My way through fashion

A hypertext narrative by

Simon Allard

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 931

Choice count: 27

Section count: 16

Image count: 16

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 15 matches (Area, Map, Marketing, PROFiT, Program, Resources, US, administration, brand, international, marketing, option, program, stop, through)

Education : 11 matches (choice, classes, don, failing, first, learned, options, project, research, training, university)

Business : 10 matches (administration, brand, business, company, gain, marketing, money, organization, paid, profit)

Target Structure:

though (1 match)


My way through fashion

Which path?

Now that my technique in fashion marketing is over, I can either go to university or find myself a new job!

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Find a job

fashion boutique

Go to university.

Many options are available right now, which program should I chose?

Choice 1 : Study in administration

Choice 2 : Study in international marketing


Administration studies.

After a year of my administration program, I realized that I struggle a lot with mathematics. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Drop out

Choice 2 : Keep going and persevere


I dropped out.

The program was too hard for me, I was not able to keep up with the mathematics classes so, I dropped out.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start

drop out

Hard work for success.

I really tried my best but I keep failing my mathematics classes, this program is really not for me.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start

bad grades

International marketing.

I completed the program, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! What should I do next? I hesitate between working for a big company or starting my own fashion brand.

Choice 1 : Work for a big company

Choice 2 : Start my own brand


Working for a big company.

I am now working for SSENSE, a big international fashion company. I learned a lot from my on the job training but I would still love to start my own brand as a side job.

Choice 1 : Focus on my main job

Choice 2 : Start my own brand


Focusing on my main job.

My hard work paid off, I managed to get an augmentation and I really love my job! There is nothing I would change it for.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start

hard work

Start my own brand.

Starting my own fashion brand is something I always wanted to do! But I know that it can be expensive, should I get in business on my own or ask if a friend of mine would like to join me?

Choice 1 : Starting the brand on my own

Choice 2 : Start the brand with a friend

new company

Starting the brand on my own.

It's really not as easy as it might look. You need to have a lot of organization in order to be successful. I am currently wondering if I should stop it here before I loose too much money or if I should ask a friend to work with me on the brand.

Choice 1 : Stop the brand

Choice 2 : Keep going with a friend

hard decisions

Stop the brand.

It's quite heartbreaking to stop the brand. I always wanted to have my own brand but I don't think that I have the capacities to do it right now. Maybe I'll be able to restart it later when I have more experience!

Choice 1 : Go back to the start


Working on the brand with a friend.

Going back a couple years ago, I remember that a friend of mine was also really interested with the idea of starting a fashion brand. We have been friends for more than 15 years at this point, so he was really happy when I contacted him and explained the project. He joined me without any hesitation, and we started to work on the brand in our free time. The only thing that we were not sure about is if we should keep it local or if we should aim big and go for an international company?

Choice 1 : Keep it local

Choice 2 : Aim big and go international

business partners

Local brand.

Even though the Montreal area is big, it's hard for us to gain visibility with all the companies that are already established. Should we go international or keep focusing on the local aspect?

Choice 1 : Focus on the local aspect

Choice 2 : Change and go international

local brand

Local brand.

We decided to keep the brand local but, we couldn't get the visibility that we needed so, we are not making any profit. We had to choose between stopping the brand or play our last card and go international.

Choice 1 : Stop the brand

Choice 2 : Aim big and go international

local shopping

The brand is now international.

We decided to go big and invest every resources we had left. It was a really risky move but we made it! With a lot of research and new contacts, we managed to put our brand on the map, and we are now selling clothing pieces everywhere in the world through our website. This is truly a dream came true, me and my friend couldn't be happier with what we managed to create from nothing! We only need to keep working on it in order to gain even more visibility, who knows what this brand can become in the future!

Choice 1 : Go back to the start

international business

I have a new job!

After completing my technique in fashion marketing, I was able to find a job in a local fashion brand based in Montreal. Perhaps, after a couple months I realized that I was not really making enough money to live like I wanted to. I decided to quit my job with two different options in mind. My first option is to continue my studies at a university in order to get a higher paying job later or to start my own fashion brand like I always wanted to.

Choice 1 : Go to university

Choice 2 : Start my own brand

local job