Word count: 1308
Choice count: 24
Section count: 15
Image count: 15
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
counter (1 match)
domino effect (1 match)
research (1 match)
class (3 matches)
politics (1 match)
drug (1 match)
heart (1 match)
laboratory (3 matches)
nurse (1 match)
disease (1 match)
drug (1 match)
form (1 match)
medicine (2 matches)
asthma (1 match)
biology (2 matches)
bone (2 matches)
breathing (1 match)
cancer (1 match)
cell (9 matches)
cells (1 match)
disease (1 match)
drug (1 match)
extract (1 match)
heart (1 match)
infirmary (1 match)
cause (1 match)
cheat (1 match)
direction (1 match)
discovery (2 matches)
dismiss (1 match)
hello (1 match)
instrument (1 match)
mission (1 match)
notice (1 match)
offer (5 matches)
office (1 match)
order (1 match)
drug (1 match)
solution (1 match)
long (1 match)
medicine (2 matches)
drug (1 match)
right (1 match)
asthma (1 match)
breathing (1 match)
diploma (1 match)
disease (1 match)
drug (1 match)
emergency (1 match)
equipment (1 match)
heart (1 match)
medicine (2 matches)
nurse (1 match)
program (4 matches)
sleep (1 match)
syringe (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
tumor (1 match)
virus (3 matches)
cancer (1 match)
biology (2 matches)
cell (9 matches)
class (3 matches)
drug (1 match)
fast (1 match)
field (1 match)
reports (1 match)
nucleus (1 match)
time (6 matches)
used (1 match)
small (1 match)
cell (9 matches)
class (3 matches)
management (1 match)
medicine (2 matches)
mixed (1 match)
mode (1 match)
population (1 match)
school (1 match)
small (1 match)
state (1 match)
bus (1 match)
concierge (1 match)
course (1 match)
field (1 match)
form (1 match)
confused (1 match)
direction (1 match)
drug (1 match)
help (1 match)
program (4 matches)
supervision (1 match)
teacher (16 matches)
analyze (4 matches)
floor (2 matches)
mode (1 match)
population (1 match)
researchers (1 match)
sample (1 match)
field (1 match)
disease (1 match)
equipment (1 match)
notice (1 match)
management (1 match)
cheating (1 match)
part (1 match)
alarm (1 match)
attack (1 match)
emergency (1 match)
back (1 match)
bone (2 matches)
cancer (1 match)
exam (9 matches)
fast (1 match)
heart (1 match)
left (1 match)
straight (1 match)
tumor (1 match)
eyes (1 match)
ground (2 matches)
management (1 match)
state (1 match)
management (1 match)
state (1 match)
asset (1 match)
reports (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
salary (1 match)
emergency (1 match)
show (3 matches)
class (3 matches)
form (1 match)
use (1 match)
class (3 matches)
comes (1 match)
form (1 match)
kick (1 match)
population (1 match)
re (2 matches)
study (2 matches)
tell (4 matches)
biology (2 matches)
bone (2 matches)
breathing (1 match)
s (4 matches)
cancer (1 match)
cell (9 matches)
class (3 matches)
disease (1 match)
drug (1 match)
form (1 match)
heart (1 match)
laboratory (3 matches)
microscope (2 matches)
nucleus (1 match)
order (1 match)
population (1 match)
a (36 matches)
second (1 match)
sleep (1 match)
business (1 match)
management (1 match)
offer (5 matches)
office (1 match)
salary (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
biology (2 matches)
drug (1 match)
nucleus (1 match)
pro (1 match)
research (1 match)
solution (1 match)
s (4 matches)
listening (1 match)
form (1 match)
half (1 match)
laboratory (3 matches)
nucleus (1 match)
sample (1 match)
cell (9 matches)
cells (1 match)
drug (1 match)
order (1 match)
back (1 match)
ending (6 matches)
front (3 matches)
kick (1 match)
out (2 matches)
show (3 matches)
time (6 matches)
together (1 match)
bone (2 matches)
disease (1 match)
drug (1 match)
heart (1 match)
medicine (2 matches)
nurse (1 match)
syringe (1 match)
tumor (1 match)
academic (1 match)
choice (17 matches)
class (3 matches)
course (1 match)
diploma (1 match)
don (5 matches)
exam (9 matches)
fail (3 matches)
field (1 match)
first (3 matches)
grades (1 match)
learn (2 matches)
library (2 matches)
management (1 match)
professor (1 match)
research (1 match)
school (1 match)
semester (1 match)
teacher (16 matches)
trainee (1 match)
vacation (1 match)
population (1 match)
refuse (2 matches)
direction (1 match)
experience (1 match)
form (1 match)
time (6 matches)
exam (9 matches)
sterilization (1 match)
sterilize (1 match)
stop (1 match)
syringe (1 match)
s (4 matches)
ground (2 matches)
s (4 matches)
right (1 match)
s (4 matches)
s (4 matches)
state (1 match)
t (10 matches)
wash (2 matches)
Target Structure:
ins-and-outs (1 match)
intern (1 match)
internship (4 matches)
learn the ropes (1 match)
office politics (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
overwhelmed (3 matches)
retirement (1 match)
though (1 match)
time management (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
wage (1 match)
worthwhile (1 match)
asset (1 match)
After your refusal in medicine, you decided to study in the field of research in biology. At first, you were afraid that you might not like your program since it was not your first choice. Now, you've been studying biology for over a year and you love it! You would never have guessed that you would be passionate about gems and viruses. Since you love the subject, it's not difficult for you to get straight A's. However, you are very nervous because tomorrow you have the most important exam of the session. You are scared that you might fail!
Choice 1 : Go to the library to study earlier on the morning of the exam.
Choice 2 : Sleep a little more
It was not easy to wake up, but you feel you made the right decision. You have been studying for an hour, when you see your favorite teacher.
Choice 1 : Go say hello to your teacher
Choice 2 : Ignore him
You alarm didn't go off. You are really late. Now, you are regretting that you didn't go to the library. After a long bus ride, you are finally in front of you exam. Although you have revised, you can not recognize the cells in front of you. If you fail this exam, you may be kicked out of the program. As time goes by, you notice that if you squint your eyes, you are able to see your neighbor's answers.
Choice 1 : Cheat
Choice 2 : Continue the exam without cheating
While you are trying to see your neighbor's exam, you get caught by you teacher. Despite your crying and your apologies, he reports you to the direction. You are kick out of the program.
Choice 1 : If you want a different ending
Although you passed the first part of the exam, you did not have time to finish the second part. You fail the exam. You are not expelled from the program, but you have to repeat the course the next semester.
Choice 1 : If you want a different ending
A few hours later, you are in front of your exam. You don't know why but you are panicking. Your heart is beating extremely fast, and you have difficulty breathing. Your teacher comes with you to the infirmary. He stays with you while the nurse auscultates you. Finally, she claims that you had an asthma attack. She gives you medicine and then send you to class. On the way back to class, your teacher congratulates you on your latest grades, and he offers you an internship. He says that you would be a perfect trainee. You don't know if you should accept the offer. You really want to work in a lab, but you are scared to have trouble with your time management.
Choice 1 : You refuse the offer because you are afraid of being overwhelmed.
Choice 2 : You accept the offer
Your teacher is happy to see you. You talk a little and then, he offers you an internship. He thinks that you would be an asset to his teams of researchers. You don't know what to do. Do you have enough time to become an intern knowing that you are already very overwhelmed?Do you accept the offer knowing that you can learn a lot about the ins-and-outs of the job? Also, you will learn the ropes of the job!
Choice 1 : You accept the offer
Choice 2 : You refuse the offer because you are afraid of being overwhelmed.
Even though you don't have a wage, you are happy with your decision. Today, during your internship, you are asked to analyze a tumor on a bone with some colleagues. When you analyze the sample under a microscope, you see a cell without a nucleus that you have never seen in your books. You are curious and you want to impress your teacher.
Choice 1 : Show what you found to your teacher
Choice 2 : Stay longer in order to better analyze the strange cell.
You finished school two years later with excellent academic results. Since you had no experience, you had difficulty finding a job. You will end up becoming a fairly mundane little scientist. However, you will not discover something new. You won't have an exciting life as a scientist.
Choice 1 : If you want a different ending
You go to your teacher and you show him your discovery. At first, he is confused because he too cannot identify the cell. He asks his other colleagues to come and see. They too cannot do it. A few days later, when you are in class, your teacher tells you that you have discovered a new cell that could help a lot in discovering a cancer drug. As rewards, the professor promises you that once your studies are finished you will be hired in one of the most prestigious laboratories. Thus, you will have a very good salary from the start of your career! You have never been so happy.
Choice 1 : If you want a different ending
You are working overtime to have more time to analyze your find because you are convinced that this cell is worthwhile. With a syringe, you try to extract the cell from this bone. Bad luck, you drop your instrument on the ground. It smashes into the ground releasing and contaminating the floor of your cell. You are afraid that if you tell your teacher, he will dismiss you from the internship. Indeed, according to the office politics, you are not allowed to use the laboratory without the supervision of a teacher.
Choice 1 : Say nothing and leave
Choice 2 : Wash the counter and the floor
Once you left, other scientists entered the laboratory unaware that it is contaminated. They have manipulated a very dangerous virus. Unfortunately, they used the same table and microscope as you. Your cell and the virus have mixed together creating a new form of virus. This new virus has infected scientists who have infected their families. A few weeks later, Canada declared a state of emergency. A new disease is turning half the population into zombies! No one is able to stop it. You are listening to the news and you have no idea that you are the cause of this apocalypse. A few days later, you get bitten and you too become a zombie.
Choice 1 : If you want a different ending
You try your best to wash everything. However, you know that it is highly possible that there are still traces of your cell because you do not have the necessary equipment to sterilize everything.
Choice 1 : Tell your teacher what happened
Choice 2 : Say nothing and leave
You're looking for your teacher, but since it's late, he's already gone. You don't know what to do.
Choice 1 : Leave since you can't find your teacher
Choice 2 : Tell the concierge what happened
The janitor reassures you by saying that he will call Clean-Pro, a small cleaning business specializing in sterilization. You are reassured, but at the same time disappointed, because you did not have the chance to show your discovery to your teacher. You tell yourself that at least he won't know about your blunder. A few years later, you will have your diploma and you will be employed in the same laboratory. You will be a great scientist until your retirement.
Choice 1 : if you want a different ending