My police officer Hypertext Narrative

A hypertext narrative by

Xavier Langevin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1374

Choice count: 28

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis

Education : 84 matches

(academy, choice, college, course, courses, diploma, exam, failed, first, national, reader, school, semester, students, teach, teacher, technology)

Police-Technology : 61 matches

(crime, crime scene, criminal, future police officers, investigator, lieutenant, patrol, police, police academy, police officer, policeman, right, sergeant, spvm)

Law : 20 matches

(agent, crime, criminal, fact, family, land, minutes, occupation, police officer)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

retirement (6 matches)


My police officer Hypertext Narrative

Future Police School.

Hi, my name is Xavier and I've recently graduated from the Police Technology program in the College Ahuntsic. I know that I want to be an investigator in the future and that I have to be a patrol officer for five years before being able to become a criminal investigator. Now, I need to choose what I want to do and where I study for the next years.

Choice 1 : National Quebec Police School.

Choice 2 : Royal Canadian Mounted Police School.

College Ahuntsic

National Quebec Police School.

I've been accepted to the National Quebec Police School. I had my first course earlier today, and it was already very challenging. We had to run 10 kilometers in 40 minutes and was kind of hard because it has been a long time since I've run a long distance. Although I found my first day challenging, I think I made the right decision, and I can't wait for my second day tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Working hard

Choice 2 : Taking my courses easy.

National Quebec Police School

Taking my courses easy.

Today was my last exam to get my diploma from the National Quebec Police School, and it was really hard. I failed my course, and now I realized that I should have put more effort into my courses because now I will need to start my semester over if I want to finally become a police officer.

Choice 1 : Restart my semester.

Choice 2 : Choose another career plan

Exam Failed

Restart my semester.

I've just restarted my semester in the police academy. I told myself that I would give all the effort necessary, so I can succeed and follow my dream to become a police officer. I wished I could've succeeded last semester, because now I don't know anybody. All of my friends are now working for a police organisation, and I really wish I could be working with them.

Choice 1 : Finishing the semester

Choice 2 : Choose another career plan


Royal Canadian Mounted Police School.

I finally got to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police School in Saskatchewan after a really long flight. I can't wait to start my courses in the next days, and see if I really like the Royal Mounted Canadian Police organisation.

Choice 1 : Finish the semester

Choice 2 : Leave the semester

Royal Canadian Mounted Police School


Today was my last exam of the semester, and I nailed it. I graduated and received my diploma after a long three months of hard work. My parents are very proud of where I am today so am I, and I can't wait to join a police organisation, and to start working as a patrol officer. I have three choices in mind. It's either working for the Sûreté of Quebec, working for the Montreal Police Organisation or working for the Mirabel Police Organisation, which is my home town organisation.

Choice 1 : Sûreté of Quebec.

Choice 2 : Montreal Police Organisation.

Choice 3 : Mirabel Police Organisation.


Federal Police Officer!

I received my diploma of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police School a week ago, and now I am officially a Federal police officer for the GRC. I love my job, and I would not go back for anything in the world. The only downside is the fact that I am working in the city on Toronto, so my parents and the rest of my family are really far away from me, but I will see them on Christmas evening.

Choice 1 : THE END!

Federal Police Officer

Federal Police is not made for me.

I realized that I don't want to work for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police because I don't want to live this far away from my family. I've been in Saskatchewan for 2 months now, and I find it really hard to be this far from my loving ones, so I decided to leave my semester. I will see what I want to do with my career when I land in Montreal and decide there.

Choice 1 : Change my career plans

Wrong way


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Choose another career plan

The End

Sûreté of Quebec.

I've been working for the Sûreté of Quebec for 36 years now, and I had a beautiful career. I did 6 years of patrol and became an agent in the Tactical Group of my police organisation. I worked in this group for 15 years, and I became the sergeant of this group afterwards. We did a lot of big interventions in which I lost one of my best friends. He got shot by a criminal, and died right away. After that event, I did my best to make sure that all of my agents were safe while working. I've put all my energy into this organisation in the last years, and it is now time for me to retire.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Choice 2 : Teaching in college.

Choice 3 : Teaching in the National Quebec Police School.


Montreal Police Organisation.

I worked for the SPVM for 34 years, and I am really grateful for all that this organisation gave me through these years. After my first 5 years of patrol, I decided to take another course in the National Quebec Police School to become an investigator in the criminal activities. I became lieutenant in the same domain 12 years after and finished my career with a lot of good memories. I'm now 54 years old, and it is time for me to retire. I have a choice to make, do I want to teach to future police officers or do I want to spend the rest of my time with my family without working.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Choice 2 : Teaching in college.

Choice 3 : Teaching in the National Quebec Police School.


Mirabel Police Organisation.

I am now 43 years old, and I've worked for the Mirabel Police organisation for 23 years now. I did 7 years as a patrol officer before deciding to become an officer on a motorcycle. Working with the population was the aspect I loved the most about my job. Being able to help them in any situation and to make sure everybody was safe was my main preoccupation. I had a really good time in this organisation, but now is time for me to retire and move on to another occupation.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Choice 2 : Teaching in college.

Choice 3 : Teaching in the National Quebec Police School.

Mirabel Police


I chose to take my retirement and spend the most time possible with my family. I bought myself a new motorcycle, so I could go take rides with my wife and my son in the summer. My job misses me and my colleagues too, but I still go see them in the police station when I have some free time to do so. I love my retirement and enjoy every moment that I can have for me with me loving ones.

Choice 1 : THE END!


Teaching in college.

I am now teaching the course of crime scene in College Ahuntsic, where I studied as a youth aspiring policeman. I love to see how passionate my students are and how much they love it when I tell them anecdotes that I lived as a police officer. Obviously being in this establishment everyday reminds me a lot of good memories that I built as a young man with my friends and I enjoy every day that comes by.

Choice 1 : THE END!

College Ahuntsic

Teaching in the National Quebec Police School.

I am now a teacher in the National Quebec Police School, and I get to see a different perspective of how police officers are trained. As an ancient police officers, I have experience, and I know how to put myself in the young man and woman who dreams to practice the same job as I did to help them discover their full potential as human beings and as future policemen. I love my current job, but I won't lie to you, I really miss being a police officer, and I would give everything to start over and go back to my first day as a cop.

Choice 1 : THE END!

National Quebec Police School