A new canvas

A hypertext narrative by

Gregory Osorio

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 862

Choice count: 21

Section count: 14

Image count: 14

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Topic: Graphic-Design

photoshop (2 matches)

Topic: International-Studies

class (1 match)

industry (1 match)

Topic: Medical-Electrophysiology

heart (2 matches)

Topic: Nursing

alcohol (1 match)

effects (2 matches)

heart (2 matches)

Topic: Law

act (3 matches)

assignment (1 match)

house (4 matches)

master (1 match)

month (1 match)

offer (5 matches)

Topic: Pharmacology

effects (2 matches)

Topic: Paramedics

diploma (2 matches)

heart (2 matches)

jeff (1 match)

program (2 matches)

skills (2 matches)

Topic: Psychology

alcohol (1 match)

class (1 match)

dream (1 match)

fast (1 match)

game (2 matches)

Topic: Literary Studies

time (1 match)

Topic: Sociology

act (3 matches)

class (1 match)

game (2 matches)

industry (1 match)

school (4 matches)

tests (3 matches)

Topic: Social Work

alcohol (1 match)

program (2 matches)

Topic: Research Methods

floor (1 match)

friend (3 matches)

Topic: Forestry

industry (1 match)

Topic: Theatre

house (4 matches)

run (3 matches)

Topic: Nuclear Medicine

back (8 matches)

fast (1 match)

heart (2 matches)

straight (1 match)

Topic: Wildlife management

game (2 matches)

Topic: Anthropology

class (1 match)

Topic: Applied Linguistics

act (3 matches)

game (2 matches)

use (2 matches)

Topic: Archaeology

adobe (1 match)

class (1 match)

college (1 match)

her (12 matches)

industry (1 match)

keep (1 match)

re (1 match)

thing (1 match)

Topic: Astronomy

day (2 matches)

earth (1 match)

Topic: Biology

alcohol (1 match)

s (7 matches)

class (1 match)

heart (2 matches)

a (19 matches)

Topic: Business

offer (5 matches)

team (2 matches)

Topic: Chemistry

alcohol (1 match)

normal (1 match)

number (1 match)

Topic: Construction and Civil Engineering

bridge (1 match)

earth (1 match)

fall (1 match)

industry (1 match)

renovation (1 match)

Topic: Dance

back (8 matches)

bridge (1 match)

bump (1 match)

count (1 match)

ending (2 matches)

face (2 matches)

number (1 match)

out (2 matches)

run (3 matches)

running (1 match)

time (1 match)

Topic: Diagnostic-Imaging

heart (2 matches)

programming (3 matches)

Topic: Education

assignment (1 match)

choice (18 matches)

class (1 match)

college (1 match)

course (1 match)

diploma (2 matches)

don (7 matches)

fail (1 match)

first (2 matches)

head (1 match)

high school (1 match)

learn (1 match)

learned (1 match)

multimedia (1 match)

school (4 matches)

semester (1 match)

skills (2 matches)

student (2 matches)

Topic: Environmental Protection Health and Safe

refuse (3 matches)

Topic: Film

effects (2 matches)

take (3 matches)

time (1 match)

video (1 match)

Topic: Dental-Hygiene

bridge (1 match)

proper (1 match)

Topic: Fine Arts

f (1 match)

s (7 matches)

f (1 match)

f (1 match)

f (1 match)

s (7 matches)

run (3 matches)

s (7 matches)

s (7 matches)

t (8 matches)

Topic: Web development

bridge (1 match)

class (1 match)

count (1 match)

get (4 matches)

pass (1 match)

track (1 match)

Topic: Tourism

alcohol (1 match)

bridge (1 match)

bump (1 match)

bus (3 matches)

course (1 match)

first class (1 match)

master (1 match)

Topic: Communications

s (7 matches)

s (7 matches)

Target Structure:

internship (1 match)


A new canvas

Your new life at school.

It’s August and you’re excited for your first semester at Maisonneuve. You are in the multimedia program and in your head you are going to make a lot of friends that, like you, that are into designing and programming. You are already thinking about a normal student do and your thinking about an internship, but now you are late for your first class because you are daydreaming.

Choice 1 : You run like your life depends on it.

Choice 2 : You take the bus.


You run like your life depends on it.

You use all the skills you learned from the track team back in high school so you are fast, but because of that you don’t really see where you are going and you bump into a girl, a pretty one. The books on her hands fall on the floor.

Choice 1 : Be awkward.

Choice 2 : Act like a chad and steal her heart.

Choice 3 : Just be yourself and talk to her normally.

Running like your life depends on it

You take the bus.

From where you live, the bus have to take the Jacques Cartier bridge and you are scared because that thing hasn’t had a proper renovation for 20 years and today is Friday the 13th and the bridge crumble and there is no Superman in real life so you die.

Choice 1 : Go back

You take the bus

Be awkward.

You really are awkward. You keep stuttering and saying weird words. She looks at you with a weird face and keeps going her way. You are now the laughingstock of the school.

Choice 1 : Go back

Being awkward

Act like a chad and steal her heart.

You act like a chad and you get married to this girl. You have a kid, and he keeps playing that Fortnite game. You become depressed and become alcoholic.

Choice 1 : Go back

Be a chad

Just be yourself and talk to her normally.

You just talk to her normally and you feel like you can become good friends with her. When talking to her you learn that she is in your program and you talk about programming and the life of a college student. After a month, she becomes your best friend, and she invites you to go to a little party with some friends but you have a lot of tests that count for a lot the next day.

Choice 1 : Accept her offer and go to the party.

Choice 2 : You refuse her offer.

Talk normally

Accept her offer and go to the party.

You get wasted and pass out because of too much alcohol. The next day you, of course, fail all of your tests. F’s everywhere and your dream of working in the video game industry is gone.

Choice 1 : Go back


You refuse her offer.

When you refuse her offer she looks at you with an angry face and you lost your only friend, but at least you have straight A’s in your tests. Now the bad news is that you have no friends and you have to sit with the weird kid that everybody talks about, but nobody talks to.

Choice 1 : Talk to him.

Choice 2 : Don’t talk to him because he’s weird.

Weird kid

Talk to him.

You talk to him and you discover that he has a passion for creation and that he knows how to use Photoshop, After Effects and all of the Adobe Suite. He becomes a good friend and now every time you have a team assignment you make it with him and you make a good duo. Now that you are good friends he asks if you want to go to his house.

Choice 1 : Don't go.

Choice 2 : Go to his house.

Talk to him

Don’t talk to him because he’s weird.

You don’t talk to him and you finish your year normally. You get your diploma and you work as a programmer.

Choice 1 : Go back

Don't talk

Don't go.

You don’t go. He was a little disappointed, but you finish you year with him and you get your diploma.

Choice 1 : Your new life at school.


Go to his house.

You go to his house. He invites you to go to the basement it’s really dark and it smells really bad. You are scared for your life. You think of running.

Choice 1 : You run

Choice 2 : You go


The bad ending.

You got scared, really scared that you shut yourself in your chamber and you swear that you will never go out ever.

Choice 1 : Go back

Bad ending

The good ending.

You go anyway and you find two computers. He tells you that he has an idea. You know that you have good programming skills and you know that he’s a master at Photoshop and After Effects so you decide to work on it. You start working on it and after working for years on it your application becomes the number one application and you and your friends become the wealthiest people on earth. Jeff Bezos is a peasant compared to you.

Choice 1 : Congratulation you are rich now you can go back to the beginning

Good ending