 matches)

industry (1 match)

main (1 match)

plan (1 match)

proud (1 match)

structure (1 match)

waste (1 match)

anger (1 match)

homeless (1 match)

prison (1 match)

psychopath (1 match)

back (10 matches)

break (2 matches)

checking (1 match)

out (3 matches)

side (1 match)

social (1 match)

step (1 match)

time (8 matches)

body (1 match)

medicine (1 match)

cegep (3 matches)

choice (26 matches)

classes (4 matches)

courses (2 matches)

diploma (1 match)

don (3 matches)

fail (1 match)

failed (2 matches)

field (1 match)

grades (3 matches)

high school (1 match)

knowledge (1 match)

learned (5 matches)

learning (1 match)

management (1 match)

motivation (1 match)

school (13 matches)

score (1 match)

social (1 match)

training (1 match)

university (8 matches)

hospitals (1 match)

waste (1 match)

designer (2 matches)

marketing (1 match)

plan (1 match)

score (1 match)

space (1 match)

structure (1 match)

take (4 matches)

time (8 matches)

anatomy (1 match)

calculus (1 match)

r (1 match)

r (1 match)

s (1 match)

r (1 match)

s (1 match)

r (1 match)

s (1 match)

s (1 match)

t (3 matches)

break (2 matches)

build (1 match)

collection (2 matches)

drop (1 match)

field (1 match)

get (1 match)

history (1 match)

interaction (1 match)

parent (1 match)

structure (1 match)

write (1 match)

aircraft (1 match)

brand (5 matches)

door (1 match)

field (1 match)

marketing (1 match)

master (2 matches)

Target Structure:

abolished (1 match)

came in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

income (2 matches)

internships (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

overwhelmed (2 matches)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)

though (2 matches)

time management (1 match)


Surviving University.

Bye high school!

You were finally done with high school! You were going to make new friend, study to have your DEC and go into your dream program in university. But, you were completely overwhelmed when it was time to choose a program. You were interested in your passion for fashion and art but your parent brought you back to reality when they wanted you to go to health science to become a doctor.

Choice 1 : Go in the program Fashion design.

Choice 2 : Go in health science.

Highschool graduation

Creating my own brand.

I created my own ethical brand based here in Montreal. The cost were extremely high and I ended up going bankrupt, I did have enough customers to make profit, my brand failed. My parents kicked me out and said: “We told you!”.

Choice 1 : Try again!

Your brand going bankrupt

Move to Paris to become a fashion designer.

You moved to Paris. I did an on-the-job training for a fashion brand and you got to design a collection for the famous Fashion Week. Unfortunately, it did not go well, everyone hated your work, and you were being told that your collection was ugly and that you had no talent by the famous designers. You quit fashion and became homeless.

Choice 1 : Try again

Fashion designers

Go in health science.

You decided to go in the most difficult program in Cegep: health science. You had classes like calculus, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. You knew it was going to be a lot of work so you have to plan it well.

Choice 1 : Have fun and make Cegep the least of your priorities.

Choice 2 : Have your DEC in 2 years.

Choice 3 : Have your DEC in 3 years.

health science

Have your DEC in 2 years.

You did not want to waste any time and you got your DEC in two years. It was hard and you felt tired but you did it! Because you went fast you did not get the perfect grades, but they were good enough to go in interesting programs. What was the next step in your life?

Choice 1 : Take a year off before University.

Choice 2 : Go in art school.

Choice 3 : Go in aerospace engineering.


Take a year off before University.

You have been studied so hard for the past 2 years you decided to take a break. During that break you were so comfortable without school that when I was over you had no motivation to go back.

Choice 1 : Don't give up and go back to school.

Choice 2 : Never go back to school.


Go in art school.

Don’t even try your going to be unemployed.

Choice 1 : Try again

art school

Go in aerospace engineering.

You were scared because engineering is really hard but surprisingly you really liked the program. You learned ho to develop and design aircraft and spacecraft in depth. You help build structure that are going to go in outer space and you solve problems related to planes. Now that you got your master in aerospace you need to make a final choice.

Choice 1 : Live in the North of France.

Choice 2 : Work immediately after university and be an aerospace engineer.

aerospace engineer

Work immediately after university and be an aerospace engineer.

You finally had a foot in the door in the field. You learned the ropes of the job and had a good income. But working overtime all your life and feeding the capitalism is not for you.

Choice 1 : go back

work depression

Live in the North of France.

You are proud of yourself but the main reason you studied this far is to make your parents proud. Now that you have your diploma you gave it to your parents, so they can leave you alone. You decided to put aside engineering, take a premature retirement and live in the north of France. You were the happiest you have ever been.

Choice 1 : Congratulation you survived!

Life in a cottage in the north of France

Have your DEC in 3 years.

The courses you took were really hard but you had amazing time management and worked hard, you ended up having straight A’s and your r score was high enough to go in a health program and satisfy your parents. University is next!

Choice 1 : Go in pharmacy to become a pharmacist.

Choice 2 : Go to medical school to become a doctor.


Go in pharmacy to become a pharmacist.

You learned about all the medication and their side effect, you got your master of Pharmacy and you were excited to advise your patient and work with doctors. That was until one day you learned that your boyfriend cheated on you, all your knowledge came in handy because you decided to poison his drink and kill him. The police found his dead body and arrested you. You lost your license of pharmacist for misconduct, you were abolished from all hospitals and spent the rest of your life in prison. He deserved it though.

Choice 1 : Go back.

Your husband who died as a cheater

Go to medical school to become a doctor.

You got in Medical School, that impressive! You quickly realized that you needed to be passionate about medicine and health to become a doctor. You are overwhelmed with your biology, anatomy classes and hospital internships. You lived in a residence and never got time to see your friend you spent more time learning about illnesses than having social interaction.

Choice 1 : Go back


Continue studying do not give up.

You became depressed. You had no money because you did not have time to work. Your diet consisted of microwaved noodles. One day, you were eating while checking your grades. You were so shook that you choked on the noodles and died alone.

Write a choice here.

The noodles that killed you

Taking time to relax even if you are in medical school.

You are starting to feel better but your grades were awful you failed your classes and decided to drop out of school. You work at a groceries store and your parents are disappointed.

Choice 1 : Try again


Have fun and make Cegep the least of your priorities.

You decided to always hang out with your friends and you put aside all the studying you had to do. You started to fail all of your classes and you felt like you had no purpose in life. You became depressed and had to go to a mental hospital. You met another patient and you feel in love. He was a psychopath, and he loved you so much that he had to kill you.

Choice 1 : Go back

Having fun with friends

Go in the program Fashion design.

You loved the program it had great courses like history of fashion and marketing. You learned about the industry and you could be creative. Even though your parents were disappointed, you reassured them by telling them that you could have a good income and be happy because you were not going to have a dead-end job. You graduated. It was now time to choose a career.

Choice 1 : Creating my own brand.

Choice 2 : Move to Paris to become a fashion designer.

fashion school

Don't give up and go back to school.

You have to decide what you want to do in university.

Choice 1 : Make a choice


Never go back to school.

You decided to live in your van and spend most of your time in forest. One day, you saw a little animal that was annoying you and you kicked it. It was a baby bear, full of anger the mother ran after you until you fell off a cliff and died.

Choice 1 : Try again

Angry bear